Newsletter: 2007

Posted: May 05, 2017

Author: Greig Detering | Created: December 01, 2007 at 10:00 PM

Winter 2007

"Blessed are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the LORD? He is your shield and helper and your glorious sword. Your enemies will cower before you, and you will trample down their high places. " – Deuteronomy 33:29

Dear friends,

I trust you all have wrapped up your year solidly planted on the Rock. I was blessed to be able to spend the last couple weeks with friends and family enjoying the eastern Oregon snow and my sister and brother in laws’ home and hospitality.

In late October, Robert Johnson and I embarked on a God-appointed trip to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay; the Lord is the best travel agent ever. We arrived in Sao Paulo, Brazil and were warmly welcomed and hosted by pastors Sinval and Nancy Ladiera. Sinval has been an entrepreneur (apostle) who has started many fellowships and businesses for the Lord. He has hosted Robert as he has done much ministering in Brazil in the past. Betsaida Gileade, the fellowship that Sinval and Nancy are leading right now, was tremendously welcoming and loving towards us. I was truly surprised at how warm the people were that we worked with, not expecting this wonderful warmness in a city of 30 million people. We ministered several times in large gatherings but also spent much time ministering to smaller groups of the key leaders, encouraging them to all step out in the perspective callings, and to release others in their perspective callings as well. We made quick friendships with committed leaders, like Dori and Cleo – who are shown here with lead pastors Sinval, Nancy and us.

Although Sao Paulo is a imgCleovery high-tech city, it was obvious when we began ministering that there were many demonic strongholds still hanging on to the rights that they had gained to infect families from past participation in much of the witchcraft and spiritism that still is quite active in this country. One 5-year old boy I began to pray for went berserk. It took five people to hold him down. When he was stopped from biting others, he began biting himself; he was diagnosed by the medical community as just having ADD. A young girl who had regular epileptic seizures began to convulse as soon as I began to pray for her. It became apparent that this was a spiritual root and we dealt with her from that perspective. A few nights later we saw the same girl glowing with the joy and peace of the Lord.

(Indeed, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. Seeing how the demonic realm attacks these innocent young people ticks me off enough to keep me going during those times that I feel like kicking back. Thank you, Lord, for using us as conduits as you free those whom the enemy has bound.)

After 10 days in Brazil, we flew to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where we spent a few imgRobertdays recouping in our apartment base. We then took a ferry across the Plat River to our next battleground, Paysandú, Uruguay, which is the second largest city in that country. (The concerned look on Robert’s face was due to possible rough seas on the ferry.) The Lord gave us glassy waters for our crossing according to Robert’s petition. Our hosts, pastors Daniel and Gianela Cabrera, met us in a rare downpour of rain; which we took as a sign of the spiritual outpouring to come. I have ministered in their fellowships in the past when they were more stuck in the old traditional church model. It was wonderful hearing how Daniel is now leading a consortium of 30 pastors in that city with the goal to move as a unified body of Christ into the new thing, which really is the old, simple return to church basics. imgPlena

The Lord used us to confirm callings in the fellowship of pastors Carlos and Emiline Kuliat, whom Daniel has partnered with from across the river in Argentina. I spent one of our evenings in their fellowship explaining how God is calling each one of us to be active in our perspective ministry callings. Again, the most demonstrative thing we saw, besides people trembling under the presence of our Lord’s glory, was demonic manifestation in people who had for years dismissed medical problems as rooted strictly as physical ailments. It was easy, after this experience, to understand why people who minister primarily in deliverance begin to think most all physical imgNuevaproblems are rooted in the demonic.

I made a return trip alone to Argentina to work with my wonderful neighbors there finishing up preparations to our Argentine-based condo to allow for greater ease of use and for rental while we’re not using it. Please pray for those Argentine neighbors, Luis and Marta, as they head out to reestablish business and ministry in a coastal city south of Buenos Aires.

Robert and I will be leaving for Australia January 13th. I’ll be there 3 weeks and Robert 2 weeks. Australia is a place the Lord revealed to me several years ago as being important to this ministry. The Lord made it clear that His timing for Australia is now. Details on that and other itineraries will be posted on our web site as they become firm. Intercessors, the success of these missions depends on us relying on His direction and power. Keep praying and thank you!

