Newsletter: 2006

Posted: May 05, 2017

Author: Robert Johnson | Created: November 13, 2006 at 03:36 AM

November 2006

Thank you, Lord, for another fantastic trip. Thank you, my friends, for praying and listening and giving.

When I arrived in Buenos Aires there was much confusion due to the city airport being closed. I was to take a flight from there to Rio Gallegos to meet Greig. I waded through the confusion and did eventually meet Greig, which was a great relief.

The next evening after arriving, I spoke along with Greig and Ivan. The message was a word that the Lord had spoken to me just before arriving in Argentina. God is sifting His church at this time. Luke 22:31 (The sifting of Peter) and also Amos 9:9 speaks of a sieve. A sieve was used to separate the wheat from small stones and other refuse gathered with it when scooped up from the ground. Only the grain drops through, the refuse will be discarded as it is screened out. God is going through all the churches at this time and is sifting through each one. Many of the churches are too comfortable where they are at and the Lord spoke that there are holes in the church and it has become unclean. The parable of the net in Matthew 13 is an example also that God was bringing a separation among those who call themselves Christians and say they love God. A separation from man’s way of doing things verses God’s way. This first church was full of crying eyes and much repentance.

Upon entering into Chile we came to an international bible school where we stayed the night. We moved on to a church that was founded over 40 years ago in the city of Punta Arenas. From there a phone call was made to the city of Porvenir. We crossed by ferry across the Strait of Magellan to this city and were met by a pastor who took us to his home.

Because not much was known about our coming the first meeting was small as invitations were made by phone calls to friends.

The first meeting was good and a Baptist pastor and his wife came to hear. The next night the meeting grew a great deal. The Baptist pastor came again and then invited us to his house the next day.

During this time at his house, I gave him words and a vision I had received earlier about him. The vision was that his heart would be enlarged three times spiritually speaking to receive and accommodate the work of the Holy Spirit. The first enlargement would be a love for the people of the city. I saw him go to a nearby mountain and stand and pray over the city and ask the for the Holy Spirit’s love for the people. He told me that he had already been doing this. (Confirmation!) The second enlargement would be for the lost and those who know God but just don’t care anymore. The Lord gave a vision of the pastor with a miner’s hat on with the light in the front. The pastor was going into a mine to rescue some miners that were trapped by a cave-in. The pastor found some and they were saved, but for others it was too late and they were lost. The third enlargement had to do with divine encounters that would come. The encounters would be by God’s doing and the pastor could not make them happen.

The first encounter was Greig and I whom he invited to his home. Though he didn’t know us, he opened up and received us. More encounters and more changes to advance the kingdom would soon be made apparent to him.

The pastor of the church we were in never told us that we would be speaking the next night because he wanted to see if we were real prophets.

After the first night, and God confirming to the people as well as the leaders that we had been sent, we were given total freedom to speak. The second night as we were finishing the Lord had spoken to me that we were going to have an experience like in the book of Acts, chapter 20, Paul’s farewell to the Ephesian elders. All the people gathered around us and began to pray for Greig and me.

After being directed back to Punta Arenas and given a phone number to call by the Baptist pastor in Porvenir, we left and traveled back by ferry to Punta Arenas.

The prayers to calm the water were answered, as it is usually very rough traveling on the ferry in the afternoon. The crossing was incredibly smooth and many people on the ferry were remarking about the calmness of it because this was not normal. Thank you, Lord, for that answer to prayer.

Upon arriving back we met with another Baptist pastor who was trying to break away from tradition and was the founder of a bible institute. Upon arriving in this church the Lord gave me another vision along with the message Starving On The Vine. In one part of the message I was speaking out of II Kings, Chapter 2 about crossing the Jordan River. The Lord spoke to me to take my bible and use it as Elisha did with his cloak to divide the Jordan River. I did and told the people to come and cross the river to the other side. The whole church of about 60 people walked up, crossed over and then formed a line to be prayed for. The pastor said the people have never gotten up to form a line. Ever! Then he said that while in Cuba he had a dream and he usually doesn’t have dreams. In the dream there was a fence and a tree that was over the fence. The pastor was using the tree to help the people get over the fence, but the tree was too unstable. Two men were seen in the dream and they were helping the people walk up the tree and over the fence, one man on each side of the tree. The ending of the message helped the people to cross over to the other side, which was a huge confirmation that Greig and I were to be there in the church. Thanks Lord.

