
Posted: May 05, 2017


Visted in 2005, 2006, 2007.

Click on photo to enlarge.
Ivan and Greig with Iglesia MCyM

Fellowship Groups

Ivan and Greig with Iglesia MCyM

Our host, Pastor Yolanda

Fellowship Groups

Our host, Pastor Yolanda

The maté bar at the back of the church building

Fellowship Groups

The maté bar at the back of the church building

Pastor Raul Vargas of the Church of God

Fellowship Groups

Pastor Raul Vargas of the Church of God

Pastor Hortensia and friends

Fellowship Groups

Pastor Hortensia and friends

Fellowship Groups

Pastor Yolanda de Aguirel and daughter Araceli

Fellowship Groups

Pastor Yolanda de Aguirel and daughter Araceli

Woman on the left was healed of enormous pain throughout her entire body, delivered and baptized before in a span of about 24 hours.

Message Ministry

Woman on the left was healed of enormous pain throughout her entire body, delivered and baptized before in a span of about 24 hours.

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