Thanks to all of you who are, in one way or another, working as part of this body to expand the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ on earth. Funds are always needed to help with transportation, lodging and aid to others as directed. All donations are tax deductible and will directly support the work the Lord leads me to do. If your company has a matching gift program, our Employer Identification Number is 04-3623802.

Have a great 2008!!


Fall 2007

Dear friends.

O LORD, the king rejoices in your strength. How great is his joy in the victories you give! Psalms 21:1

imgLakeI just returned back with Robert Johnson from an anointed ministry trip to Milan, Italy and several cities in the Andalusia region of Spain. This trip was not like any other. We arrived in Milan on Sept. 10 and immediately took a train into the beautiful alpine microclimate city of Lugano, Switzerland where we had a short visit with my nephew Opie (seen here by Lugano Lake with Robert) who is going to college there. The Lord gave us many cool confirmations through others for this trip including scripture like Psalms 21 and dreams all with either 777 or 21 in them. Returning from Switzerland the following day, we met Pedro Reyes Castro, our primary apostolic contact in southern Europe, at track 21 of the train station in Milan. We then were taken to our host who lived in the third floor of a building numbered 21 and who received a paycheck of exactly 777 Euros for the first time ever that week. After a day of rest, we began daily prophetic ministry in several different churches in the Milan area. I have never seen img21such a variety of churches planted from all around the world, speaking many languages, in one place. I now understand the word I heard before the trip; "I am bringing together many nations in Milan." For Italy, the Lord gave me the theme ‘Freedom in Christ’ to concentrate on, also with some neat confirmations.

A week later, we flew via Madrid to Granada, Spain, the home base city for Pedro and capital when the Arabs ruled Spain. Pedro took us by a wild fig tree near his house imgFigjust in time to enjoy the second fig harvest of the year. There was no need to curse that tree; it was bearing some good fruit. After a day to recuperate, we traveled to the Spanish Costa del Sol along the Mediterranean and spent the following 4 days ministering in different congregations in the towns of Almeria, Adra and Roquetas de Mar. The Holy Spirit gave me messages that I had never done each night concerning things like ‘Turning our Hearts to our Spiritual Sons’ (planting our ministry in others) and ‘Living in Sin’ (not following our guide the Holy Spirit daily). A radio show that we did the first day in Almeria, brought in various different groups into the meetings in Adra and Roquetas de Mar. Australian church planters, Gavin and Josie, connected with the 4 Square fellowships in Australia, said they would love to have our ministry in any of their fellowships between Sidney and Melbourne, Australia if the Lord ever leads us to go there. I told them that God showed me years ago I would be connected to an area south of Sydney. I believe this was indeed a divine connection with Australia.

The last Saturday at midnight we started on the 2.5 hour journey back to Granada for a Sunday morning meeting there and an evening meeting in Jaen, the olive oil capital of the world. The oil of anointing was certainly there; it was great seeing the youth so on fire. I spoke on the fact that we are children of the imgJaenLight and need to show the world our light, moving rapidly into what God wants us to do next, and no longer hiding in the shadows of the 4 walls of a church building. Although the Spirit of God did some physical healing, what amazed me was the exactness of just a few words or a phrase that the Lord would give me as I was praying for people that would trigger deep emotions from something that God planted in them previously. One word or touch from God can change a life profoundly.

Both Italy and Spain are two of the hardest grounds for the evangelical church in Europe. I believe the Lord was breaking structures in organizations and minds this trip which always leads to greater unity within the body of Christ. We were asked to please come back everywhere we went, so the favor of God was on us. Before the trip, Robert believed it would rain wherever we went. I was seeing flashes of completely full reservoirs. A deluge of rain poured down on drought stricken lands while we were in both Milan and Andalusia bringing reservoirs from almost empty to completely full. The Spanish news stated that there has never been such a dramatic turnaround from drought to abundance of water in 30 years in Spain. We proclaim those areas have seen the natural outpouring and a follow up will occur with a spiritual outpouring.

By the time you get this newsletter, Robert and I probably will have left for Brazil, a brief stop at our base in Argentina and ending the trip as the main ministers for a conference in Uruguay. We will be there until near mid November. Details on that and other itineraries will be posted on our web site as they become firm. Intercessors, the success of these missions depends on us relying on His direction and power. It is crucial that you have all of the information from us that you need. We are working to improve communications. Several words from intercessors this trip were great confirmations for us. Your notes get quickly forwarded to us, even if we don’t have the time right then to respond.