After traveling back to Buenos Aires, we traveled outside the city to a special meeting, which was being held. There the Lord showed me two people to give words for. One woman I could see in front of me, the other the Lord showed me her face in a vision. I went up to start and my legs began to shake as I saw the woman’s face that God had shown me while I was still sitting. I gave the words to the two women and began with the message. The title was The Final Season. I shared a dream I had received just before coming to Argentina about trees being uprooted and a new variety to replace the old. I told the church that the new variety of tree was being planted in the church and the old had been removed. The next day one of the pastors came to visit his sister, which lives next door to Greig’s apartment. He wanted to see us and tell us that last night was very good. He said the head pastor agreed about the dream and knew that it spoke of many who had left the church and even though there was some concern about it, the Lord had replaced those who had left with new people that were much more open to change and to the moving of the Holy Spirit. Also, the one woman whose face I had seen was the assistant pastor’s wife. The pastor told me that earlier his wife said, "Nobody ever gives me a word". She was given a word and confirmed it and the church was very happy to have us. We have been invited back and this time with an excellent interpreter to help with me and also we would be given top spot on Sunday. This was a great honor that was given to us, and a big open door. Ministry time was fairly short because most of the people were on the floor. The Lord had spoken earlier in the day about ministry time. The Lord said to leave the ministry time to Him. God just placed most people under His power and touched them without a great deal of words or anything. This was a fabulous night that we will remember for a long time.

Thank you again for all your prayer and support to our families and us. We will be leaving in February to the country of Spain. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! And a blessed New Year!

Robert Johnson


If you would like to contribute, you can do so by mailing a check to the AMOR address at the top of this newsletter. Prayer is free and always highly appreciated. We will take all the prayer that we can get!

Robert can be reached at as well.

September 2006

Thank you for praying for us as we traveled through these countries and that you were concerned enough to pray when the attacks were on.

Our first stop was in Kouvola, Finland, before getting on the ferry to cross into Estonia. The first night was outstanding and the church in Kouvola was full and great anticipation was in the air. After giving the prophetic messages, Greig and I began to minister prophetically to many, giving direction-specific words for the future to many. Healings occurred and several oppressed Christians were set free from bondage. Many people in the Christian world don’t believe Christians can have demons, but after dealing with the demons for many years in Christians it is something we see often.

One such person approached me wanting prayer. The pastor’s wife, who spoke fluent English, interpreted for me. The woman began to speak Chinese and continued to do so for a few minutes and then began to cluck like a chicken. The Lord revealed a claw grabbing the side of the woman’s face. The Lord had me command the demons to let her go and she sailed forward, sliding along the floor where she remained for a while and was delivered. Many people were touched and I believe when the leaders of the different churches are open and recognize whom God has sent they will receive the blessings.

In the morning, Arto, the pastor, joined us and we ate breakfast there. Afterwards, as we were saying out goodbyes, Arto took us a few feet away to a door that led into a conference room that looked like a college lecture room. Arto said to us that he would like us to come for a prophetic conference when God would lead us and this could possibly be the room for this time. As I looked at this room I immediately went back to 1989 when I stood in this lecture room and spoke. God is preparing the church through the prophets who are called to the nations.

In Estonia we were well received and several times we spoke in several cities. God set us up with a pastor in Narva who has a TV ministry as well as an outreach to the city. The TV broadcasted into several countries, Russia being a main one. Thank you Lord for such a beautiful opportunity. I had just spoken on how the church has let the authority it has slip away and how the demons need to be dealt with. The churches are attacked all the time. Afterwards a man approached and wanted to confess all his sins and rid his life of the enemy who was controlling him. The Lord spoke and said that when he was young he was thrown into the water to drown him and later he was thrown in the fire to be burned. He looked at me and said both these things are true. Isaiah 43:2 was given to the man. Please read this. This is the prophetic in action; when words of knowledge are given and demons are cast out and the words are confirmed and the man walks free.

