Grace Grace Testimony


Posted: November 29, 2024 at 02:25 PM

Author: Greig Detering

On my last trip to Oregon in July 2024, the Lord started giving me some signs. I was staying at my friend Rod’s house. He has allowed me to stay there many times over the years. They have a lanky, very white yellow lab named Gracie. Gracie loves to play and loves people, especially people like me that will play with her. For Independence day, I went across the way to the next country road over from their house where there was a reunion of people from my Dad’s side of the family. My cousin Russel, who I hadn’t seen in 7 years, came down from Washington with his wife. I was telling them that the dog they had with them looked and acted almost exactly like my friend’s dog, lanky and white and quite active. Then they called their dog. It’s name was also Gracie. I am always thinking of statistics since God has used very unlikely ‘coincidences’ to get my attention before. I took note but kind of forgot about it.


Two weeks later, I was invited to spend some time with a very apostolic/prophetic leader named Dennis Riscili. He told me that the Lord spoke to him that we are coming into a time of great grace. Not only grace, but great grace. At that time, I never made the connection between the 2 dogs and his word.


Two weeks later, just arriving back in Phoenix, I wake up on my birthday with a vision of these 2 dogs in my mind and the words of Dennis telling me that this is a time of great grace. I don’t know whether I was just not paying close enough attention, or whether it was God’s plan to wait for my birthday to reveal this to make an even bigger impact. Wow! I was quite honored that the Lord was giving me these signs. So, I assumed, this must be important.


And if that wasn’t statistically great enough, check this out.

Two weeks later, I went over to visit my longtime friend Merrilee and her husband Chuck who recently purchased a wonderful house in the far north, much higher and cooler elevation, Phoenix area. I get to their house about once every 3 months. Keep in mind, they haven’t heard about any of these great grace signs from God. I was hanging out in their living room when she received a call from someone she connected with while hiking in the Chiricahua mountains in southern Arizona years ago. While she was there, she and this woman began talking about art. Merrilee told the woman that she has a favorite painting, but didn’t know anything about the artist. Amazingly, this woman who she ‘coincidently’ met on that rare trip to the Chiricahua mountains, was the daughter of the artist who painted that painting. After the phone call, she told this Chiricahua mountain story to her husband Chuck and me. She then commented that this woman’s mother’s name was Grace Grace, which is the signature on her favorite painting hanging in her bedroom (that I knew nothing about). What!! I was in awe, really in shock at what God just shouted at me, when I heard her say the artist's name.

So as soon as she finished with her story about figuring out who was the author of the painting in her bedroom, I told her of what an amazing confirmation that everything she just said was to me. Wow! Wow!! What are the odds of that happening and then of that same woman calling while I was at their house. Because she loved Grace Grace’s work so much, she had bought 3 more of her paintings. And because her name was so special to me, they gave me my favorite of those 3 paintings. It has Grace Grace, the artist's name, signed in the corner. The painting and the signiture in the right bottom corner are shown below. It is now framed hanging in my bedroom.


This series of events blew me away more than anything has in years. It was a very surreal experience. Wow! Just doing a rough statistical calculation in my mind of what the odds are of all of these events sequentially happening, is at least 1 in 10 to the 9th power. That is a 1 in a billion probability. The Lord is closer than our next breath!


Two weeks later, my prophetic intercessor friend Debi ‘accidentaly’ stumbled on an article all about how we are now in the Hebrew year of Grace x Grace. It is the year 5785. 5+7+8+5=25=5x5. 5 is the number for Grace. The year even starts and ends with 5, Grace. Grace times Grace, Grace upon Grace or Great Grace. This year is the only year when that can happen in a thousand years. When words are repeated in the old and new testament, it means to really pay attention, this is a sure thing. I am still in awe at the lengths to which the Lord went to show me the amazing time He has given us. Your level of influence, where we allow You to be, is beyond imagination Lord!!


I am totally convinced; we have never seen a time of God’s grace in our lifetimes like we will see in this year and coming years. Proclaim that for you and for others to whom you are led. Hallelujah!! I hope this inspired you even a fraction as much as it has inspired me.

          Grace upon Grace to you all!! Greig Detering

What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain; and he shall bring forward the top stone amid shouts of  'Grace, grace to it! Zechariah 4:7

And from his fulness have we all received, grace upon grace. John 1:16






Abundant Reformation Dream


Posted: October 23, 2022 at 07:46 PM

Author: Greig Detering

Abundant Reformation Dream

On October 12, 2022, I, Greig, woke up from a definite dream from God thanking Him for giving it to me. I was at a gathering out on large floating docks on a river. Around the same time, heavy equipment had been brought into the local mountains and they were taking out many old growth large trees and much of the brush around them, leaving the mountains in these areas pretty bare. This went on for a few years.

Then the rain started falling and went on for a long time. The more it rained, the more dirt and silt was being washed down stream. There was a creek near my house that was getting deeper and deeper while at the same time getting murkier and murkier. The river, where the floating docks were sitting, was fed by the creek near me along with many other creeks and streams. The river was getting deeper and wider and murkier. We had meetings on the floating docks every now and then as the water kept getting deeper, wider, and murkier. There were a few more people being added to the gatherings each time we met.

Then the tree harvesting and brush clearing, over time, came to a halt. Although it was still raining, there was less silt flowing down from the mountains. The creek near me eventually became so clear that I could see the creek bed, although it was deeper and faster flowing than ever.

In the last scene in my dream, there were many more people than ever at the meeting on the floating docks. I recognized several people that I hadn’t seen in years, although many looked a lot different than they did before, older, cloths, hairstyles, etc. So I could barely recognize many and couldn’t remember most of their names. It was clear that most hadn’t been around because, in the early years, they didn’t have the same ideas as those of us who had been meeting on the floating docks all along. A good friend of mine, who I hadn’t really seen gathering here for years, due to our very different ideas about church, was also there. The river was several times wider, deeper and faster but yet the water was almost clear.

The last thing I remember was that somebody mentioned how much deeper the water was. I exclaimed, “It’s 14 feet deeper”. I even wondered in the dream; how do I know it is 14 feet deeper? Then I woke up.

I had immediate revelation on the general meaning of most of the dream. Big trees represent towering leaders. Not just in the church, but even outside in the different mountains of society. They were being taken out along with tradition to clear the landscape readying it for new leaders walking in harmony led solely by the Spirit.

The floating dock meetings represented the remnant, hungry to go into new tradition breaking territory regardless of persecution. These are the ones dependent on being supported by the Spirit (river).

The murky waters, although much greater, represented the confusion and disorientation of the church, and society in general, as previous leaders and traditions were being removed. The continued rains represented the Lord pouring out His Spirit during this time of transition. The much larger meetings on the much deeper and more powerful river represented many more people joining with the remnant as the revelation became greater (clearing waters) and therefore in much less confusion.

The number 14 represents double completion (2x7). In Hebrew, the word for seven is sheba (shibah), but this word also means promise, oath, or covenant. 2 7’s represents confirming of the covenant. The most significant use of the number fourteen is found in the date Nisan 14; on this date occurred the deliverance of Israel from bondage to Egypt. 14 was a consistent number of generations passing before major transitions.

There has been 14 generations since Martin Luther established reform into spheres of life. A new birth of true liberty and America’s founding on Biblical ideas. The Printing Press by Gutenberg was Key to Luther’s leading in the Reformation by the rapid spread of Biblical ideas and renewal that drastically reformed the church (worship, common man reading and studying the Bible).

The sharp increase in literacy broke the monopoly of the literate elite on education and learning and bolstered the emerging middle class.” Also, at the same time, Christopher Columbus arrived in the new world October 12, the day of my dream Christopher (which means light bearer) Columbus kept journals, and some of the things that he wrote have been published as the Book of Prophecies. We know from his writings that one of his primary motivations was a passion to see the world evangelized and he felt led by the Holy Spirit.

I believe this dream is confirming we are coming into that time, after much upheaval, when the church will fully shift into the new wineskin and walk in tremendous freedom, power, clarity and unity that has never been seen in history.

We are in the last big reformation of the Church! I am honored to have been placed on the earth at this place in time with all of you! Greig

2022 February Walk Along A Canal


Posted: February 13, 2022 at 06:19 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

A Pair of Eagles - February 13, 2022

As Louise and I were walking along a canal, the Lord spoke and said, “While you are walking along the canal, you will see two eagles. When you get home read Ezekiel 17 Two Eagles and A Vine.

(We did see two eagles circling over the mountain halfway through our walk!)

The Lord said to me that this is America. This is what I am going to do. The eagle broke off the top of a cedar tree and carried it away to another land and it was planted. The top of the cedar tree is America. The tree was planted in another land. A land which would trade goods with us, and many seeds not of the cedar tree were planted, and they began to grow in the ground that seemed to be fertile. From among those seeds grew up a vine and it began to grow and spread across the land and its roots remained underneath the leafy boughs undetected.

But another eagle came. That vine that was planted would now wither and be uprooted. It will not take a strong arm or many people to pull up this vine by the roots. You, rebellious house, have carried away our goods and our people to another land and have made treaties with another. You have rebelled against the Lord. You will not escape.

The Lord will not help those who sell out the land to others. You have broken every word that you have spoken because you have taken a pledge with another. He will bring down on your head, trouble for trouble, crime upon crime. He will execute judgment upon those who have been unfaithful to Him. The Lord will take a shoot from the top of a cedar and plant it. From the highest mountains the sprig, this shoot, will grow. His splendor will be seen. His tree will grow and what He has planted will become a shelter for the birds and animals and all the people of the country. What seems to have grown tall will be made low. He will take this land that is dry and turn it green and flourish once again.

The Lord has spoken and will do it.

- Robert A. Johnson

Words Received on February 12, 2022


Posted: February 12, 2022 at 09:12 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

Spoken By the Spirit of The Lord on February 12, 2022



Ground and pressed and turned on those who oppress. Like meat that is ground and pressed and placed on the barbeque, so it will be this month for those who follow their evil agendas.

A Greater Toll

Compensation will be required for the grievous cost of life that has occurred in this nation. The Toll Bell has rung and it’s about to ring again. Now there will be a cost to pay.

A Banner

A banner is being flown over this nation.

Psalms 60:4 But to those who fear you, (Lord) you have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow.

The Lord is opening; there is a spreading out from one end of this country to the other. The banner of God is being unfurled. Today in this nation I am covering it as well as those who would call on my name. Even in other countries I am now ready to take down the stench that has covered this earth.

Psalms 71:4 Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of evil and cruel men.

– Robert A. Johnson

Piece of Metal Vision - January 9, 2022


Posted: January 28, 2022 at 12:33 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

What I saw was a piece of metal – a large flat sheet, and the color was faded red. The metal sheet was being painted with a color that was more of a light brownish color. I asked the Lord what this was. He replied that the metal sheet represented America. The red color had faded and no longer had the shine. The brownish color paint was now being applied over the surface of the metal to prepare it for a new coat of paint. The Lord is saying the brownish color covered the faded red paint so a shining red coat could be applied to this surface. This new coat of red represents a covering over the entire country. What was not a pretty paint (or picture) now will be a brand-new covering for America. The piece of metal means America will return to industry on our own soil.