Thanks to all of you who are, in one way or another, working as part of this body to expand the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ on earth. Funds are always needed to help with transportation, lodging and aid to others as directed. All donations are tax deductible and will directly support the work the Lord leads me to do. If your company has a matching gift program, our Employer Identification Number is 04-3623802.

Brace yourselves on Jesus the Rock. In His service,


Summer 2007

Dear friends,

The last few months have been a period of foundation building. Ed Araiza, who is from Phoenix and formerly on our board, made 2 trips to Buenos Aires, Argentina with me over the past 3 months. One trip was to pick out an apartment for my sister, Diane, and husband, Chris, and the next trip was to purchase it for them. The idea to purchase it was driven by the fact that they wanted to help give us a imgApartStreetbetter base of operations in South America. Working together with others back in the US, it was amazing how the Holy Spirit guided us right to the 19-story building that houses this 3rd floor apartment. We now have a strategic location in Buenos Aires from which we will travel while ministering all over Argentina and the surrounding South American countries. In a city of 10 million, it was quite amazing that this building happened to be across the street from my closest friends in Buenos Aires who imgGuzmanrecently moved there from southern Argentina. I included a photo of them peddling around a lake near the apartment. They are leasing out the apartment on a weekly basis for us to help cover expenses when we’re not using it.

I thought the apartment I had been renting was a great blessing, but this one bedroom apartment can sleep more, it’s more comfortable, it’s in a nice secure imgApartInt;neighborhood and located within a 5-minute walk of the subway, 15 minutes from the local airport, train and bus station are a block away from the longest series of parks in the city. As my friends Tyler and Nancy in Dallas recently told me, God never wants to drop us down but wants to continually lift us higher and higher. I resisted the idea to move to another place in the beginning thinking to myself, "My old place is sufficient," but I was reminded that it’s not about me. The more we are blessed, the more we can bless others and expand the Kingdom for the King of Kings.

You can imagine how purchasing an apartment in someone else’s name would even be difficult in the US. A foreigner doing it for another foreigner in the 3rd most bureaucratic democratic nation in the world was not easy. But, working with Him as a team, what looked impossible at a couple points became reality. I felt more hammered by the enemy at times on these foundation building trips than when we are out ministering to the people. It’s interesting that right after I got home I turned on Christian television and someone was teaching about the 5 biblical based things that the enemy hates most. One of them was God’s people purchasing or taking control of property, because it represents a domain of influence that He has definitely lost.

The whole apartment mission was very God directed, so it’s obvious that the Lord has plans to grow this ministry as part of the worldwide net He is weaving. The imgPlazaItaliafoundation of everything we do has to be Spirit directed with intercessory prayer and proclamation at its core. The front line of this ministry is the intercessors who bust open the gates of hell allowing those of us He has put in the field to walk right into the enemy’s territory. Without your participation, we cannot be very effective. We are putting a lot of thought and prayer into constantly improving how we communicate our situations between our field teams and intercessors.

I have a full itinerary until the end of the year. It appears that in September, around the first part of the month, Robert Johnson and I will be heading to Milan, Italy for about a week then spending another 10 days ministering in the south of Spain. Details on that and other itineraries will be posted on our web site as they become firm. We want to go nowhere, do nothing, say nothing and meet nobody unless He is sanctioning it. So please pray that every step we take and every move we make is in His path.

We received notification from the US department of the treasury that Amor Ministries International is no longer a probationary tax exempt organization but now has official status. We all want to thank Karen Glennon, who has been on our board and the one who was the key for putting the AMI organization together. Thanks to all of you who are, in one way or another, working as part of this body to expand the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ on God’s colony called Earth. Funds are always needed to help with transportation, lodging and aid to others where directed. All donations are tax deductible and will directly support the work the Lord leads me to do. If your company has a matching gift program, our Employer Identification Number is 04-3623802.

I believe the world will very soon be changing even faster than it is now. More than ever we need to be well founded and grounded on the immovable Rock of Christ.