In the city of Kohtla-Järve, we had a great night and one lady was given a word of knowledge of her left leg and hip and Greig had a word on her lower jaw. She came forward speaking fast and excited because she had been healed instantly, praise God. We were asked when we came that way again if we would have a prophetic conference in the area because the church there need it and are hungry for this type of ministry. They have plenty of teaching, but not the prophetic. The Lord is building up prophetic ministries all over the world and some of the pastors and teachers recognize it and see the benefit of it for the church as a whole.

We traveled through Estonia stopping in several cities and ministering with many confirmations and healings, etc. In the country of Latvia we were received at first with apprehension. We spoke first in a conference room in a Best Western motel. The pastor had a couple from England there. Their names were Albert and Margaret. They had spoken earlier and now got to listen to these two Americans. When I was finished speaking about the church spiritually being in a drought, the Lord had me begin to give words to people. Many healings took place and a great deal of joy. The next day we were in the city of Tukums and Albert spoke about the night before and how the church needed what took place there. He spoke of the words of knowledge and how accurate they were and how the people were touched so powerfully. I was happy to be with them both and they are a great couple.

The trip was full of healings, deliverances, connections, invitations, lives changed, new friends and requests to return to minister. Acts 26:17-18: I am sending you to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.

The word "dredging" was heard before going on this trip and this is what happened. There was a deepening and a bringing to the surface the things of this world in people’s lives. There was cleaning for those who were there and a chance to walk in Jesus’ light. The team as made up of four of us, Keijo, Hannu, Greig and myself, and everyone had his part. The greater part of the team was at home praying for us and God did things that have launched us into several more places off of this trip. The next trip is for me to join up with Greig in Argentina and then into Chile in the month of November.

To a great team who has been behind all of us all the way, I would say to you it is my honor to have all of you fighting the good fight and pressing on towards the goal and the finish line, which is now appearing on the horizon.

Your friend,

Robert Johnson


If you would like to contribute, you can do so by mailing a check to the AMOR address at the top of this newsletter. Prayer is free and always highly appreciated. We will take all the prayer that we can get!

Robert can be reached at as well.

June 2006

Thank you from deep in my heart for your prayers and giving that made this trip possible.

As we arrived in Romania, our first work was in a Pentecostal church. The pastor was dressed like a priest and made me wonder what would take place. When it was time for me to speak I was probably ten minutes into the message when the pastor said something to the interpreter. The interpreter said that I had to hurry and finish the message. Before starting, the pastor wanted to read our scriptures for us and so on. The pastor said this is the day of Pentecost and we want to hear about the Holy Spirit. When I was speaking the pastor didn’t really want to hear anything. God was having me give a correction as well as direction. The people were making a lot of noise and I finished up the message. The pastor was more concerned with eating than anything else. I believe many of the people were very interested in what was said, but the leadership, which was mainly controlled by one, cared only for control.

God had us go to an exciting church called Stiridin Bethcleem where we were given a great deal of freedom. The Lord touched many and they eagerly received the word given. The leaders and the body stayed when we were done speaking and wanted to hear specific words for their lives. Each person received much more than they expected.

We went through several hardships while we were in Romania and several outstanding times as well. In the charismatic church in the city of Arad I didn’t have any message coming to me to give. Greig asked if I had received a message for that night. I said nothing yet. I brought my Bible and a note pad and pen. As we were sitting I was pondering on what God was up to for me. Greig asked once more if I had anything. As I was looking at their bulletin, I replied, yes I do now. Inside the bulletin was a picture of a waterfall flowing down onto the ground that was cracked and dry. I had a message that matched the picture and the Lord took me, without notes, and together the Lord pulled out a beautiful message.