 - Robert A. Johnson

2022 Monthly Words for the Year


Posted: January 09, 2022 at 12:29 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

Robert has asked me to share with you what took place this 1st week of January 2022.

On Tuesday January 4th of this week Robert called me to share the news that the Lord had just given him a download for the months of the year in a way that the Lord has never done with him before. The Lord had given him subtitles for each month of the entire year in a single moment. And for any of you that know Robert subtitles are important to him as he studies and memorizes the Word of God.

On January 5th the Lord began to fill in the months under those subtitles and now He has released Robert to share them with you.

May this bring Blessings of encouragement, peace and joy to you filling you with a new boldness to carry out Kingdom responsibilities as we walk with Him throughout this year of the Lord 2022.

R. Dale Dumas


Robert A. Johnson received these words from the Lord and is sharing them with you now.


Word received 2021

Dec 16, 2021 “There will be a silence in the White House. There will be crying and wailing over a lost leader.”


Words for 2022


Jan 5, 2022:

January: Tyranny reigns through January.

Vulgar statements made to slam those doing what is right. Courier of events. Member of a diplomatic service will be bearing a message - transferring secret information.

February: Stunning end to the reign.

Breaking the granite stone – rock, very hard rock, especially used for building and for monuments. What has been built and seems unbreakable will now crumble to its end.

March: Marks the month for a new installment.

A starting line. Conditions are being corrected. A new course is being made. “X” marks the spot.

April: Gubernatorial resistance fails.

The race is expected to win but falls short. Another crippling factor.

May: Strategy of the left is considerably compromised.

Testifying in court. Testimony will be taken down under oath. May will be a deposition. Someone to fall. Someone will be removed from a position of authority (High up government).

June: A new order of things are installed.

Gigantic – exceeding the usual or expected size. Towns, cities, countries are affected in a big way. Governing bodies begin to step down.

July: Mask mandates and vaccinations null and void.

July will be like beginning a new year.

August: A conquered Left - defenseless operations.

Interdepartmental – existing of two departments. Division in education will split into two separate parts. One part will be exceedingly stronger over the other. A common thread will exist. Government offices will be closed, but new ones will open. The month of August will be the month of turnover. The collar around the people’s necks will be broken. This month the country picks up the broken pieces.

September: The month of rotation.

 A Ferris wheel turning. The wheel stops and more people get on board. The wheel will be filled in September and the rotation will now be complete.

October: A maiden voyage for America.

America once again sails into uncharted waters. America will once again establish itself as the country that is free. This is the month where we come off the rolling seas and our feet are planted once again on solid ground.

November: A new set of roots.

A new foundation. Returning to a time where things are straight forward. It is a time when a handshake was considered enough. Trust will climb to new heights.

December: Many will go underground and be silent.

There will be more with us than against us. The Christmas trees will come forth. The decorations will abound. The lights will appear, and the stockings will hang once again. The month of December will absolutely conclude a year of major reckonings. Incredible expectations are now on the horizon for the next year, for the heaviness has been removed and a new light is already shining.


I John 2:7,8 Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning. This old command is the message you have heard. Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in him and you, because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining.




The Bare Foot


Posted: October 10, 2021 at 05:27 AM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

The Bare Foot

I have been friends with Greig Detering and Robert Johnson for over 10 years. I have socially visited with them on numerous occasions. Both came to visit me on January 6, 2019, at my home in South Beach, Oregon.

I was working but told them that if they got to my place early, that I was going to leave a key outside and to use the key to get into my condo and just help themselves to anything I had in the kitchen and I would see them when I got off work.

When I finally arrived home, both Robert and Greig were sitting on a couch watching television in the living room. I came in and greeted them and sat on a smaller couch directly in front of them and we greeted each other. Everyone sat down as we talked. They did not know that I had injured my Achilles tendon on my right foot and had sciatica in my right leg that went all the way down from my hip to my ankle. It was very painful.

As we were talking, Robert got up to go to the kitchen for a glass of water. I was sitting on the small couch with my right leg crossed in front of me as Robert got up and started to walk to the kitchen.

I was conversing with Greig and as Robert walked by, he suddenly bent down and put his right hand on my right ankle area and squeezed hard and would not let got for several seconds. This was extremely painful and as he did this, I asked him what he was doing. As he let go, he apologized but told me that the Lord told him to do this because my foot needed something.

Robert then went to the kitchen, and I got up and suddenly realized that the pain was gone. I could not believe it, but this happened to me and to this date I have not had this problem reoccur. No one could ever convince me that this was anything other than remarkable.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Bare


Footnote from Robert Johnson: Afterwards, Robert Bare told us that he had been unable to sleep and had to put his foot on top of the bed covers. Even a sheet caused him incredible pain.

The next morning, I asked him how he was. He said he slept all through the night with no pain. He said another test for him would be when he went to work that day. He had to rub his right foot with his left foot to soothe the pain all day long. When he got home that next evening, I was sitting on the couch looking at him come through the door. I didn’t have to say anything – he exclaimed it was remarkable and he had no pain all day long!

Thank you, Lord, for what you did, and we hope you are encouraged and enjoy this report.

-Robert A. Johnson


Metamorphosis Vision


Posted: September 06, 2021 at 02:23 PM

Author: Janice Lane

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to follow the Greig's Sea Change blog by including a brief explanation of what I saw prompting the painting of Metamorphosis attached below, completed 6/26/21. 

I am relatively new to the AMI family and a budding prophetic artist.  I received a prophetic word about my paintings in 2017 how the Lord was in them and not to be disouraged because they were going to bring out the childlike qualities He so loved in his children and that they would bring healing and life to anyone who has one.  I took it to heart so I practice, practice, practice.  I'll see an image in my mind or in the physical and it's usually clear whether I'm supposed to paint it right away or delay for a bit.  I'm learning to hear and be guided in the process by the Lord as they come to life with each stroke of the brush.  

The revelation I received regarding the painting of Metamorphosis: While I was on the phone talking to a young woman of God she commented on the butterfly emoji I sent her, passionately explaining the effect it had on her and I immediately saw in my "minds eye" a human being emerging from a cocoon.  I believe it represents the world but specifically the USA and no doubt many individually.  The need for us to be naked and vunerable before the Lord, submitting to the process.  She is beginning to emerge from the cocoon with the veil torn open, touching the side with her hand, unsure yet in wonder of her new surroundings. 

I didn't intentionally paint 8 flowers, in fact I didn't realize the number until it was pointed out to me,  The number 8 represents new beginnings.  Excerpt from Biblical Meanings of Colors:  Yellow is the second primary color, in 1 Peter 1:7 God talks about trials and purging (the trial of faith will be more precious than gold and tried by fire).  Here the meaning is:  Yellow is associated with fire, which in turn, has always been associated with the purification process. The process which we the church are in and have been for some time. The background is vibrant green and purple.  Green means:  praise, growth, prosperitynew beginningflourishingrestoration. Purple:  priesthood, kingship, royalty, mediator, wealth.  (emphasis mine).

Greig immediately saw it as the woman representing the purified (made virgin) bride (church) coming forth without the entanglements, blemishes and intimidations of the world.

Always amazing walking with the Lord!!

I hope this blesses you in some way!!   Janice 

 Metamorphsis2.jpeg (456×574)

Sea Change


Posted: August 30, 2021 at 03:27 PM

Author: Greig Detering

Debi Fry who is part of our intercessor team has been working in the prophetic ministry for many years, presently based in Wisconsin, sent the following supernatural sign that happened to her dear friend Maria on Sunday morning while at her horse stable in Idaho.  Hundreds of birds started gathering in a kettle directly over her head.  Marilyn, another dear prophetic friend of Debi's, had the "sea-change" revelation months earlier which has been confirmed by this kettling sign.  Maria and Marilyn are ones whom she hold's in highest regard spiritually, amazing prophetic intercessors and more for many years.

 A kettle is a collective term for a group of migrating raptors or in general, a flock of birds of prey.  While most often applied only to hawks or falcons, the term kettle can be used to describe any type of raptor when seen in a large group.  It’s generally only used when referring to birds in flight while groups of raptors on the ground is characterized by other terms.

 Why raptors kettle:  Most birds of prey are generally solitary, defending and hunting in their individual territories, only occasionally seen together, like vultures feeding on a single carcass.  There is one time when dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of raptors will seem to flock together and that is during migration.  Many birds of prey follow the same route during migration to take advantage of the best thermals and wind currents to aid in flight.  Thousands of raptors may be seen in the same flight pattern when air currents are at their best, even flying within just a few feet of one another on favorable updrafts.  This creates the appearance of a coordinated flock as they wheel and soar together, especially in mountain passes where airspace is limited the birds draw even closer together.  This activity is an illusion however, while the birds seem to be flocking together, their goals and behavior are still individual, they are not actually cooperating in any way other than to share airspace and not act aggressively toward one another.  All other aspects of this behavior, such as the timing of the flight, the direction, location and even altitude are simply based on the best possible flight dynamics for each individual bird to save energy, conserve strength and fly more efficiently.

 There are hundreds of locations where kettling occurs worldwide, but the most popular, most productive hawk watch sites include specific geographical features such as narrow areas where air currents are stronger.  The birds are forced into smaller areas for more spectacular kettles, like mountain passes or between two large bodies of water.  Stronger opposing forces (bold = my view).  Shorelines where the birds may gather before attempting to cross a large body of water, along coasts between continents or adjacent to large lakes.  Where the journey is long, sea changes.  A steep gorge or canyon where rivers create passes between mountains and air currents are favorable.  The valley between mountains.

Sea change - A complete transformation, a radical change of direction in attitude, goals, government, business etc.  It is a total change, conversion, metamorphosis, transfiguration, break with the past, a quantum leap or upheaval.

The revelation I am getting out of these signs:

  • There is nothing that has clearer focus and vision than an eagle, hawk, or other raptors.  It is time to focus on our own task while working in harmony with others in the body.  Through the years I have noticed the people attacking other believers are those who are not focused on the Lord's business therefore have lots of time to observe, criticize and attack others who are going about their father’s business.
  • A raptor is primarily on the offense.  The lord is calling us to go into an offensive mode rather than defensive.  To storm the gates of hell rather than simply trying to protect against what is behind them.
  • We have been a time of preparation - Kettling, cocooning, metamorphosis.  Preparing to go against the strong opposing forces crossing the chasm to the next wineskin and travel the distance.  The Lord has shown or exposed many signs pointing to what the body of Christ, led by the new wineskin remnant, is transitioning into.

There is a change of seasons. Not just a change of seasons but a total sea-change.  A time to focus on the task at hand and not examining each other.  A time of major movement.

We are in exciting times.  Let's Fly!!

by Greig Detering

Unique Encounter


Posted: August 29, 2021 at 04:46 AM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

2021 August – Unique Encounter

By Robert A. Johnson

I went to get a bag of chicken pellets for my birds. I mix it with different grains to give to my pigeons. There are hundreds of kinds of pigeons and I have had them for many years.

