Newsletter: 2011

Posted: May 05, 2017

Author: Greig Detering | Created: September 25, 2011 at 09:06 PM

Fall/Winter 2011

Hello Friends,

It’s been a while since I’ve sent out a status report. Over the last 6 months, life has brought more changes as life, especially in Christ, does. The biggest change was suddenly losing my mother to heaven, wonderful for her, but with pain and challenges for friends and family still running the race here on earth. Thank you to all those who have interceded for me and close family and friends during this transition time.

A few months before my mother’s passing, I was miraculously connected by God to a brother who was clinically dead for 45 minutes and came back. His wonderful story of his visit to heaven during that time gave comfort during our dealing with my mom’s departure. His story was produced for the biography channel in November. Even though he wasn’t given the full freedom to talk about all aspects of his brief visit to heaven, like the Jesus part, but his and other’s stories certainly confront many with the reality of life after our earth suits wear out.

Speaking of Intercession, we’ve finally printed the book ‘Strategic Intercession in Your Business’ that my co-author in Dallas and I have written. We are doing a final review on the pre-release edition, but the book will be ready for general distribution by late January. It is available from our web site for a small contribution.

In addition to being my co-author, Joe Galindo is mentor for 25 CEO’s in the Dallas area. He and his wife Kim also host and facilitate many gatherings of strong God Chasers. I’ve had some fulfilling time ministering with them at some of their meetings over the last few months.

We welcomed a new board member, Jim Hoiland, into AMI. Jim was a welcome enhancement to our ministry team to Spain in 2007. He brings many gifts, including joy, into the ministry.

The biggest concentration of my efforts in the US have been in working much with the Kingdom company Continuant in Tacoma Washington. Working with them has been instrumental in giving me practical experience for what I have spoken much about and written in our ‘Strategic Intercession in Your Business’ book. It all boils down to turning the whole body of Christ into a house of prayer, no matter what activities it is involved in or where it is located.

I’ve been back to Argentina a couple of times since the last communication, but we’ll probably not be ministering there again until later next year.

The Lord has been talking to up about preparing to minister in northern Europe for over a year now. We’ve done a lot of ministry in the past there and have had many requests for ministering, including conferences, but we’re on hold until we have a sure order from the Lord to go and the means to get there. A list of conference invitations are listed on our web page.

Intercessors, please pray that we will have the persistence to press on building the foundation of this ministry, and in our individual lives, while waiting on provision. We humbly examine any words of wisdom or knowledge that you send our way. We have book distribution opportunities with other ministries. Ask the Lord to open the doors to the perfect partners.

All financial contributions are tax deductible and will directly support the work the Lord leads me, in cooperation with this team, to do. Contributions can be made by check or via our web site using a credit card. Our Employer Identification Number is 04-3623802.

I am heading back to Washington and Oregon late December and for most of January. Next steps after that have not been made clear. Intercessors will be kept informed on the details.

My deepest thanks once again to those who have shared the burden with me and helped me to continue on during this more tedious building time.

I’ve missed seeing many of you and I ask your forgiveness for not doing a staying in touch for the last few months. In the name of the King, I declare a peaceful, joyful and prosperous Christmas season to you all.

In the Lord of Lords,

Greig Detering

Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away. Then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah. For he must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration of all things, as God promised long ago through his holy prophets. Acts 3:19-21 (NLT)

For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19:10 (NKJV)

Spring/Summer 2011

Dear Friends,

Since my last newsletter, I’ve been ministering in the Phoenix, Dallas, Buenos Aires, Olympia and Tacoma areas again. Ed Araiza accompanied me on a
one month trip to Argentina in
April. He painted the apartment while I concentrated on finishing final details to put apartment government responsibilities (paying Caesar) on auto pilot, connecting with ministry partners and completing our Strategic Intercession book which should be published (finally) in the next few months. We snapped a photo of the Argentina Casa Rosada (Pink House), their White House, with their blue and white flag flying on a blue and white day. Prophetic colors for these days as we focus more on the heavens.

I had some Spirit led meetings with 2 other groups in Olympia, WA but the highlight was seeing what is happening at the Kingdom Company Continuant outside Tacoma. The intercessor network is really taking off. People are hearing from God like they never thought possible. As the Holy Spirit is speaking to them as a group, they are getting a clear picture of what to do. The Lord has really responded to their willingness to step outside the box, humble themselves to one another and work as a team. This shining light for the church and the world is only getting brighter. I was able to attend their annual employee meeting while I was there. I was impressed by, head pastor of the company (CEO), Doug Graham’s testimony of how the Lord brought his company back from the brink several times as he relied on God and committed it all for the advancement His Kingdom.

A side benefit I never expected to be so profound is the fellowship that is occurring amongst the Continuant intercessors. Several have commented, “Fellowship with the believers that we are associating with in this company through this prayer network has exceeded the fellowship and edification that we get in any other groups we have associated with.”#8221; I believe the bond that develops through praying together is the primary reason for this. They are building a bond of friendship by allowing the Spirit of God to connect them. While I was there, several from the intercessor teams even took a weekend on their own time to go away and pray together. The timing was perfect for me to be able to spend a day praying with them at this off-site meeting before I had to head back to Arizona.

I’m continuing to work with a fellowship in Phoenix, AZ helping them to form a network of intercessors so that they will be first and foremost a house of prayer. The number of people that are stepping forward to be warriors in the spirit realm is a sign of the times that we are in, the final stage of making a way for the Lord. We, the worldwide body of Christ, are getting the revelation that prayer is the main key for walking by His strength and not our own.