The Lord had me deal with a woman that had recently been into out of body experiences, witchcraft, drugs and all sorts of filth. Many demons were cast out and the Holy Spirit filled many voids. One young man who recently had a blood transfusion contracted AIDS and was prayed for. I believe God touched him heavily. The people were so happy to receive words for themselves in a personal way. Almost everyone received a word and there were plenty of people. The people weren’t used to getting to receive so much. Most of the time, even in church bodies that believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the people rarely receive personal words. God established Greig and I strongly in several places in Romania for the future. Those leaders who were more interested in themselves and quenched the Spirit of God the Lord gave me afterwards Jeremiah chapter 23 where the pasture will be taken away from the shepherds. The Lord sometimes has us go into areas where it’s the last warning or last call to repent and change. If they listen and change God lifts off from them what was intended. One church the pastor told me I had until 12:00 P.M. to speak and then I must stop, even though I was told the day of Pentecost was this weekend. At ten until 12:00 I was finished and sat down and the pastor panicked and jumped up and spoke ten minutes more until noon exactly and then finished. Tradition and legalism were huge in this country, yet the people were delighted in what they were hearing.

A vision was seen of a round, plain wedding ring dropped into water. When the ring hit the water it formed a circle. The Lord was using us to bring the body together as a whole.

Another vision was seen on June 14th. A man was seen with a very large backpack on his back. The backpack was the kind often seen on those traveling. The backpack was removed and placed on a horse. A man tried to get on the horse on one side and fell off. Then the man went to the other side of the horse to get on and slid off again. Then the man went to the front of the horse and took the reins off the horse and began to lead the horse to where he wanted it to go. I believe the interpretation is this: The man with the backpack is the prophet, who is most of the time on a journey. The prophets are sent to help the body of believers. The horse represents pastors or leaders of the body. The prophet isn’t sent to place a weight on the leaders or to ride them in any way or control them. That is why the man would slide off. The man then goes to the front of the horse, the leaders, and takes the reins and leads the horse where it’s supposed to go.

Several of the churches in Romania received from us and wanted to hear more and didn’t want us to go. One such body of believers didn’t want us to leave, but wanted to hear more of what the Holy Spirit was saying. In this church the Lord had me pick up a bicycle pedal along the road I found while I was jogging. As I ran further there was the other bicycle pedal lying along the road. The Lord said to pick it up too and that He would show me what to do with them. The message was Breaking Away, which has to do with leaving the traditions and legalism behind. The Lord had me bring out a bicycle pedal to describe the church of today which has forgotten how to ride the bike. When we were young we all rode our bicycles and it never failed that one pedal would break and fall off. So what did you do? You continued to ride the bicycle until the other pedal broke. Then what did you do with the bicycle? You didn’t want to ride anymore. The church isn’t riding the bicycle anymore. We have set it aside and haven’t fixed the bicycle, but have left it.

Six cities were ministered in and the trip was a great introduction to this recent communist country which is fighting to be free from all its previous backlashes with its past. The Lord gave me a dream the morning we left. A slot machine was seen. The people were putting coins in the machine and pulling the lever. Everyone was gambling and hoping they would win the jackpot. Interpretation: People are gambling with their lives and hoping to get rich quick to satisfy their lives. Christ is the One who makes life worthwhile and all the riches in the world, or the running after those riches, will lead to destruction. Matthew 6:21-24 and Matthew 10:40-41 speaks of a prophet’s reward and we believe that those who acknowledge the prophets seem to always receive. We are truly blessed to have everyone praying, giving and just sticking with us. Thank you Lord for this trip and thanks everyone!

Robert A. Johnson


If you would like to contribute, you can do so by mailing a check to the AMOR address at the top of this newsletter. Prayer is free and always highly appreciated. We will take all the prayer that we can get!

Robert can be reached at as well.

