Newsletter: Word of Encouragement - May 2020

Posted: May 05, 2020

Author: AMI Newsletter | Created: May 05, 2020 at 02:02 PM

You will find below a portion of a letter Robert A. Johnson's wife; Louise wrote today to a friend. We pray it will bring you peace and encouragement in these days we are traveling through right now together with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The last day of 2019, Robert and I were walking on a path down at a park we like to go to. It is a beautiful path, mostly paved, and it runs along a river. You can walk for miles, or just go a bit and turn around. Great way to get some exercise!

Anyway, on this last day of the year, I kept seeing a sign they have posted quite frequently along the path. I felt impressed to take a picture of it. I felt like the Lord was using it to speak to me. It says, “PLEASE STAY ON THE PATH.” I have it framed and sitting on my desk as a reminder. I felt it was a theme for 2020.

Words of encouragement in a framed picture.

As we all know, this year has not even remotely unfolded the way any of us would have imagined. It’s so NOT like I had envisioned 2020 to be.


Fast forward to April 15. I have a sign I painted hanging in my kitchen that says, “Walk by faith, not by sight.” I’ve had it hanging there for years. It just randomly decided to fall off the wall. It’s about 3 feet long and wood, so I definitely heard it fall. I wondered if that was significant. The next day I’m reading in my devotional and one of the scriptures for the day was 2 Cor 5:7. In the Voice version it reads: “The path we walk is charted by faith, not by what we see with our eyes.” Hmmm, got my attention there!


To top off the whole “path” experience, on April 25, Robert and I were walking along the same path. He was pointing out some ducks and as I took my eyes off the path and onto the ducks my foot twisted on a spot the pavement is uneven and I came down so fast I didn’t even know what happened. Hip, elbow, head. Thankfully, besides bruising, I was ok.


Now I don’t believe the Lord pushed me down, but I do believe this whole experience has spoken to me that if we take our eyes off the path, things do not go well.


It has definitely been challenging this year to walk by what we don’t see and to walk in faith. I have to keep my eyes focused on Jesus and stay on the path He has for me, no matter what my eyes are telling me.


Louise Johnson


Thank you, friends and partners of the ministry for all your support, God Bless you and keep you and yours,


From all of us at AMI.


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