As I was loading the bag of feed into my truck, a woman parked next to me said, “Do you have chickens?” I said no that I raise pigeons and mix the pellets with the grain. She said she raised chickens and ducks. She told me that there is a fire burning not far from her home and she was afraid that she would lose her home, chickens, and ducks. I asked her where she lived, and she said Westfir. I told her that earlier that morning I had heard of the fires burning there. I asked her if I could pray for her situation, and she said yes. She told me that she had read out of the book of Habakkuk this morning, chapter 2. I spoke a sentence out of that chapter, verse 3b, “Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” I used this to tell her that this is a wonderencounter and that the Lord had set this time up to take care of her. I said you’re waiting to see what will happen to your chickens and ducks etc., but this encounter today has been set by the Lord. I prayed for her and what belonged to her. She stared at me, and I smiled and told her to go home. While you are driving home, rejoice for there is no such thing as “chance.”


Creative Miracles


Posted: August 20, 2021 at 02:03 PM

Author: Susie Allbaugh and Friend

Creative Miracles 

By Susie Allbaugh and Friend

A response to Amor Ministries International blog post 

Dear Robert, ministry team and fellow intercessors, 

As soon as I received the August 18th edition of your newsletter, featuring the blog post titled Number 444, I forwarded it to a beloved sister in Jesus in Las Vegas who has been struggling with multiple health issues (as have I). Here is her response: 


“Amen. I believe and receive it and am trying hard to stand firmly in my faith and on God'sword. It’s hard to always believe, especially when you are in extreme physical pain and theenemy is trying to use that pain to sow doubt and distract you from focusing in and DWELLINGIN God’s Word- which is LAW. 

“I was in so much pain this morning I literally wanted to rip my nose off my face and jump outof my own skin. I thought to myself “I think I know why Van Gogh cut his ear off--maybe he hadchronic ear infections!!” (laughing-crying) Not that it’s a laughing matter, but it did make melaugh and I was able to shift my focus from the pain and discomfort long enough to pray. 

“I prayed yesterday and was reclaiming my house and my body for Him. ‘This is not just myhouse, this is GOD'S HOUSE! This is not just my body, this is GOD'S BODY--a body thatHe created and BELONGS TO HIM!! A body He can and WILL heal and make whole,again and again. My house is NOT a place of sickness and despair. My house is a placeof refuge and of worship and God resides with me here!!’.I am going to keep praying,keep declaring and keep pressing into God's word. He is faithful and good and will bring usboth into a place of divine healing, restoration and wholeness.” 


The Lord nudged me by her words and her warrior’s heart to pray that prayer out loud formyself and over my home both morning and evening. It’s a fresh new rhema place to standtogether as sisters in Jesus, and I asked if I could share it with others. She responded, “Ofcourse you can share as the Lord directs!! (hug) 

So, thank you thank you, Amor Ministries International team. 

The word ‘synergy has been coming to me a lot lately… 

Love to you all.


Number 444


Posted: August 18, 2021 at 12:06 AM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

August 9, 2021 – Number 444

Robert A, Johnson

I was working on my brother’s farm when I received a phone call. A friend called and told me his nephew and daughter had just been in an ATV accident and it was severe. My friend said they took x-rays and his nephew’s spleen was in pieces and would have to be removed. Also, the pancreas was split in two. The local hospital didn’t have the facilities to do this kind of operation. The young man was being life-flighted to a larger hospital.

This is what I prayed. “I speak a creative miracle to be released into this man’s body and that all parts would be brought together and whole again.” I said to my friend, “Can you receive what I said?” He replied YES.        Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen

A couple of days later I was with another friend in his car. I looked at his clock on the dash and it said 444. I said to my friend, “Look at your clock. It says 444.” I told my friend that the Lord had said to me, “When you see 444 in front of you again you will hear and know of a creative miracle.”  Previously these numbers had been given with the meaning “open door” and “creative miracles.” A couple minutes later my phone rang and my friend, whose nephew was in the ATV accident, went on to tell me, “I am almost beside myself. My nephew was operated on. When they went to the spleen to take it out it was attached and all in one piece. They went to the pancreas only to find it put together – whole. Both parts were healthy and pink. The doctor said the x-ray pictures must have been wrong.”

I said, “Hmmmm, really.”

444 God created brand-new parts. The daughter had head injuries and other things and recovered.

So, Praise the Lord.

Romans 4:17 “The God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.”




Raspberry Dream


Posted: August 11, 2021 at 08:55 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

2021 August 4 - Raspberry Dream

In this dream, I was picking raspberries. The season for raspberries had passed. Looking here and there, scattered, were raspberries that were jumbo sized. I picked one and was looking at the berry. It was half the size of my thumb. I picked a few more and looked at them and marveled. They were way beyond anything normal. 

Here is the interpretation I received:

  1. It was not the season
  2. Not plentiful
  3. Supersized
  4. I examined the fruit
  5. Fun to pick

Even though the season was over a new season had begun – not a lot of berries. The berries represent a season of supersized events that will result in a big harvest. These events will occur here and there. Everyone will marvel at the magnitude of the harvest.

Note: I believe I was alone, but the Lord had people who would be involved in the background.

Louise questioned why it didn’t happen when we were young. We are past the season – prime!

The Lord reminded me of a statement that He had made earlier to me. “I have saved you for the end of all things here on this earth.”

Robert A. Johnson

Pause and Reflect


Posted: August 08, 2021 at 08:32 PM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

The afternoon of August 04, 2021 I was reminded why it is so important to bring to remembrance the things that the Lord has done.

For no specific reason at all I began to reflect over the last couple of years and all that has taken place within that time frame. What the Holy Spirit brought to my mind and heart was the incredible increase and protection that came over the people and the land where we were called to come and participate with, and to minister to in a time that may have looked bleak and dismal because of conditions in the natural of 2020.

It is so easy to let slip away all the amazing things the Lord does daily in our lives both in good and in bad times if we do not at least occasionally pause and reflect on the goodness of Abba towards His children. How wonderful it is to look back and see how He was there all the time when we could not see it so clearly at the time. Oh, how this encouraged me and led to a time of praise and worship of the Lord.

Suddenly I realized this did not take place for no specific reason, I had been thinking just prior to this, Lord Jesus am I where You want me to be in correct alignment with You doing Your Kingdom business, Blessing others and helping to change the eternity of others?

It is so important to look back at what the Lord has done in your life and others to guard your spiritual and physical health. As you can see above the enemy almost slipped in there with doubt saying what good are you really doing, and instead I got to turn him away with the good testimony of what the Lord has done every step of the way.

R. D. Dumas

The Lord Says to Watch, Watch, Watch...


Posted: July 24, 2021 at 04:19 PM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

On Wednesday of this week Robert Johnson was sharing with several of us recent words he has been receiving from the Lord. Before he began to read a group of three of them he made a statement, when he finished I asked him to repeat his opening statement, he was somewhat puzzled but went back looking for it to read it again but it was not there, and he had not recalled saying it. Lucky for me there was two other witnesses to his opening statement because it had caught my ear and theirs.

He had stated: The Lord Says to Watch, Watch, Watch..., watch was spoken three times!

Beginning last evening waves of grief that are not my own began to sweep over me continuing into today. This has been for me the last several years a signal from the Holy Spirit to pray in tongues because something is coming that is causing Him to grieve and I am to pray over the situation and the people it may involve in the days and hours to come regardless if I know what is on the horizon, I am to pray! And I usually make a call to Robert Johnson to let him know this is taking place.

So today, Saturday, I let Robert know what was taking place and he shared this with me. This morning Greig Detering had a dream and it ended with a deep grief and sorrow, matching a dream he had the previous week. And this afternoon Robert Johnson received this word. The rigging is going to fall. Next word is Halyard a rope of tackle for raising or lowering a flag or a sail. The flag is going to be lowered. Next word. The nation will soon see a Reprieve.

The Lord says to Watch, Watch, Watch...

If You Are Wondering What AMI Is Up To


Posted: April 30, 2021 at 10:55 PM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

We want to remind you if you have not heard from anyone from AMI for a while and you want to know what the ministry is up to, check out the Schedule on AMI’s Communications page:

We will always do our best to keep it and you up to date, and we do not remove the events as they have been completed so there will be a history maintained for people to see.

Robert Johnson recently spoke at The Gathering on Sunday, April 25, 2021. If you missed it, you would find it at AMI’s Communications page, Social Media:

or AMI’s Facebook page:

God Bless you and keep you and yours.

Consider This About Holy Spirit


Posted: February 08, 2021 at 01:20 PM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

Yesterday while reading the book that Joe Galindo & Greig Detering wrote together Titled Kingdom Business Transformation, Strategic Intercession in Your Business, I came across this paragraph in Chapter7, Functional Approach to Intercession, by Greig that caused me to pause and consider this about Holy Spirit, the church and intercession.

My co-author heard an interesting quote that goes something like this: "If the Holy Spirit was taken out of the church in the book of Acts, 90% of all activity would have stopped. If the Holy Spirit was taken out of today's North American church, 90% of all activity would continue." May we grow into the true church God intended for us to be!

A Deeper Dive into the "06-16-20 Poinsettia Dream"


Posted: August 24, 2020 at 09:34 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

2020 August 24 - Continuation of poinsettia dream:

I want to continue the interpretation of the poinsettia dream I previously posted.

Roots are below the soil level and cannot be seen. The evidence something is taking place is when you look above the soil level and you can see the plant begin to send out new leaves.

As the root system grows so does the plant. So, I believe this month of August is a month of rooting so the plant may grow for the month of September and October. But to be clear, seen or not seen.

In the natural, what is unseen and hidden from sight is growing just under the surface and it will explode in an outburst of growth out into the open for all to see. As September and October come so will be the new growth of the poinsettias getting ready for that special season. A variety of colors exists in poinsettias and so it will be in this new season. President Trump has rooted and is expanding the root system which will flourish and bring a vast array of colors.

II Cor 4:16-18 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (NIV)

Your Kingdom Come


Posted: August 19, 2020 at 11:15 AM

Author: Louise Johnson

I woke up the other morning at 3 a.m. and could not go back to sleep. That seems to happen a lot. I always feel it is a wake-up time to pray, so that is what I did. What I noticed this particular morning was that all my prayers were going along this line - “I don’t understand…I don’t get it…I don’t see what You are doing…” and on and on in that pattern. When I realized this, I recalled the scripture that says that we have many plans in our hearts, but it is the Lord’s plan that will happen. I was also reminded that we walk by faith, not by sight. Because something looks like it is not being fulfilled the way I want it to be or I thought it would be accomplished, does not mean it will not happen or is not in the process of happening. The Lord’s thoughts are way higher than my own. It is humbling to be gently corrected by Holy Spirit.