In His service,


"The LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless." – Psalms 84:11

Spring 2007

Dear friends,

We just returned back from a groundbreaking trip to Spain. I received several confirmations over the last year that I would be going there. But, as always, it was a surprise how it unfolded. The Lord put in Keijo’s mind, our main friend in Finland who had connections in Spain, that we would be coming there. After we called him, it was mostly all arranged within a week.

imgBarcelonaBayRobert Johnson, Jim Hoiland and I arrived in the fast growing Mediterranean port city of Barcelona, Spain on Feb. 6 after having a flight from Eugene, Oregon cancelled due to fog, then miraculously reinstated after prayer. It even left on time! Keijo and Hannu, our Finish partners, met us with Pedro Castro (yes he is related to Fidel) an apostolic evangelist who has been instrumental in starting fellowships around the Barcelona area and other parts of Spain. He is now based out of Granada in the southern part of the country. It was the first time in 10 years that Pedro felt directed by the Holy Spirit to be the liaison to a US ministry. It was a match made in heaven.

We were based out of a head pastor’s apartment in Vic, Spain, about an hour north of the Barcelona. This pastor was overseeing multiple fellowships in northern Spain.imgBridge We ministered in several congregations over the next 2 weeks within a 200 mile radius of Vic including 3 different Gypsy churches and even a church full of Brazilians. Vic is a city near a place in which the apostle Paul was known to have stayed. The Romans had settled and developed many of these northern Mediterranean areas of Spain as evidenced by this old Roman bridge. My messages were strongly geared at activating everyone in the Church as ministers and getting rid of counterproductive structures and tradition that only serve to divide the church and repel the seeking world away from God. We were used to encourage 2 well established pastors in Vic, imgTonaone from Brazil via Argentina and one from Sweden, to work together. God gave me a vision of them weaving a giant net together. At Tona, the sight of a former pagan Roman temple, we interceded to break strongholds over the city.

Here are a few snippets of what we saw the Lord do. The first night in Vic, I motioned to a guy in the back to come forward and gave him the plans God was showing me that He had for him. The head pastors told me I must have heard wrong because that guy wasn’t even a Christian. The next day, he became a believer. In fact, he wanted to follow us to other meetings afterward. He just needed to hear of the greatness that God has planned for him if only he wouldimgProfessor give Him his life. A Brazilian university professor, who had recently given his life to the Lord then moved to Spain, was greatly touched by the Lord after He gave me some words to give him concerning the next steps in his life. At a large house church, several young people, one after another, received Jesus as their savior. The Lord healed and freed several people in northeastern Spain confirming that He had sent us.

Pedro, our primary liaison in Spain, has been led to minister primarily to the Muslims who immigrate into Spain from northern Africa. One of our teammates back at home was awakened in the night and heard the word "Our Lady of Fatima", and said it was for us and this trip. I asked Pedro what that might mean and he said that many of the Muslims wear Fatima Amulets. Fatima was the daughter of the Muslim prophet Mohamed. The Catholic Church in Spain also adopted Fatima as a saint after she supposedly appeared to some children in Portugal and a statue of her was located in the main Catholic Church building in Vic. Pedro told us it is a strong principality in all of Spain.

As prophesied before the Spain trip, many doors were opened into other parts of Europe while we were there. We also received requests to minister in other parts of Spain. It was clear before the trip that this would be only the first mission into this country. Pray for us to hear clearly when we are to return or go into the other opened countries.

I travel back to Argentina with Ed Araiza in May. I believe the majority of that trip will be around the Buenos Aires area. It seems that the remainder of the year will be quite busy for this ministry. Schedules will be posted on the internet as I and others on the team know them.

The web has been updated by our virtual headquarters caretaker Dan Van Ordstrand. He added audio and video sections with clips from places we have ministered. Podcasts are even available of our reports from the field. Mackenzie England, a new member of the team, put together a nice DVD of the Spain trip. We are putting all the effort into communicating what is going on because we who are sent to the field are only a small part of this ministry. We can only be efficient and effective if the rest of the team is activated and informed. Thank you to all of you who support financially, intercede or in any other way add to this team. Please be attentive to hear the voice of our heavenly Commander and Chief and do what He shows you so, as one body in Christ, we can be most effective.

Funds are always needed to help with transportation, lodging and aid to others where directed. All donations are tax deductible and will directly support the work the Lord leads me to do. If your company has a matching gift program, our Employer Identification Number is 04-3623802.


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