May 2006

Thank you Lord, for extending Your hand on the precious people of Finland. Thank you Lord, for touching the prayers and those who prayed for us. This was a great and awesome trip that God placed us into and God did beautiful things in the country of Finland. Thanks be to God who has blessed us with such a team of people who stand with us as we go out and come in. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We traveled into Oulu, stayed at Pastor Esa’s home, and were welcomed warmly. As we ministered in this city the Lord gave a few words of knowledge one night concerning some healings. One word was for a left arm and hand, which was weak and had no strength. A woman came forward and was prayed for. The next night she showed what she could do with her arm and hand and described that before very little could be done with the hand and arm and now was healed and better than it had ever been. Another word was for suicide and three came forward; two were delivered and the third came to me with anger and hate and saying many things out of hurt and pain because she felt God had left her. By the third night of meetings and hard-hitting messages that God was having us give, she came forward and confessed that she had sinned and she repented and turned from her hurt and pain against God.

Often in Finland you will come in contact with Gypsies, and so we did as two came to the pastor’s house. The Lord gave a word to one Gypsy woman. The word was very interesting. Here is the word that was given: The Lord told me to get two paper towels and go outside with one of them and lay it in the snow and dirt and push it into the snow. This made some holes in the towel. Then the Lord had me go back into the house and kneel before this woman and then lay the towel on her lap. Then the Lord directed me to say to her that the holes and dirt represented her people. She would bring help to those that felt like they were dirty and had holes. Then I took the dirty towel away and laid a clean towel in her lap and said she would be one the Lord would use to bring her people to God and they would become clean.

We were invited on Easter Sunday to a large, old school building where the believers met. The message that the Lord wanted to give to the people was new and hard. The message was titled, "Sin Rests at the Door." After the message people came forward for prayer and God healed, delivered and set people free left and right. One unique thing on this Easter Sunday that was repeated many times was the phrase that sin rests at the door. One after another would speak these words and then in English because a great deal of the people speak the language and would say, "I repent." People were coming up and freely confessing their sins and repenting. I have never seen this in this magnitude. Praise the Lord!

Still in the city of Oulu, we went to a small house meeting outside the city in the country. We were told it would be a casual meeting. After arriving we sat down for a few minutes. We looked outside and people were coming to the house. Soon the house was packed and even the stairways were filled. The people received what they came for and one spoke of her healing from the night before where she was having problems with her heart and she needed an operation and her chest was in pain a lot. She said all the pain left and she also was able to lift her arms over her head. Previously her arms had stayed at her sides for several months and now she was free.

In Iisalmi and Kajanni many people were touched, healed and set free from bondages. When setting people free we usually had around ten minutes to hit the target and God would give the words and we would deliver them to each as needed. People were breaking down and weeping, as God would set them free. When you have a lot of people to pray for you need to move along fairly quick. I have been praying for many years to hear God in a way as to get to the root problem and get the job done quickly like Jesus did.

Also in Kajanni, a special word was to be given for the church. The word was that the Kajanni church was a rose that was about to open. A rose was presented to Pastor Lea who began to cry upon receiving this rose. Wonderful things took place and the people were greatly encouraged. In the city of Juuka there was a big demonic presence there and God moved through this encounter and touched several that night as we briefly stopped and then left for the next city. We went on to the city of Polvijarvi where God had a message given called, "Breaking Away." Many people were tired of traditional church and had gathered for something fresh. The message had to do with cutting out the junk that almost all churches seem to collect and don’t realize that they are not even where God wants them to be. Afterwards an older man was prayed for. God gave a word that his left leg needed to be healed. He confirmed it. Thirty minutes later he came and said that his left leg, which had been injured 15 years ago, now was functioning for the first time in 15 years and he was one excited man.

A woman was spoken to whom the Lord brought to my attention that she had some physical problems, though she looked healthy. The woman began to experience heat in her arms, chest and hands. She told us that she needed an operation and it was very expensive and the recovery time would be very long. God began to heal her at that moment and she could feel what God was doing and she broke down and began to cry. Another woman the Lord led me to pray for was given words of knowledge and revealed that her life consisted of depression, loneliness, and feelings of being unworthy. Then the Lord revealed she had been thinking of suicide and God headed off the devil’s schemes and set her free.