I was also reminded that a few weeks ago I kept waking up hearing the prayer Jesus modeled for us to pray. I especially focused on, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” I have meditated on that phrase ever since. Jesus starts the prayer by praise. What I realized is that you must know what kingdom you want and are willing to serve and who rules that kingdom before you can pray for it to be formed. I can only praise something or someone that I know is valuable, trustworthy, and real. I cannot sincerely praise something/someone I do not believe in. I must taste and see that the Lord is good. I must know He is real, and I can trust Him unquestionably. So, when I establish who the Lord is in my heart, I can boldly proclaim:

My Father in heaven,

You are HOLY and WORTHY of my praise. You deserve HONOR and GLORY. I do not have the words to adequately describe who You are to me.

I TRUST You in all things and submit my life to You because You are the only true God.

There are many kingdoms vying for my attention and allegiance,

but YOUR KINGDOM come,

YOUR WILL be done, 

in my life, in my family, in the place I live,

on Earth

as it is in heaven.


Jesus told us to pray for the Father’s kingdom to come.

He told us to pray that the Father’s will would be done.

And He told us this would be done on Earth as it is already done in heaven.

It is already established.

Do I trust Him? Do I believe Him? Do I believe that what He has already spoken into my heart and spirit are really from Him? Do I want His will or mine to be done?

As I firmly get this deep down in my being, I think my 3 a.m. walk-up calls will sound different. Less complaining and more trusting.

Blessings and shalom,

Louise Johnson


Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

2 Cor 5:7 For we live by faith, not by sight.

Isaiah 55:9 As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.

Matt 6:9; (Luke 11:2) Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…

June 16, 2020-Poinsettia Dream


Posted: July 15, 2020 at 04:35 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

2020 June 16 — Poinsettia Dream

Received by Robert Johnson


Growing poinsettias for Donald Trump.

I was growing 1500 poinsettias for the President. My greenhouses were empty except for the 1500 plants, which I had just planted. They were unrooted cuttings. Everything was planted and I was waiting for them to take root and grow. The President came to see me and looked at the plants. The President smiled at me and said, “Looks good!” I thanked him and he walked away.

Interpretation of the dream:

Poinsettias represent a season. (I grew them for 15 years) Unrooted cuttings represent a period of time to take root and grow. 1500 plants represents 1500 more days in office from the time the President would be reelected—give or take a couple of days of transition.  Thanksgiving is when you usually start to sell poinsettias. Counting from Thanksgiving on to the end of his second term would be roughly 1500 days.

The unrooted cuttings are extremely important in the dream. They have to have time to take root. So you either plant in the middle of July or the first of August. It takes approximately two weeks to take root and have enough time to grow for the Christmas market. In the month of August, President Trump will take root and take off and grow.



Business As Mission: Changing Culture


Posted: July 14, 2020 at 05:12 PM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

Image of the book Strategic Intercession in Your Business included excerpt from Chapter 9 A little something to consider and inspire from page 29 of this book.

  1. That assemblies of a strategic nature are needed (see the model in Heb. 10:23-25.)
  2. That the assembling of Jesus' followers should be for the purpose of equipping, encouraging, exhorting, and educating the Body of Jesus Christ, not entertaining it.
  3. That our focus has to be one looking outward and forward, which multiplies and distributes the Gospel. An inwardly-focused perspective is far too prevalent today, and inhibits Kingdom growth....

Hebrews 10:23-25

23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised;)

24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:

25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the Day approaching. (KJV)

Testimony Of A Nana


Posted: May 27, 2020 at 01:33 PM

Author: Bill Meyer

Testimony of a Nana

By Debbie Meyer

It was a usual Thursday evening. Supper was over and it was time for 5-year-oldDear One to take his bath. PawPaw was studying in his office and this Nana was reading on the couch. Momma was quietly getting Dear One’s towel ready and laying out his jammies. Dear One loves his baths. Some days...the warmer the better to really soak out the dirt from his gardening and the grass stains that accompany all little boys that crawl everywhere throughout the day.

This night felt different. As I sat reading a surreal heaviness fell over our house. It was tangible. I could feel it.

Dear One - now wrapped in a big fluffy towel sat in the hall with Momma cuddling his sweet dampness. He began to ask questions. “Where is Heaven? What is like? PawPaw died-didn’t he? But he’s alive now. How’d that happen?”

Momma quietly dressed Dear One in his soft pajamas and started answering his innocent questions-about Jesus and death and the heavenly things he was questioning in his busy mind.

There was an open Heaven in those moments. Tears were steaming from my eyes as Holy Spirit wove his way through that room. I quietly interceded from the couch. Knowing that it was a Holy moment and I should stay put.

Dear One climbed up into PawPaw’s arms and leaned back on his chest as they told the story about that one-time PawPaw jumped from the roof into the swimming pool and when he came out of the water he died. (details of that another time) Dear One’s daddy and Uncle both worked to resuscitate PawPaw and he came back to us.

PawPaw talked about Heaven and the job he is commissioned to do and that he wasn’t finished yet and Jesus had sent him back.

As Dear One was listening a calm came over him. He just sat quietly in PawPaw’s lap. After a bit Momma asked him if he was all right. He answered- “I just asked Jesus into my heart.” Momma helped him pray a little bit. The peace that flooded that room and our home was like sweet maple syrup.

I could feel the angels whooping in Heaven. Several flew through the room and circled above them.

Then in typical little boy fashion-the atmosphere changed and Dear One wanted to go play with his trucks. We here on earth calmly –with tears in our eyes- praised God for the amazing miracle we were allowed to participate in.

The heaviness stayed for about an hour and I couldn’t stop the tears as they continued to flow in joy as one who rejoices with the angels over the new name written in the Book of Life.

Due to life issues-names left out to protect the innocent

Season's Mandate Ezekiel 37:4-14


Posted: May 14, 2020 at 12:25 AM

Author: Bill Meyer

Last night I sensed God telling me that in the season we are moving into we as prophets and prophetic people have a mandate to forth tell life into the dry bones of the world’s economies.

By Forth telling we are causing something to happen. Foretelling is relating what is going to happen.

The Lord brought to mind Ezekiel 37:4-14

4Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! 5This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath[a] enter you, and you will come to life. 6... I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’” 7So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together... 8but there was no breath in them. 9Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” 10So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.

The demonic attack on the world has already caused much fear, loss and death. We need to take our positions on the walls and in the king’s courts as we are called out like Daniels, Josephs and Esthers to rescue nations, people groups and families. Already in the Old Testament God had prophets speak life into death.

God then explains what happened in the next verses. 11Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ 12Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. 13Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. 14I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord.’”

The dry bones today are our neighborhoods, cities, states, countries who are full of fear and paralyzed into panic. We are called to speak life into death. Forth telling, Romans 4:17—"the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not."

I am praying that you walk in the authority and identity that is yours to transform the broken hurting fear filled sphere of your influence.

Together we can break the plans of the devil to steal kill and destroy.

You are a child of God, a royal priest with power and authority.


Hope And A Future


Posted: March 29, 2020 at 02:43 PM

Author: Bill Meyer

“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11

I was just sitting in my living room and I was asking God what He wanted to say to me, and this verse came to mind.

I tend to ask God what He means when He shows me something. The first thing I thought of is that this verse is written while Israel was in captivity. So, I researched the actual time frame that Jeremiah gave this verse and I found out it was at the beginning of their bondage and they would be in Babylon for 70 more years.

Verses 5-7 God tells them: 5 “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. 6 Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. 7 Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”

We have an opportunity right now to follow this Biblical path. We are under a demonic attack and God says it's a time of fresh beginnings.

Plant new things. Are you being prompted to start a new home group? Are you wondering if God is moving you into a new understanding of your identity and calling? Did Jesus actually want you to be a prophet? A teacher? An evangelist? An apostle or a pastor? Is He asking you to step out in faith in a new business? Are you being asked to partner with a new ministry? Is God telling you to start sharing your faith boldly? Are you praying for your city, state, country and world? These are directions given to people under the Old Testament covenant. How much more are we supposed to be a hope filled light to the world under the new covenant we are under now.

Are you believing that God has plans to prosper you, to give you Hope?

We as believers should be the main source of Hope in the world because of who we carry.

I want to encourage you to ask Holy Spirit what He wants you to do.

Blessings to each of you, sons and daughters of The King!

Psalm 94:19


Posted: March 28, 2020 at 02:17 PM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

This scripture brings me so much encouragement and absolute joy in every situation.

My heart has broken for those without hope, and for those with hope but shrouded in fear around the world during the Corona Virus, Covid 19.

May this verse of Scripture lead you to hope, to be encouraged and to strengthen you in every season night and day.

A beautiful golden sunset or sunrise through deep dark clouds.

Consider This About Being Present


Posted: March 23, 2020 at 10:51 PM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

Colorful droplets of water...

Consider This About Being Present

Sometimes when people are face to face with us that's the only time they get to see Jesus.

Jesus came to put a face on the Father.

But we are here to put a face on Jesus for the people who come in contact with us.

Dena McClure



Posted: February 24, 2020 at 08:04 PM

Author: Greig Detering

Excerpts from this book written by Joe Galindo and Greig Detering now available on Amazon.

Image of the book God's Divine Order For Leadership Structure-including an excerpt

This book is largely focused on four principles:

1.Divine Order.
2.Function over Position.
3.His Kingdom come; His will be done.
4.The Unity of the Body of Christ.

The ultimate team is modeled in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


1.Apostle – Entrepreneur/Founder/Builder/Commissioned One
2.Prophet – Visionary/Inspirational Spokesman/Consultant
3.Teacher – Instructor/Trainer/Coach
4.Evangelist – Publicist/Advertiser/Developer/Sales/Marketing
5.Pastor – Leader/Caregiver/Manager/Administrator

When we look through the scriptures, we will find that there is nothing shabby about the way God does things.



Posted: February 22, 2020 at 03:08 PM

Author: Greig Detering

Fly outs from the Introduction of Greig Detering and Joe Galindo's book found on Amazon…/…/1796376884

Image of the book Strategic Intercession in Your Business included excerpt from Chapter 9

2020 February 17 – Robert A. Johnson “Dream”


Posted: February 18, 2020 at 10:38 AM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

Bread and Crackers

I was giving people small pieces of bread and crackers. I would break off a small piece and give it to each person. Upon eating the bread, people were healed. However, when the crackers were eaten, demons came out. I ran out of both and told the people they would have to wait until the next shipment came.

As I’ve thought about this dream, I believe the shipment is about to arrive. Many things we have been waiting for, God will provide.

‘Medium Well?’


Posted: February 08, 2020 at 10:59 PM

Author: Greig Detering


Don’t Avoid Delivery, Just Because You Don’t Understand.


I (Greig) was meeting with my principal friend and co-worker in Dallas, a Christian mentor for many business owners and CEO’s. But he needed to leave for a meeting he had scheduled with one of his mentees. We contemplated if I should go with Joe to the meeting, but felt no, I’m not to go. So, I told Joe I’d be praying for his meeting.


I went back to my sister’s house and started praying for this man with whom Joe would be meeting. I immediately began hearing phrases for him. So, I wrote them down and texted it to Joe to deliver. The words I heard were simply a short series of phrases:

  • Power and Privilege.
  • Authority will increase.
  • Get your ducks in a row.
  • Places of influence.
  • Lift up your tent.
  • I’ve raised you to be a Jethro.
  • Medium well.


