2010 Overview

Posted: March 07, 2021


Recently Greig had the joy of working with someone he's known since grade school. Doug Graham and his wife Sharon invited him to visit their kingdom company in the Seattle-Tacoma area, called Continuant.

Their company maintains communications systems for businesses across the US. They have been and are continuing on as an example of the church in the workplace.

After graduating from West Point, Doug became associate pastor of a fellowship. Then the Lord brought him into establishing and pastoring companies for the Kingdom.

Continuant is a rapidly expanding company that is thriving even more during this recessionary period. They have their own on site counselors, and also bring in people to minister to their employees.

We believe kingdom companies like the Grahams’ are on the leading edge of the restoration of the apostolic church.

Greig is consulting with them where he can be of assistance, and at the same time experiencing a real kingdom company in action. He was honored to be invited to an executive leadership meeting in which Doug shared the latest directions that the Lord had given him for their company. He followed this by praying for all of the managers in the company. Whoa! That didn’t happen in any companies where Greig had previously worked.

Christ died to give us freedom. This is why the Lord’s will is to put his followers in positions of leadership in the marketplace, education, media, and politics and in all areas of society.

Our Dallas partner Joe and Greig are still working on their second small book titled ‘Kingdom Business Transformation: Practicing Strategic Intercession in Your Business’. This book helps the church, wherever it is operating, to walk in the power of God by setting up a listening network to keep from missing the Lords direction. Then we can petition, proclaim and walk out those directions.

Greig was also was able to spend some time with listening intercessors in the Dallas, TX and Eugene, OR area. It’s always inspiring to see how the Lord moves when hungry and thirsty people come seeking God for their sustenance.

Greig made another trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina. His sister Diane’s son Opie spent 10 days with him. They did some communing together with the Lord while each of them gained insight on another generation’s way of thinking.

Spending time with him was another confirmation that the church must return to the biblical basics. We need to reach the world using everyone in the body in their unique God given callings, assigned tasks, and gifts. Either that or the church will lose out especially on the huge benefit of the energy and passion of the upcoming generation who are not going to be satisfied with spectator Christianity.

The old clock tower in Buenos Aires that Greig's nephew is standing next to reminds us that we’ve each been given a slice of time to do our part while sowing the seeds for the next generation.

The Lord is restoring his house, “the church”, to be a house of prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7). In order to do this, we must know exactly which path to take, and what we are supposed to petition and proclaim. This is the only way we will do everything by the Spirit of the Lord, and not by our own force or strength (Zechariah 4:6). The Lord wants to build a giant protective prayer net that will tie his children together as one by His Spirit.

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV

Greig has been to the Dallas, Tacoma, and Buenos Aires area several times each this year.

In Dallas, he worked with Joe Galindo to help bring the church into the marketplace. They are finishing up their second book ‘Strategic Intercession in Your Business’. It should be bound and ready for distribution by the end of the year.

In Denton, TX, they were able to meet with Chuck Pierce, a leader in the prophetic ministry movement. They also met some other big movers in the Kingdom internationally. They continue to work with local groups to bring the intercessory ministry into a full 2 way conversation with our Father.

In Argentina, we now have a new accountant sent by God to take over the job of maintaining the government aspects of our Buenos Aires base while we’re not there.

Greig spent several days there with Ivan, our primary ministry contact in Latin America. While together, Ivan and Greig were led to other groups in Buenos Aires working to help the church move out of the box.

We prayed much about enhancements that need to be made in this ministry. One of the things that the Lord spoke was for us to get ready to translate our books to Spanish. The very next day, the Lord brought a perfect person to us to accomplish just that.

In the Tacoma, Washington area, Greig continues working with the Kingdom company Continuant to help them strategically engage intercessors at all levels. We’re strategic about most other things in our businesses, but many believers don’t take God seriously when He tells us not to lean on our own understanding. God knows exactly where all of the resources are and what we need to do to get them. He’s ready to save us time and effort and show us if we’ll humble ourselves and work together in seeking after Him and His will. It’s wonderful to watch the Lord build up this model for the church in business to follow.

Each time Greig has been in Tacoma, he has met with the Olympia based prophetic ministry group Live Out Loud (LOL). Greig considers LOL a model for one of the new areas where the Lord wants to involve His church.

They are able to do many things that the typical fellowship cannot. The Lord is calling out many specialized ministry teams to fill big gaps that the church has not been covering.

These groups are also serving to make the body more cohesive as less importance is put on denominational doctrines and more is put on relationship networks.

Earl, our communications leader, put together a nice potluck in Springfield for our core team.

We also had a great 2 day board meeting at the end of August in Portland where the Lord spoke several words of direction to us. It was nice to have our primary Australian contact, Gavin, stop into Portland to sit in on some of the meeting, then accompany Greig to Tacoma, where he traveled back to Sydney.

At our meeting, one overriding directional theme from our Leader was that our purpose is to be obedient and prepared for when He says GO.

We have received several confirmations that international ministry will again be part of our job soon.

Resources aren’t available for that right now but we believe we are supposed to have everything prepared for when the Lord puts us together with those whom He has entrusted with them.

We presently have 22 cities in 11 different countries who have given us open invitations to be the chief ministers at nondenominational leadership conferences in their areas. Most of these have promised to provide all of the facilities necessary to present those conferences.

People around the world are ready to receive the message of freedom in Christ. For anyone who would like to see the details of those 22 cities, you can go to the Pending Activities section of our web page.

Intercessors, please pray that we do what where we’re supposed to do to prepare, and don’t get weary in well doing while waiting for provision. We humbly examine any words of wisdom or knowledge that you send our way.

As we’ve triangulated the words the intercessors have sent or received while praying with us, it’s amazing how clear what God is saying to us has become. The Lord is putting together equally yoked partnerships for those trying to stay on His pioneering path. Pray that we are clear who our partners are supposed to be and vice versa.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

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