Newsletter: Greig's Spring 2022 News

Posted: March 17, 2022

Author: Greig Detering | Created: March 17, 2022 at 08:00 AM

Dear Friends,

I have been back in Argentina for almost a month now concentrating on the ongoing mission rather than the restoration of our base here. The last trip in December and January was incredibly fruitful with just the right person or right team being instantly available for every task that I needed to accomplish repair and restoration of our South American base. It is now better equipped than ever with much thought put into making sure we are prepared for future tasks. 

A line that I heard someone speak a few years ago, that I am now always conscious of,  is ‘Preparation is the Prerequisite for Spontaneity’. It has helped me to never be idle waiting for something to prepare for but rather spending time in prayer making sure that we are already prepared to move rapidly on any mission that I am presented with. The weakest links are usually what gets attacked. Most of those weak links occur from lack of preparation. Most battles, like the one we are seeing fought in Ukraine right now, could have been avoided if signs had been heeded by preparing and staying strong. The devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking the unprepared.

Jesus told us to make disciples and He would build His church. But many have concentrated on building big churches yet leaving many without being discipled. Discipleship only happens with time in close friendships with much mentoring. Last time here, I received messages from former contacts, with invitations to go there and be well accommodated, who I haven’t talked to in years and who had no idea that I was in Argentina. I am beginning to help leaders in Buenos Aires, Tucuman (former capital of Argentina) and Chubut (in patagonia) strategize in order to build a better structure to disciple and harmonize the church…that Jesus is building. As we are about His business, He prospers ours.

As soon as I return to the US, I have meetings with people who are all about building the same thing to aid in the biggest awakening ever in the US. It is great to see the visionary teams and builder networks now rapidly coming together that seemed so be so slow in coming just a few short years ago. One of my principal focusses is helping the Apostolic (builder) members of the body receive confirmation on direction. I am covering much more ground without spending so much time and money in travel as was required before some of our latest communication tools arrived on the scene.

I just heard an amazing and well validated story connected with one of our ministry team leaders that I will be sharing in a future blog. I am hearing of several other miraculous things that we haven’t seen in our lifetimes occurring on North American soil. Stuff that I have only seen or heard of in foreign nations isolated from much media. Jesus Christ is preparing to Wow us and anyone seeking the One Infinitely Bigger than this world.

I am so very grateful to those of you who have really come alongside me financially. We have received about a third of the resources that I am going to need in order to be equipped to do everything I believe Our Guide is leading me into this year. If you are led to aid in this mission, I am eternally honored and grateful for your partnership as I am humbled by others who have aided in prayer, counsel, and resources. How to contribute as part of the team is on our web page. If you have any questions or would like to communicate directly with me, please don’t hesitate to send to my personal e-mail or to the address on the return for this newsletter (I get them all). I will be back to the US by mid-April meeting with strategic saints in Arizona then up to Oregon end of April for a time working with the same.

2022 is going to be a major turning point for our nation and much of the world. We have been put on this earth during amazing times and I am grateful to be sharing this time and space in history with you all. With Love, from Argentina, Greig

This nice wink from God below was the only wall clock that I could find at any nearby store to our Buenos Aires apartment. The hands show how close we are to the King's return.

Argentina Apartment Wall Clock


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