
Posted: December 14, 2019


We are a group of people who have the general leading to purify and grow the church overall, thereby bringing it to a greater Christ Likeness, which as a side effect brings those outside the church in.

We believe this purification within the body of Christ is attained primarily by helping every member of the body to step fully into their God appointed callings, and to activate their God given gifts.

We believe much of this is accomplished by encouraging and enabling new structures and networks while respecting, honoring and ministering to those who have been placed to operate in existing structures.

We are not called to destroy; we are called to allow and enable the Lord to build the next phase of what He wants to transform in the body of Christ.

“I have called you to unify My body”. Greig heard this almost audible mandate in the year 2000 on his first week out of the US on a mission orchestrated by the Spirit of God. It is his primary mandate.

Starting in 2003, the Lord began to show Greig changes that need to occur in His body in order to create a church in unity. He revealed that new structures need to be established which will catch many that are not being caught by the existing church structure and serve to mix individuals from local churches and denominations.

The Lord revealed to Greig that on a practical level, believers need to see small groups of close friends as their core local church.

This structure on average, provides much more accountability and care for each believer.

These small groups form networks between each other which ultimately are associated with the church in their associated cities, towns or regions.

This is the model we see recorded in the New Testament. One church in Christ divided only by separate locations, missions, and specialties. Not by contentiously irreconcilable divisions created by focusing on variance in details of doctrine, opinions and traditions.

The Lord desires that all believers work together more as one, while recognizing the multitude of unique ministries, activities, and gifts operating in all individual believers.

The Lord has taught Greig much about the callings in the Bible, and how important it is for people not only to understand what those callings encompass, but generally where they fit in them.

Activating and organizing the prophetic ministry in all areas, from the marketplace, to social groups, is the area where Greig has been highly focused. He believes the prayer and prophecy section of the body is not fully functioning. And it is the part of the church most preventing us from being led by pinpoint revelation.

Greig believes that the thing that will bring multitudes to Christ is a church that looks just like its Leader. A church in unity, led accurately and empowered by the Holy Spirit, will look like Christ. The prophetic ministry is the ministry called most specifically to make sure that we are built correctly.

It has become Greig's core mission to help church groups understand what the Lord wants us to move toward, in order to grow a more powerful, interconnected, harmonious body filled with Spirit powered, joyful believers, who are all being used uniquely by the Holy Spirit.

Greig has been called to live this message first, followed up by preaching it.

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