Most of it sounded edifying and made sense to pass on, but ‘Medium Well?’. I almost didn’t text this last phrase to Joe wondering if maybe I should couch it in some spiritual interpretation because it seemed out of place and the meaning wasn’t clear to me.


The man Joe was scheduled to meet with had to cancel. So, the Lord saved me a trip by leading me not to go with Joe.


However, Joe felt like the words were for the next man he’d be meeting with. Joe really didn’t know the gentleman well personally, but he gave the words I heard to him. This man might have just thought, sounds like edifying words, but is it really for me. Turns out they were very confirming. Then Joe said, ‘Medium Well’. This was what convinced the man that it really was from God and for him. He said his entire life he has always specified that he wants everything cooked medium well, and all his friends know it.


As I keep getting reminded, don’t eliminate things just because they make no sense. And don’t put a comma where God puts a period, it may well dilute the message. Many times, words or phrases that make no sense to us are the most powerful thing to the receiver. Also, a reminder that giving feedback can be very edifying to the giver, as it was to me.


So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us,     Acts 15:8 (NKJV)

Consider This About ~ The Last Days


Posted: February 07, 2020 at 01:22 AM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

Yosemite Falls

Consider This About ~ The Last Days

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God,
I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh:
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams.     Acts 2:17

Consider This About - Darkness/Hate and Light/Love


Posted: January 29, 2020 at 03:49 PM

Author: Robert D. Dumas


- Darkness/Hate and Light/Love -

I once heard it said about two objescts:

It is impossible for two objects to occuppy the same space.

Image of a lighthouse at night.

Betty's Healing Testimony


Posted: January 27, 2020 at 04:06 PM

Author: Greig Detering

My next-door neighbor Betty, who has been a guardian angel over my house in Phoenix for the last 18 years, began having severe breathing problems several months ago. Her blood pressure also became extremely elevated. Even though she normally refuses to take medicines, her family insisted she needed to do this. They had her on pills and inhalers trying to relieve the symptoms. Her symptoms got better but then became worse. They took her to a cardiologist who had tests done showing that she had leaky heart valve. They told her that was the root of the problem, but didn’t want to try to operate, since she is 92 years old. Although she’s always been the most fit senior I’ve ever known, they still considered operating on her to be very risky.


Betty has truly been a Godsend to me. I can’t imagine having been away for sometimes months at a time on the mission field, without someone like her as a next-door neighbor. She gets my mail, drops chemicals in my pool, and in general guards my house. One time, for some unknown reason, she couldn’t sleep and felt like walking over to my house at about 5AM. She came across a burglar in the act of breaking into my front door. She scared him so bad, the guy ran off without his bike and tools and the rash of burglaries that had been happening in the neighborhood stopped. I could go on with stories of how God has used her to watch over my property when I’m gone, but you get the point.


Back to the story. I was at her house after all the bad reports had come in and I felt I should pray for her. So I walked over to where she was sitting, laid my hand on her, commanded everything I knew was wrong in her body to come back into order, thanked Jesus for healing us, and sat back down to chat with her and her family. I really didn’t think much more about it.


A few days later when I was talking to her daughter in law, who had interceded for me as I prayed, asked me if I’d heard about Betty. I answered no. She said she’s off all her meds now and feeling great. She said she was telling people that Greig healed her (she knows whose power did it). When I saw Betty, she said she felt great and wasn’t taking any medicines.


She had another more extensive test scheduled. Although she said she didn’t need to go because she was healed, her family took her anyway. A week later, when I was up in Oregon, I called to ask about the results of her appointment with the MD. She told me that the doctors were shocked and surprised. Her blood pressure was completely normal, without meds, and although there was still some murmur, the rescans showed it wasn’t as bad as before. She continues to be healthy and med free, just like the Lord intended. And I’ve got my guardian back. This was a huge blessing for both of us.


Jesus suffered for our healing, no matter how old we are!

Function Over Position


Posted: January 26, 2020 at 03:52 PM

Author: Greig Detering

Stronghold Dream


Posted: January 20, 2020 at 11:57 AM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

Dream “Not by Might” – January 17, 2020

In this dream I was confronting a demon in a man. The man seemed to have control over the area. I went into his boxing and shipping business and plunged my hand into his stomach. I commanded the demon to come out. The man sort of smiled and said, “I don’t have to come out.” I replied, “You do, and you will come out now.” Whenever he would smirk at me, I would drive my hand in deeper into his stomach (belly). Finally, I pulled my hand out of the belly and left. The next day I went back to see this man. I walked into where he was. The man was packing his bags. I asked him where he was going. He said his protection was gone and he had to move away from here. The demon, who was his protection, had left him. The man now had to leave the area.

Zechariah 4:6 Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.

The battle had been done in the spiritual realm over a stronghold in this area we live in. Now we can move forward.

-Robert A. Johnson



Posted: January 18, 2020 at 12:38 AM

Author: Greig Detering

Consider This About Forgiveness


Posted: January 16, 2020 at 05:09 PM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

A women looking up at storm clouds and an eagle soaring far above.

Consider This About Fear


Posted: January 12, 2020 at 07:16 PM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

Young women peeking out from under the covers.

Consider This About The devil


Posted: December 28, 2019 at 02:47 PM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

I believe it was Bishop TD Jakes that I once heard say - If you don't rejoice, the devil will think he's winning

A Bit of Fun!


Posted: December 18, 2019 at 12:05 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

On December 17, I was at a local meeting. The night was about worshipping the Lord. During one of the pauses, the Holy Spirit gave me a couple of words to speak. Here was the first word:

I was speaking to a man in the gathering. I told this man that when he was a young boy his mom would bring him a plate with a sandwich on it. His mom would cut the sandwich in half and only give him one half. This man, as a boy, never got the whole sandwich. I said this is what is called a “half portion.” I said to the man that a plate was being brought to him that has a whole sandwich on it. Now he will have the whole sandwich, not a half. No more half portions. Now he would receive the full meal deal.

The man told me later that the word was 100% true, even down to his mom cutting the sandwich in two and giving him only half. The man also said that while he and his wife were coming to the meeting, they talked about the poverty in his life being like a spirit. Now he was freed from this and extremely happy, realizing God was totally in the word.

The next word was for a man who the Lord pointed out. The Lord showed me a picture of this man lying in a hammock. The hammock was twisted and rolled up with him in it. In the spiritual realm, this represented being restricted and bound up. As I spoke to this man, I said that approximately twenty years ago this happened to him and he was bound and held in a restricted place without any freedom. The Lord was bringing him out of this and that he was no longer confined. I learned later that this man hid for many years in the desert away from people, but now he had been brought into the fold, freed from the bondage of so long ago.

Thank you, Lord, for Your continual love for us! I hope that all who read these things will enjoy them. Many brand-new things are happening in the Lord and a new year is about to begin.

Merry Christmas and get ready for an incredible New Year to come!!


Yours in the Lord,


Robert A. Johnson

2019 Young Man With Bent A Hand


Posted: September 06, 2019 at 08:56 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

Back in the month of June, I was in a meeting in my general area.

Approximately 25 people were present. I and my friend, Greig Detering, were together there. I was speaking about where I had come from and what had happened in the last few years. I spoke of the miraculous and how over time many thousands had come to Christ.

Greig and I were tag teaming at the time going back and forth speaking to this group. While Greig was speaking, I asked the Lord if anyone needed healing. I waited for a few minutes and the Lord spoke to me about a left hand in pain and that it was hard to use the hand.

I spoke the word out and ten feet from me was a young man who had his left arm underneath his right arm. This young man was covering his left hand so nobody would see his hand. His hand was bent inwards and his fingers were bent in towards his arm.

I stood up and walked over to this individual and asked him to stretch out his hand towards me. I grabbed his hand with my right hand and said, “Can you receive what was spoken?”

The man said yes.

I said in the name of Jesus you are healed.

I began to walk away from the man when I heard a commotion going on and loud yelling. I turned and saw this young man jumping up and down and waving his hand.

His hand was straightened and working instantly. He was beside himself and overjoyed for he had been unable to use his left arm and hand. Now he was full of wonder and enjoyment. Thank you, Lord.

Also, on the same night, a woman asked for more anointing. Before praying for this woman, I asked the Lord what He wanted to do.

The Lord said to ask her about her left leg and the pain she was having in it.

She looked at me and said, “Yes, I have a lot of pain in my left leg.”

She had fallen off a horse a year ago and had many injuries from it. The pain was very real and troublesome to her.

I saw this woman a week later at the same meeting place. I asked her how she was doing.

The woman said the next day she still felt the pain. Then the pain which she had been in for one year was gone and she was very, very happy.

Many other things happened that night that were just as powerful, but this is a little of what God did. I hope you enjoy what the Lord has done and is doing.

Thank you, Lord.





Posted: September 01, 2019 at 04:32 PM

Author: Greig Detering

A fly-out quote by the author Greig Detering.

By One Swipe of God's Hand...


Posted: August 15, 2019 at 12:41 AM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

I began to share with you several months ago about the amazing things the Lord has done in the past while I served Him around the world for over 30 years.

 I also stated that I was looking forward with great anticipation to sharing with you what the Lord would be doing in the future on this forever exciting journey with Him, sharing His Love and Kingdom Business that changes eternity for those who can receive it. That time is now.

 July 24, 2019, I was led to go to a small community nearby. The day before, as I was preparing to go to this gathering of believers that I did not know, the Lord began to give words concerning the leader I would meet there. This person was to be the focal point of this trip.

 Upon coming into this small gathering, God began to give several words for people, even their names, and the nickname of one. All these things I wrote down on a piece of paper ahead of time.

 One woman’s name was given, and I showed this woman her name in writing on the piece of paper. She looked at her name and became excited. She had pain in both of her legs. The pain left and she walked away happy and healed.

 After many words and healings, the Lord began to reveal the purpose of this trip to a much deeper level. The leader of this Church was now addressed.

 This is what the Lord gave me to say:

 Have you have been having serious problems in your house for about three years?

Answer - yes.

Have you had a woman living in your house?

Answer - yes.

Did the woman walk around and talk to herself - a type or kind of chanting?

Answer - yes.

 I told this leader that the chanting was an ancient rite; a rite of passage. The rite was giving her the right to remain in her house through the chanting. It sounds like she is blessing but instead she was attaching herself to you and your home.

 Out of kindness you couldn’t tell her to leave. Later you couldn’t get her out of the house. The leader responded - yes.

 Then I addressed the demons in the woman and the house and took authority over them (in Jesus’ name) and commanded them to leave. Their rite of passage was removed.

 Then I spoke to the leader about several other things that had been happening as well; all were confirmed. Then I asked the leader about a pungent smell that was on this woman and in the house since she arrived in their home. The leader responded - yes, took my paper away from me and ran to show their spouse all these things. We were not gathered together at the home where they live when the demons were addressed.

 The leader’s spouse read the paper and said, “I just got a text message from the woman in our house, and she said, ‘I am packing my bags and I am leaving this house. I can’t stay here anymore.’”

