Newsletter: May 2021 Newsletter Part 1

Posted: May 07, 2021

Author: Robert Johnson | Created: May 07, 2021 at 09:04 PM

May 1, 2021 - Part One


Hello from your long-lost friend!

It seemed only right to give everyone an update of some events that have recently taken place.

Last year was hard, that’s for sure, on so many – but it’s time for some excitement!

This year started with a surge forward. A woman who had cervical cancer and had been to one of the cancer centers in Arizona had come home basically to say goodbye.  She had multiple times of needing fluid drained from her abdomen and lungs, one time having 5 liters drained from her abdomen alone. She couldn’t walk, couldn’t sit up and had to use a wheelchair to get around. When my wife, Louise, and I went to see her she looked pregnant, and her legs were so swollen they were touching. She is very thin, so this was not normal. Shortly after coming into her room, I asked if I could pray for her. She said, “Yes. I was hoping you’d ask.” As I started to pray, I couldn’t speak. In a moment, my mouth was loosed, and I spoke in the Spirit for about 30 seconds. The atmosphere in the room was incredible. There was a thickness to it, a weightiness. Then my mouth was freed. This is what was spoken. “Death, I speak death to you. You will be replaced with the light of Jesus Christ.” We both left and returned home. My wife returned on Monday, approximately 2 days later. This woman was sitting up and had her legs hanging over the bed. She said to Louise, “How are you?” Shocking, in a way. Her stomach swelling was gone, her legs were not swollen, and the fluid in her abdomen stopped and in fact she has since had the drainage tubes removed, as there has been no fluid to drain! At this point it is 2-1/2 months later and none of the symptoms have returned! She is eating, walking and drove her car for the first time in months! One sweet part to this story is she asked Louise if there was another man in the room when we prayed for her. We all know who That was!! Thank you, Jesus!

Next, I was speaking at a small gathering east of where I live. I spoke about a question mark and an exclamation mark and how we question our Lord instead of being firm with a shout and exclamation mark! Afterwards, a man came up to me. He had prostate cancer and he was going in the next day to see where the cancer level was at. Before we parted, he said, “After what you just spoke about, I am going to the doctor tomorrow with an exclamation mark! Jesus has healed me.” One week later, I was back speaking again at the same place. After speaking, the man came up and said his test came back with zero cancer! He smiled and said, “EXCLAMATION MARK!”

Another man I know was given a prostate cancer diagnosis. The Lord gave me a word picture of what to say and do with him. Louise and I went to our friends’ house and had dinner. After dinner it was time to get down to business. I had my friend stand up and go get a coat. He went and got a coat.  I told him to put it on. He smiled and his wife was there, not knowing what was about to take place next. Then I told him to take the coat off and turn it inside out. He did so. Then I told him to put the coat on again inside out. Then I gave this word to him, “Just as you put the coat on and took it off and turned it inside out and put the coat back on, so it will be with the cancer inside your body. It will be turned inside out and exposed to the light of Jesus Christ.” The word I had heard earlier, when I was praying for him, was “turncoat,” meaning switching sides. He was at a healing meeting a few weeks later and I was sitting nearby. The speaker said if anyone needs healing, please stand up. I watched my friend, and he didn’t move. Then he turned and looked at me and said, “I didn’t need to stand up because I believe I am already healed! That’s faith and we smiled and said YES, YES!

Stay tuned. My next newsletter will have encouragement about provision as well as more healings!

We give thanks for all of you and look forward to sharing more amazing testimonies of Jesus!!

-Robert A. Johnson


PS     We want to remind you if you have not heard from anyone from AMI for a while and you want to know what the ministry is up to, check out the Schedule on AMI’s Communications page:

We will always do our best to keep it and you up to date, and we do not remove the events as they have been completed so there will be a history maintained for people to see.

Robert Johnson recently spoke at The Gathering on Sunday, April 25, 2021. If you missed it, you would find it at AMI’s Communications page, Social Media:

or AMI’s Facebook page:

God Bless you and keep you and yours.



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