We’re still on hold in preparation mode waiting for a release of finances and the Lord to give us the ‘Go’ order to minister to our brothers and sisters at conferences where we are invited to minister in Europe and South America. Intercessors, please pray that we will have the persistence to press on building the foundation of this ministry, and in our individual lives, while waiting on provision. We humbly examine any words of wisdom or knowledge that you send our way.

Earl, AMI’s communications director, sent out an interesting notice. This year is the year of 11-11-11. ’11′ is of course the number Jesus used to represent the final hour before the bride groom returns. This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens once every 823 years. It is an event called money bags. So, regardless of what we see in the economy, let’s proclaim that this is the year of great provision, when the wealth of the world comes into the house of the just (Proverbs 15:16), aiding us in taking the kingdoms of this world for the kingdom of God with force!

I am heading back to Washington and Oregon late June and July to work with several groups. I will then be ministering in Dallas and Buenos Aires until the end of August. Intercessors will be kept informed on the details.

My Deepest thanks to those who have shared the burden with me and helped me to continue on during this relative waiting time.

All financial contributions are tax deductible and will directly support the work the Lord leads me, in cooperation with this team, to do. Contributions can be made by check or via our web site using a credit card. Our Employer Identification Number is 04-3623802.

In the Lord of Lords,
Greig Detering

God will lavish you with good things: children from your womb, offspring from your animals, and crops from your land, the land that God promised your ancestors that he would give you. God will throw open the doors of his sky vaults and pour rain on your land on schedule and bless the work you take in hand. You will lend to many nations but you yourself won’t have to take out a loan. God will make you the head, not the tail; you’ll always be the top dog, never the bottom dog, as you obediently listen to and diligently keep the commands of God, your God, that I am commanding you today. Don’t swerve an inch to the right or left from the words that I command you today by going off following and worshiping other gods. Deuteronomy 28:11-14 (Message)

Winter 2011

Dear Friends,

I hope you all had a pleasant end of 2010 and beginning of 2011. Since my last newsletter, I’ve been to the Dallas, Olympia, Tacoma, Springfield and Buenos Aires areas again. I had to extend my last trip to Argentina to finish tying up everything that we needed to do to finish up with the Argentina apartment title registration. Working with the Argentine government was like spending 2 weeks in the Department of Motor Vehicles, without the rights of a citizen and only being able to converse in Spanish.

In the Tacoma, Washington area, I continue working with the Kingdom company Continuant to help them strategically engage intercessors at all levels. We had a great off site meeting with company core intercessors and, so far, teams have been established in 2 divisions.
Team members collaborate with each other on people or issues for which they believe that the Lord is directing them to intercede. Then, leaders collaborate with other teams to refine what the Holy Spirit is leading them to pray over. Intercessors outside the company, like me, also collaborate with the volunteers employed by the company. All of this is accomplished through a well organized yet on an all voluntary, non official basis. I believe this company is creating a model for much of the church at large.

We continue to collaborate with the Olympia based ministry group Live Out Loud. They have an impressive strategic model of prophecy and intercession that is bringing seekers from all over the area.
Also, I had my first meeting with the leaders of Encounter International, another prophetic group in the Seattle area which is sure to be another bright point of light for the Kingdom.


We appreciate the interested intercessors in the Eugene/ Springfield area who gathered to pray over the AMI functional core team in January. Our communications coordinator, Earl Dickson, is helping to improve our communications with AMI support teams.


In February, a humble and visionary senior pastor of the rapidly growing New Hope Community church in the Phoenix, AZ area purchased 25 of our ‘Structuring Leadership’ books to give to all of their leaders. After a pastor friend of mine gave him a copy, he read it and was convinced that it described a model for the fully activated church that he envisions. He invited me to minister there on Super Bowl Sunday. Ed Araiza, a companion on several of our ministry trips outside the country, assisted me in the service. As the result of many people praying and expecting, it was a very powerful time. After my message, which focused on everyone being obedient to step out and be the full time minister that Jesus has called us to be, I began delivering words for individuals at the service.
I spent another 2 hours praying over more than 150 people who insisted on staying, even with Super Bowl parties waiting. The Lord responded to their Kingdom priority. One guy was so overcome by the manifest presence of God that they had to pick him up off the floor twice so that he could finish receiving the Lord’s message to him. The senior pastor, JT, called to tell me how perfect several words were that the Lord gave me to speak and the great impact our visit had on their fellowship. He told me that their senior leadership wanted me to return whenever the Lord directs us to do so. That is the favor of the Lord! They are a lovely hungry group of brothers and sisters. Thank you intercessors! Our great God responded to your requests and proclamations.

We continue to receive calls and mail from church leaders in Europe and South America inquiring as to when we can come and minister at their fellowships and conferences.The Lord has directed us to prepare for 2 European trips that are presently waiting resources. Intercessors, please pray that we continue to do what we’re supposed to do to prepare while waiting for provision. We humbly examine any words of wisdom or knowledge that you send our way. I am heading back to Washington for the next 3 weeks to work with several groups. Then I go to Dallas and Argentina to do some ministering, writing and other tasks until the end of April. Intercessors will be kept informed on the details.

Thanks to all of you who are, in one way or another, working as part of this body to expand the Kingdom of our Lord and Christ. Those who have helped financially are more appreciated than ever right now. All financial contributions are tax deductible and will directly support the work the Lord leads me, in cooperation with this team, to do. Our Employer Identification Number is 04-3623802.

2011 is going to be a great year of Kingdom expansion. 100 fold multiplication on all that the Lord directs you to do!

In the Lord of Lords,
Greig Detering

Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they are established. Proverbs 15:22 (NKJV)

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