 With the swipe of God’s hand, the demons were finished, and the woman moved out with all her belongings - Praise the Lord!


Thank You!


Posted: July 28, 2019 at 01:30 AM

Author: AMI

Greetings from AMI-Amor Ministries International,


We would like to say thank you to anyone who was a part of giving anonymously to this Ministry recently on Facebook or Google. What a Blessing, and so appreciated. We ask that the Lord will Bless you a hundred-fold for this more than generous act, in Jesus name.


God Bless you and yours,


Idols in Spain


Posted: July 03, 2019 at 04:19 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

On a trip in Spain, after speaking in one of the fellowships we went to, the pastor asked us if we would like to come to his house the next day for lunch. Upon entering this house, we noticed objects of wood and stone – graven images. The pastor’s wife had been suffering from a rare disease where her internal organs were turning to stone. I approached the pastor and asked him where all these wood and stone objects had come from. He replied that he traveled frequently, and these were gifts that were given to him. As I looked throughout this house, there were many more of these objects. I was troubled in my spirit. I said to the pastor, “These objects must be removed from your home, for they are objects of demonic origin.” I asked his wife if she wanted to be well. She nodded her head “yes” and then I asked permission to remove all these idols. There were several of us present and a van sat outside. We began to load the van with objects of wood and stone. Some of the stones were so heavy we could barely lift them. When we were done emptying the house of these idols, I prayed over the pastor and his wife. I had them renounce the idols, repent of having them in their home and having other gods before them. Then I prayed for her healing, that everything would be reversed from stone back to flesh.

As we left the house and began to drive away, there was so much weight in the van that the front wheels were barely touching the ground. We went to a remote place and one by one we pulled the idols out of the van. First the wood, which we broke upon the rocks that were present in the area. The stone idols were much harder to break and took a great deal of time to do so. My contact, Pedro, said to me if we leave two pieces of the idols close together, even though they are broken, the people will find them, and they will put them back together and the problem will start all over again. So, we scattered pieces in different areas to that no two pieces could be put back together again.

Approximately six months later, I received an email concerning the pastor’s wife that they had to travel hundreds of miles from where they lived to Madrid, Spain, to see a specialist concerning her condition. She had been feeling much better and after the doctor examined her thoroughly, he said he didn’t understand what had taken place. Everything inside her body had returned to normal. And the drive home was a joyful ride!

Many of us have some kind of idol, etc., in our lives. Some of us are sick and dying because we serve more than one god. So be careful what you allow in your house.

Asia Minor


Posted: June 26, 2019 at 11:13 AM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

Asia Minor


Heard on June 18, 2019, in Asia Minor, stones will fall and buildings will collapse with a major earthquake this year.


Please consider praying for the peoples of this area now for protection, and that they shall be saved.


God Bless you for standing in the gap.

A Drought in the Country of Spain


Posted: June 05, 2019 at 04:28 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

The year was 2007. I was getting ready to go to Spain. I took two brothers from my area and would be meeting with two brothers from Finland to go into Barcelona, Spain. I was leaving from the airport in Eugene, Oregon, and we were told that the plane we were going to board could not land due to heavy fog in the area. The person behind the counter said we still had time to drive to Portland and could catch the flight from there. I didn’t like what I heard and as the two brothers were heading for the door to leave the airport, I turned around and I spoke to the fog. I commanded the fog to separate and for blue sky to come so that the jet would be able to land. We were about 20 feet outside the main doors of the airport when the lady that was behind the counter came running out. She yelled out, “Do you still want to get on this flight?” She explained that the jet could now land since the sky had split apart and an opening had formed for a landing. The first miracle had just taken place!

When we landed in Barcelona, we met with our contact there, Pedro, as well as the two men from Finland. We all got into a van and began to travel to the small city of Vic. As we were traveling, I noticed that everything was so dry, and I asked Pedro what had been happening here. He said that it is a well-known fact, all over Europe, that Spain had been in a drought for 8 years. He said that the only things growing were grapes and olives and that they were able to go a long time without water, but now it had reached a critical point. He said they were about to take a great loss for economy of the entire country.  

As we entered the city of Vic, we stayed at a pastor’s house and then two days later we went to his church to speak. My friend, Greig Detering, was the first to speak. As I sat in my chair, not knowing what I was going to speak about, the Lord began to speak to me. He said, “This is what I want you to do. I want you to speak about the events that happened in Brazil with the drought there. Don’t leave anything out. Speak out of I Kings 18 (Elijah on Mount Carmel). Your message will be, ‘Are you living in a drought?’” The message consisted of the natural colliding with the supernatural. Droughts usually reflect what is happening in the spiritual realm.

As I sat quietly in my chair, I asked what He wanted me to do. He gave me instructions on what to say. I sat in my chair going over and over about what He was asking me to say. I didn’t want to make a mistake. There were about 150 people there and in Spain that is a big church. These people had never seen me before, and it was the first time I had met Pedro and the pastor as well.

After I was done speaking the message, I looked at Pedro, who interpreted for me and spoke English very well, and I told him I had a word concerning the drought in Spain. He just looked at me like, “What in the world did I get myself into!” So, I said to the people, “I hear you’ve had a drought in your country for 8 years. No rain.” Everybody nodded their heads, yes. I said, “Your drought is about to end.” There was a still silence that came across the people.

This is the word that was spoken: A few days from now, while you sleep in your beds, the rain will come upon the roofs of your houses. It will be so loud upon the roofs of your houses that it will wake you from your beds. Then you will know that there is a God in heaven and that He loves you.

I paused for a moment and I looked at Pedro and I told him that now we were going to repeat this word. And now there was an excitement! I repeated the word and all of us then began to pray for the people.

After that we went back to the pastor’s house.

Three days later, approximately 3:00 a.m., the rain came on the roofs of the houses. It was so loud upon the roofs of the houses it woke us from our sleep. Everybody was talking inside the house. You couldn’t go back to sleep. It sounded like hail pounding.

 A short time later, we all got out of our beds and the pastor had the tv on. I could tell he had the news on, and I could tell they were talking about rain. I was asked to come and look at the tv and Greig, who speaks Spanish, told me what they were saying. I knew they were talking about rain, but Greig explained that it was a whole lot more than that. He told us what they were saying: Never recorded in the history of Spain has rain fallen on the entire country all at the same time.

The roofs of the houses had so much water coming off of them that there were streams of water running down the streets. It all looked like chocolate from the accumulation of dirt after all those years.

The next day we went back to the church. The atmosphere had completely changed. People were contacting people everywhere telling them what had happened. It was like a giant hive of bees had been released in the church – one giant buzz! And this is what the people were saying to our team: We’ve had different words spoken, but never see anything. But this word, we not only heard the word, but we could see it also.

There was a great excitement among the people.

We moved on from there to other cities and then returned home.

I went back to Spain two more times, and each time I would give a message, God would send rain upon the land. It was an exciting time for the people in Spain. And me too!

Stay tuned for Idols in Spain….

Consider This About Praise and Worship


Posted: June 01, 2019 at 02:32 PM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

A Word Given That Changed A State


Posted: May 28, 2019 at 01:24 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

The year was 1996. I took a friend with me and we traveled to Brazil. We landed in the great city of Sao Paulo. Upon arriving there, we started a long journey that lasted a full day, into the interior of Brazil. As we came into the area, I noticed that all the banana trees were burnt, all the trees looked somewhat dead and their biggest river could be stepped over. I asked my contact there what was going on. He said they have had a drought for five years. No rain. The name of the state was Espirito Santos, meaning “state of the Holy Spirit.” We were asked to speak in a stadium that held over 10,000 people. The structure was made of cement. The sound system was terrible and when we would speak the sound echoed all through the stadium. It also was a holiday weekend, and for some reason in Brazil, when they have a holiday everyone disappears and goes somewhere. 300 people came to the stadium. It was kind of depressing. My friend and I gave our messages and many people received the Lord. That evening we drove out of the city into the country and stayed in a pastor’s house as the next day we were going to speak in a church in the country.

The next morning, I walked out of the house and I saw all these mother chickens. All of them had 15-17 babies each. They were so cute! I’m a bird man and I recognized that the number of babies each mother chicken had was not normal. So, I asked the people there, “Is this normal for chickens to have these many babies?” They replied, “No, it is not.” They explained that ever since the drought had come upon their state the chickens only had 3 or 4 babies each, and most of them would not make it due to the drought. Then I asked another question, “Does a hawk ever come and take one of the baby chicks?” No, they replied. It’s very rare here for that to occur.

I walked into the house to pick something up and I turned around and walked back outside and everybody was staring at me. They were all pointing at a hawk who had just come down and taken one of the baby chicks. They were looking at me like “who are you?” I went and sat down at a table by myself. God had my attention. I said to the Lord, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” The Lord said this, “Robert, I’m about to send rain upon this land.” I said, “Do You want me to speak this?” He said, “Yes.” I waited for more instructions, but I did not hear Him tell me anything.

I spoke three times that day. They were bringing people in by the bus load to this little country church. Nobody went home. The church did not have windows. It had shutters, which they opened, and many people stood outside, looking through the openings. The church was full. That evening I spoke about the drought and said I had heard it had lasted five years with no rain. Everybody was nodding their heads in agreement. I said it was about to change. The look on their faces could not be described! It was like an expectation. I asked the Lord again about what I should say. He said, “Say what you want to say, and then I’ll do it.” Most of that day I had thought about what I would say and so I was very careful about how I approached this situation. This is the word given: When it rains, I ask that it would rain in this way – that the rain would come from so far away, from the ocean, that it would come here, that it would rain two days and stop two days, repeated 3 times, until it is wet deep, deep down; that your crops would not be lost, but that they would be saved.

Most of the state was agricultural. I repeated the word twice and then I said to the people, “The reason I’m repeating this word twice is so that you do not forget it.”

The next morning, we left back to the city of Sao Paulo, where we remained for several days. Each day I asked my contact if he had heard anything about the drought. He explained that the communication was not very good. (pre-cell phones and internet availability)

A couple of days later we returned to the USA.

Every few days my mind was wondering about this drought. Approximately one year later I was in my home when the phone rang.  It was my contact in Brazil. I knew if he was calling, it had to be important, for at that time to call was $1.00 a minute. He asked me if I remembered the state of Espirito Santos? I said, “Of course.” He said he had a man travel from there to where he lived in Sao Paulo to see him and my contact asked him what he was doing here. He said he came to tell him about the drought, and I didn’t want to talk on the phone about it. It was so important he had to see him face-to-face. He said it had been one year since the word about the rain was given. Two days after we had left, the rain came. He said it rained two days and stopped two days, just like the word given. It continued this pattern Robert had spoken. He said enough rain came at that time to save the crops and at least provide enough income to live on. Now, a year later, they were looking at 100% increase on all their crops. The pattern of rain continued for many, many weeks: two on, two off. The rivers are full, and the land is lush and green, but that’s not all. As my contact was telling me all this he asked if I was sitting down. He said he had saved the best for last. What else could there be after such good news, I wondered. He said a revival had broken out and has spread across the entire state. People that were present at the giving of the word began to spread the word about what had happened, and they would repeat the word given. They would say, “Tomorrow it will not rain.”  When asked how they knew this, they would repeat what was spoken in the original word.

