Newsletter: 2017

Posted: August 25, 2017

Author: Greig Detering | Created: August 25, 2017 at 12:48 PM

Dear Friends,

I have been released from running my, now in heaven, parent's farm operation in Oregon. Hallelujah! That farm has been sold into other hands now, allowing my sister and I to move on with our pre-farm owner lives.

This is a year of transition and preparation for all involved in this group of people that the Lord has gathered together. One of the words the Lord spoke to me this year was 'Preparation is the Prerequisite for Spontaneity'. Although the Lord has been preparing a much stronger and wider foundation for this ministry over the last few years, details are now being put in order so that whatever specific activities the Lord leads us into, we will be free to move freely and rapidly.

Dan VanOrdstand, our gifted and anointed communications platforms developer, has created a new, much more flexible and dynamic web site. He has also connected us in with a great e-mail communications platform which is allow us to more instantly and effectively communicate with all those connected in with this ministry. There is nothing more important than our communication with the Lord first and also each other. Without great communication, fellowship and unity is lost, thereby destroying our effectiveness.

The Lord gave me a dream when I first starting praying for what we should focuss on as we prepare to launch again into much greater works. In the dream. I was managing an outdoor business in an area that had much rain, sleet, hail, snow and cold. The employees were coming to me and telling me that they needed heavy suits that encased them like a bubble, almost like a rounded space suit. When I awoke, the revelation was that we needed to concetrate first and foremost on  gathering and activating intercessors. Like that was the most important thing we should be doing now, before thinking about doing anything else.

Hence, our main focuss now is gathering intercessors together who will act as the air force, providing cover for the footsoldiers and those involved in the management of this ministry. If the Lord is giving you direction to be warriors in the heavenlies on behalf of this ministry, we would like to know that and would be honored. Let us know and we will get you more connected with others on the team.

We will of course be needing prayer and financial support. I appreciate all who have contributed to any of those over the years and would be honored to have any future involvement.

There are no immediate plans for activities, other than intensively seeking the Lord's direction and continually preparing the platform so we are totally free to be spontanious, as led by the Spirit of God.

Please keep checking the web site for any blog communication updates, especially if you are interceding for us. Thanks for your fellowship with us. Peace and Prosperity to you all. With His Love, Greig

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