After hanging up the phone, I was touched deeply about what God had done. One day I was driving down the road, thanking God for what had taken place in Brazil. I spoke to the Lord about the stadium, saying it was too bad about the low attendance there. He spoke to me and this is what He said: Robert, I did more with your word concerning the drought than if you had filled the stadium over 10 times and gave your best message.

I quickly told the Lord I was sorry for saying that.

A man who had taken me to Brazil for the first time often would come to my greenhouse business at Christmas. I would give him poinsettias and he would give them to people and minister to them. I began to tell him about what had happened in Brazil with the drought. I had only spoken for 2 or 3 minutes when he stopped me. He said to me, “Was it the state of Espirito Santos?” I said yes. He explained he was in Brazil at that time around 1,000 miles away. The word reached him where he was at about this man going there and speaking to the drought. He smiled as he looked at me and said, “It was you that spoke the word?” He explained that I didn’t know how far that word had reached in that country. Many, many thousands of people had given their lives to the Lord and it was a greater event than I could have known.

Stay tuned for another drought story in Spain….

Consider This About His Thoughts Towards You


Posted: May 19, 2019 at 04:33 PM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

Isaiah 50:4 (AMPC)

A Miraculous Catch of Fish


Posted: May 07, 2019 at 05:43 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

The year was 2010, the country was Finland, and the city was Tuupovaara. The Lord had told me before I went on a trip to Finland that year, that there were very few fish in a river that ran through Tuupovaara and my friend’s property. When I arrived there, I asked them if there had been any fish in the river. They said only just a few – not many. My friend, Tatu, had three cabins that he and his wife, Riley, rented out during the summer for people to get away on vacation and fish. There hadn’t been any fish in the river, so nobody was renting the cabins. The Lord told me to go down to the dock on the river and to bring Tatu and Riley. I was told to have Riley bring a small bowl with salt in it. I had Riley throw salt in the river and I threw some as well and I spoke to the water and I said, “Let there not be any sickness in this river and let there be an abundance of fish that fill this river.” I also spoke, after throwing the salt in, that there was a blockage in the river that needed to be broken open. I spoke life to the river and that fish would come once again. I stayed there a few more days, ministering in the area, and when I got ready to leave, I told them that when I leave their cabins would be rented out.

Six months after I returned home, I received an email from him, and he said that he had good news for me. A few days after I left him, a group of workers (like our county maintenance crews) came to his home. They heard there were cabins available and when they work in an area they stay there for the whole summer. They wondered if they could rent all three cabins. Tatu replied quickly, “Yes, you can!”

Some time after they had left, a friend of his came to rent one of the cabins. He said to Tatu, “I don’t know why I’m coming here to rent the cabin, because there are no fish in the river anymore. But I like it here very much.” A short time after the man got in the cabin, I was told he thought he’d go to the river and try to fish anyway. He cast his line out and immediately he caught a fish! One after another, he continually caught more and more and more. He put his pole down and it was a short distance to Tatu’s house, so he ran to the house and knocked on the door. He said to Tatu, “You need to come with me. The river is full of fish!” So, they hurried over to where he had been fishing. This man showed Tatu the fish. Both men had fished all over Finland and were very puzzled about the fish that were being caught. They knew they were a variety of trout, but they looked at each other and were stunned because they had not seen this type of fish before. It matched the word given a few months earlier about there being an abundance of fish.

One year later, I went back to this town and Tatu told me the story face to face. He said he had never seen anything like this before. I made a joke with him, saying next time I would be more specific when I pray. Maybe I’ll ask for Chinook salmon! And we both laughed.

I hope you enjoyed this true story of the Lord’s love and desire to Bless us beyond even what we ask for, and or can imagine. In this case through His creative powers, restoration, and provision of an abundance of fish but fish not even seen in that stream before.

Step Out And Into The Gift of Freedom


Posted: April 13, 2019 at 01:07 AM

Author: Robert D. Dumas

Sharing what I saw in the Spirit during on-line-church at the Den, on Saturday the 23rd of March 2019.

This all took place while Pastor Anthony was sharing a story about the families recent trip, and his son’s love of flying…With the limited amount of words given to us to share with each post on HOD live chat, I quickly began to share the following:


The following is a deeper, and clear explanation of what I was seeing and sensing:

These people were all individuals alone, and completely encircled by the walls. Walls like Jericho in size. Walls not meant to keep the enemy out, but to keep the enemy inside with them alone. It was the Lord I saw doing the walking around the walls and stomping them away into oblivion without effort. Then I sensed something peculiar, those for whom the walls were coming down were hesitating, instead of running to all the Lord was giving to them. It startled me, until I realized they needed to take action and move out from all that had surrounded them, they needed to step out to Him, and all they couldn’t see beyond where the walls had been to receive the freedom, they so desired.

Transporting to Japan


Posted: March 31, 2019 at 12:50 AM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

Early in the morning, Spring of 2013, I was transported out of my bed to a small village in Japan and put inside a couples’ house. The two people stared at me and began to talk very loudly. I looked down to see what I was wearing, and I was dressed in a white robe. I began to speak to these people and the Holy Spirit changed my words into Japanese. The people became very still – immediately! I motioned with my hand and I said, “You must have a very great need, or I would not be here. The Jesus Christ that you do not know has sent me. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. If you do not have Him, you do not have anything at all. What is it that you need?”

They said, “Our friend has just died. She is on the front porch.”

I understood everything they were speaking in Japanese. I did not see the woman they were speaking about, for I did not come through the front door. I was just put right in the middle of the house.

We walked outside and I looked at the woman, who was rolled up in a blanket and was facing upwards. We turned around and went back into the house. The people asked me who I was. I told them my name. Where do you live, they asked? I told them where I lived, and then I said to them, “It doesn’t matter who I am, what matters is Who it is that sent me.” They stopped me and said, “They have come to take our friend away.”

We went to the door and I opened the door and there were several people outside. Some of the people had picked the woman up off the ground and were getting ready to take her away. I spoke and said, “Put her back down on the ground.” They heard me say that in Japanese. They were startled and quickly put her back on the ground. I came and knelt beside this woman and I spoke out loud, “In the Name of Jesus Christ, the only Son of God – I command you to come back to life!” A few moments passed and there was a movement. The woman opened her eyes, turned, and looked at me. And I was suddenly gone and put back in my bed. I jumped out of bed and began to run through the house. I was speaking loudly saying, “What in the world has just happened?!” After some time, as I began to calm down, I heard the Lord speak to me and said this: You’ve been asking to transport, to work with Me, so we did it. Get used to it.

The Lord spoke to me concerning this event and said, “In time this story from this small village in Japan will make its way back to you.”

Stayed tuned for a story that took place in Finland….

Words received January 15, 2019


Posted: March 25, 2019 at 10:29 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

Something to consider and intercede for now in prayer.


On January 15, 2019 while waiting upon the Lord, I received these words along with some others. I believe I have been released to share these with you.

  1. Cascadia, a rumbling and shaking this year.
  2. Parts of Oregon and Washington will be flooded this year.
  3. Tremors to the East, this year, (Oregon.)
  4. A volcano will make itself known this year, (Oregon.)

A Trip to Heaven


Posted: March 07, 2019 at 12:50 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

The year was 2011. I previously had 3 powerful visions and 2 powerful dreams indicating something was about to take place.

I woke up early one morning and had a cup of tea. As I set the cup of tea down on my table, I was no longer in my house. I was standing in a very big white room.  A man stood in front of me who looked to be about 28 years old. It took me a moment to realize who it was. When I was 13 years old my dad backed his truck out onto the road in front of our house, I stood in the window and waved at him, he smiled and waved back at me, and later that day my dad was killed in a tractor accident and I never saw him again. The man standing in front me was my dad. I said, “Dad?” He replied, “Yes, it’s me.” I asked him if it was ok that I hugged him. And he said, “Yes, you can.” All I wanted to do was cry, but I could not. I saw something moving towards me out of the corner of my eye and it was three of my most favorite dogs I ever had in my life walking up to me. They looked like they were smiling at me and excited to see me. Then I looked across the room and no body had to tell me who I was looking at – it was Jesus. He motioned for me to come to Him, but my legs would not work. I’m not sure how I came to Him, but I believe He carried me. I stood, with His help, a few feet in front of Him. The power was in His eyes. His eyes were full of mercy and compassion. There was no condemnation. And then He spoke.

“Robert, I am coming soon. And it’s a part of your job to get the people ready before I come. After a while, you’re going to come back to be with Me for a little longer stay. But, for now, it’s time for you to go back home.”

I began to walk away, and I heard Jesus speak to me. He said, “Robert.” I turned around and there were His eyes looking into my eyes and He said, “Do you know how important you are to me?” And I was back in my home in my chair. My hands were shaking, my legs were shaking, and I was sobbing and crying. This went on for some time. When my hands stopped shaking, I picked up the phone and called my friend, Greig Detering, who lives in Arizona. I told him what had just happened and then Greig said, “Thank you for telling me this. I have something to tell you. I was just in Dallas, Texas, and I went to hear this prophet speak. Five minutes into his speech, he spoke of the big white room and being taken to heaven. He said there was a woman standing in front of him. He said she looked to be about 28 years old. This man had lost his mom when he was young. He said, “Mom? Is that you, mom?” “Yes, it’s me,” she replied. He asked her if it was ok to hug her and she replied, “Yes, you can.” While he was hugging his mom, he felt something touch his hand and when he looked down, he saw his most favorite dog he’d ever owned in his life touching his hand. He looked across the room and there was Jesus motioning for him to come. Their conversation was basically the same as my conversation with Jesus.

I’ve witnessed many things over the past 30 years; many signs and wonders. This is what the Lord spoke to me concerning these things: All these years have been preparing me for what is to come. The Lord also spoke to me and said these last 30 years will be nothing compared to what is to come. I can’t wait to see what’s next!

Stay tuned for a story about transporting.

Matthew 18:18 Prayer, and Testimonies


Posted: February 22, 2019 at 01:07 AM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

Continuing with our Matthew 18:18 Prayer, and Testimonies 


2 Corinthians 2:11 (NIV) 11 in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes. 


Why do we need to be concerned about the schemes of the devil? 


2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (NIV) 3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  


These scriptures make it obvious that we must demolish the arguments, and everything set up against the knowledge of God. Is God more powerful? Absolutely! But He also doesn’t want the enemy to outwit us.  

Now – picking up from the previous story about Pastor G. in Brazil – I took a good friend with me and met with Pastor G. We were to drive through the great city of Sao Paulo. We were going to a pastor’s house, though I would say he was more of an apostle than anything else. We’ll call him Pastor S. 

Pastor S. had the Matthew 18:18 prayer given to him several years earlier. As we were driving there, Pastor G. brought up the Matthew 18:18 prayer. He said, “I don’t know if it really works very well.” I asked him why he thought that. “Some things just keep happening to me and my church.” I explained that if you have open doors into your life, and you don’t close them, the enemy can still get access to you from time to time.  

When we arrived at Pastor S.’s house, we sat down for a meal. After sitting down for 5 minutes, Pastor S. spoke to me about the Matthew 18:18 prayer. He said, “We don’t start any new churches, without starting them with this prayer first. We go in against the voodoo and the witchcraft and we have learned to pave the road first, so that the enemy doesn’t outwit us.” He went on to say, “We have 5 churches now with over 1000 people each and 2 new churches that have just been started a short time ago with about half that amount and 

we have seen the results of people being set free. Every Pastor of all these churches have incorporated this prayer and we have found that when they don’t feel like they need to do this, the trouble creeps in. The people have taken it very seriously.” 

We talked for a while and had a good time and then began the long drive back to Pastor G.’s house. On the way back to his house, Pastor G. asked me this question. “Do you think I can get another copy of the prayer?” I paused, didn’t say anything, and then I answered, “I’ll have to think about it.” Pastor G. got the point. 


Also, in the country of Brazil, outside the city of Sao Paulo, at a place called the Valley of Blessing, there was the beginning of an orphanage and a place that sent people out all over the world. I was invited to go there and speak. I had a good friend with me and before we walked into the building my friend said, “This prayer of yours, I believe, is going to go around the world.” 

We walked into the building and it was full of people. We did not realize all these people had just come home from all over the world to gather at the Valley of Blessing. I was holding the prayer in my hand, in Portuguese, ready to go. As my interpreter was translating my message about the story behind this prayer, she stopped and looked at me and her eyes became very big. Here the people are waiting to hear the next sentence and she’s talking to me in English saying she had never heard anything like this before. When the message was finished, I held up the copy of the prayer to the people and said, “Now it’s up to you to do what you need to do with it.” One person walked up, and I handed the prayer to him and the interpreter spoke to me and said that that person was going to make many copies of the prayer and that as you look at all these people, they represent many, many countries. Each person knows that language well and so this prayer would be translated into many languages and distributed as they went back to these countries. I could tell the people were moved deeply in spirit and very sincere. 

I hope you enjoyed these stories. There are many more to be told, but next time I will share about visiting heaven. Stay tuned!

Matthew 18:18 Prayer, CJ's Story


Posted: February 14, 2019 at 09:37 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

In continuation of the Matthew 18:18 prayer and story of its origin, I would like to now share with you some stories on the effects of the prayer in people’s lives.

Before we give the first story, this prayer is not a magic formula. The intention is not for it to become a ritual, but I believe it’s a tool the Lord has shown me and has been effective in helping people.

Not long after I had the Matthew 18:18 prayer complete, the Lord told me to give it to a woman at our church. We will call her “CJ.” For many years she was full of fear, anxiety, and could not be left alone and was often found in the church underneath the tables curled up in a ball. For a long period of time several of us would do deliverance with her to try and set her free.  One by one people stopped trying to help her. Everybody was worn out. The Lord told me to go to the church and give CJ this prayer, have her read it out loud before she goes to bed and He would do the rest. Upon meeting her, I explained to her about the prayer. I told her when she went home that night, before going to bed, speak this prayer out loud.

A few days later, I walked into the church, and CJ saw me. She ran out to meet me, began to hug me and cry. She said, “I slept all through the night. The voices are gone. I have no fear. I’m well, I’m ok. Everything is good!” She continued to jump up and down saying she had never experienced such freedom. And then CJ said, “It was so simple.”

As time went on CJ began to travel. She would even get on a jet and fly off for a vacation. And later she even got married! And she has never been the same since.

Would you like to hear another one?

Several years ago, I took a friend with me on one of my trips to Brazil. We went to the city of Sao Paulo and to a home of one of my contacts, a pastor who was originally from Germany, but had lived in Brazil a very long time.

I presented Pastor G this prayer and asked him what he thought. He said he’d never seen anything like it. I asked him to help me get this into the Portuguese language. He agreed and put it in German as well. His daughter was present, and she typed it for me. As she finished typing the prayer, both looked the prayer over to see if everything was ok. One sentence was not on the paper. His daughter thought she must have just missed it when typing. She typed the prayer again. They looked the prayer (second time) over and found the same sentence was missing again. Pastor G and his daughter looked at each other and were dumbfounded. This is not possible, they thought. She typed it, yet this sentence was still missing. They said maybe we needed to pray this prayer out loud first, before trying a third time. Now here is the missing sentence: Wherever I go this day and throughout the night also. (Ps 74:16) After praying the prayer, the missing sentence was now on the paper. The significance, I found for myself, when I’m traveling, going through different time zones, whatever I’m binding, wherever I’m going, the day is mine and the night also. And the enemy knows it and absolutely can not stand for me to speak those words. There must be something in this small sentence that brings such a disturbance.

To be Continued…


Matthew 18:18 Prayer, 1st story of its origin.


Posted: February 06, 2019 at 02:39 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

Matthew 18:18 Prayer, 1st story of its origin. – by Robert A. Johnson 

Many have requested the story that goes with the Matthew 18:18 prayer I previously posted. 

The year was 1991. I would often walk on a dirt road on our farm and that is where I would do much of my praying. I was preparing for a trip to Brazil and I had a question for God: How do I keep the enemy from putting his thoughts into my thoughts and speaking to me? Often on these walks I would be attacked in several ways. And I heard the Lord speak to me, “Use Matthew 18:18.” He said start with this, “I bind you demons of darkness from putting thoughts into my mind, and I bind you from speaking a word to me throughout the day and the night also.” I thought to myself how simple this was.  

That same day a friend came to my house and was going to walk with me, and I told him about what I had just heard, how to bind the enemy’s mouth from speaking and his thoughts from coming into our thoughts. And so, we began our walk. 

 Not far into our walk we were met by a man driving a Volvo car. He rolled his window down and began to speak loudly and curse wildly. This man continued to do this, speaking nonsense out of his mouth, and I looked at him and said, “We have to go now.” So, the man drove off in his car. There was a picnic table not far from there. The man got out of his car, stood on the picnic table and continued to shout and curse. My friend and I looked at each other and wondered what just happened. How was it even possible? We continued our walk to the end of the dirt road. We got to the end and turned around to start our journey back. The whole walk was approximately one-mile long. On our way back, we came to a big dip in the dirt road. In front of me I saw a vision of a giant mirror. When you look in a mirror you can see what’s behind you. My friend was praying at the time and I saw this creature walking beside him. It had a lizard body with a frog head. This demon had its eyes looking at my friend’s eyes, his hands reaching out towards him, he walked as he walked and tilted his ear to hear what he was saying. I thought I was imagining things, so I told my friend to stop praying. I said, “I want to pray right now.” As soon as I began to pray, this demon walked over to me and began to watch my lips as I spoke, tilting his head to hear what I was saying, walking and reaching out toward me. A very ugly looking creature. I thought to myself, is this true what I’m seeing? So, I asked my friend to start praying again. Immediately the creature moved over to him. Without my friend’s knowledge of anything I turned around and I pointed my finger at this demon, and I said to this demon, “I see you.” He just looked at me like, “No you don’t see me.” My friend in the meantime is looking at me and thinking I am nuts! And then I took two steps forward and I pointed my finger right in the demon’s face and I said, “I SEE YOU.” The demon’s eyes became very big and then I said, “I call fire from heaven to strike you.” The demon began to move out across the field from where we were at and I said, “Lord, open my friend’s eyes that he may see.” My friend said, “Robert – I see smoke. I see smoke! What in the world is happening here?” And then I began to explain to my friend, as we walked back to my house, what had taken place. 

After explaining to him what he had seen, I asked the Lord, “How did all of this happen? The man in the Volvo car? The creature beside us?” Then the Holy Spirit spoke, “Did you notice when the demon was walking behind you, he didn’t speak? No thoughts were coming from his thoughts to your thoughts. But he was watching you, he was listening to your conversation, he was reaching out to touch you and he was walking along beside you. The Lord said, “I allowed this to happen. So now you must bind not only their thoughts and words, but from them looking at you, listening to your conversations, reaching out and touching you, walking up to you. You must bind even their movements from one place to another.”  I said, “What about the man in the Volvo car?” He said, “You must bind the enemy from using people, circumstances, events, objects and things. Bind them this day and throughout the night, wherever you go and whatever you do. The day is yours and the night also.” 

Stay tuned for further posting of the true stories that go along with this prayer after it was given and spoken... 

Matthew 18:18 Prayer


Posted: February 02, 2019 at 02:08 PM

Author: Robert A. Johnson

Matthew 18:18

"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."


I bind this day every demon that would come against me. Whatever I
bind on earth shall be bound, so I bind you foul spirits. I bind your mouth
shut that you will not be able to speak a word to me all day and throughout
the night also. I bind you demons of darkness from projecting your thoughts
to my thoughts. I bind your eyes closed that you cannot see. I bind your ears
that you cannot hear. I bind your hands, you foul spirits, that you cannot
touch. I bind your feet and they shall be bound and you shall be unable to
walk. I bind all forms of movement you use to move from one place to
another. I bind you demons of darkness that you cannot use other people,
circumstances, objects, things, events, or anything else against me today, and
I bind you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Whatever I do or
wherever I go, this day and throughout the night also, you will be bound.

Whatever I loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. I ask the mighty warrior
angels to remove the demons to a place where Jesus says to go. I ask the
angels of God to come inside and outside the house, and wherever I go this
day and throughout the night also.
I pray a wall of fire (1) around my family
and myself and all that we have this day. I loose my mouth this day to be
seasoned with salt (2) in Jesus Christ. I loose my thoughts to be held captive
(3) to Jesus today. I loose my eyes (4) today to be a lamp unto my path.

I loose my ears (5) to hear what the Spirit of God says. I loose my hands (6)
to do the will of the Father in heaven. I loose my feet (7) to walk the narrow
path that leads to life. I loose this day all peoples and circumstances and all
things into your hands, Jesus, for no one can snatch (8) us out of your hands.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


Psalm 74:16 "The day is yours, and yours also the night."


(1) Zech 2:5 "And I myself will be a wall of fire around it," declares the Lord, "and I will be its glory within."

(2) Col 4:6 "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to
answer everyone."

(3) 2Cor 10:5 "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,
and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

(4) Ps 119:105 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."

(5) Rev 2:7 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

(6) Ps 81:6 "He says, 'I removed the burden from their shoulders; their hands were set free from the basket: "

(7) Ps 25:15 "My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only He will release my feet from the snare."

Matt 7:14 "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

(8) John 10:28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand."

Coming Soon: The Origins and or Stories behind this Prayer

Intercessor Dream


Posted: September 01, 2017 at 04:21 PM

Author: Greig

I had a dream. I was managing an outdoor business in an area that had much rain, sleet, hail, snow and cold. The employees were coming to me and telling me that they needed heavy suits that encased them like a bubble, almost like a rounded space suit.

When I awoke, the revelation was that we needed to concetrate first and foremost on  gathering and activating intercessors. Like that was the most important thing we should be doing now, before thinking about doing anything else.

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