In the city of Tuupovaara we stayed several days and it was wonderful to be able to stay a few days and gain our strength back as well as minister there. One night as we ministered in this city, God did some fabulous things for the people who came to the house. One woman was called out into the middle of the room and the Lord said to pray for her healing. She said that there were so many things wrong with her that she didn’t know where to begin. She was prayed for and God swept over her, breaking down all pains, all sickness and these things began to leave in just a few minutes. Praise the Lord. God would reveal matters of the body, soul, and spirit to us and people were set free in just minutes and healed in their bodies as well. Many people were healed and encouraged and the phone rang a great deal the next morning as they gave testimonies of the great things God had done.

In Mikkeli, we stayed two nights and ministered there. Much crying and laughing occurred during the messages. The Lord gave forth several words of knowledge and one was for a bladder infection. Later as the Lord had a young lady prayed for, she said she also had TMJ and her neck and shoulders hurt and she had trouble sleeping. The day we were leaving Mikkeli we received a phone call that the bladder infection and TMJ was gone and that she slept for the first time in a long time. Another word given concerning a left shoulder and it had been damaged to where the man couldn’t work. This man hadn’t worked for three years and we were told later, as we were going down the road that all of his pain was gone and that for three years he couldn’t really use his left arm and now the arm was totally healed. A man was prayed for that had been a heroin-addict for 10 years and had been in an accident. There was no feeling in his legs. He told me that if he pulled the skin up on his leg and put a big nail through it, he wouldn’t be able to feel a thing. After the demons were renounced and cast off, the Lord began to touch the man’s legs, then his feet and finally his chest and face. He was on fire and began to get very excited and gave his life to the Lord and began to walk around. I told him to go and practice walking around at home. He hadn’t walked for a couple of years. Another woman with a thyroid problem in her throat, which needed an operation, was prayed for and the feeling in her throat began to change and she said that the feeling she had been having all the time was leaving and she began to rejoice and cry.

In the city of Koulova we met in a new place with the leaders. I gave the message, "Pointing the Finger," and I really didn’t want to give this word, but I could tell the Lord wanted it done. After giving this message, the leader in charge, Arto, told me that the scripture I gave, Isaiah 58:8-9, was the same exact scripture he used that week there at the church.

After one night in this city, we traveled to our last night in Finland, to the city of Klaukkala. The meeting place was called the Second Hand Church where they had furniture and sofas lined up and people would come. This was very interesting to me to see how the people gathered close in a building like this. God is breaking down structures and the way church is done here in Finland and many people are responding to God in a new way. The night was fun and God touched many. After I got home to the USA, two friends of mine that I had met over the years told me that after the meeting when they got home that one of them was instructed to read a particular scripture in Zechariah. Upon doing so two gold flakes appeared on the page and the scripture God had pointed out. My other friend told me that gold dust appeared in her home and also on her hair. This is very encouraging to them as well as to our own team that ministered throughout Finland.

Thanks to those who formed the battle lines and stood your ground as the Lord pushed back the deeds of darkness through our commitment to remain firm in the faith. May I say to everyone who reads this newsletter that Keijo, Hannu, Greig and myself are eternally grateful. May the Lord our God bless all of you through and through. Pray for Greig and me, for we are leaving June 6th to Romania to start the next adventure in Christ. Praise the Lord for His living hope.

Robert Johnson


If you would like to contribute, you can do so by mailing a check to the AMOR address at the top of this newsletter. Prayer is free and always highly appreciated. We will take all the prayer that we can get!

Robert can be reached at as well.

March 2006

After meeting up with Greig in Buenos Aires on Feb. 16th, we rested a couple of days and prayed for the cities we would be going to. The Lord gave words for each city. We flew into Rio Gallegos, which is a 3-hour flight south from Buenos Aires. We spent about one hour there and got on a bus and traveled until midnight to Piedra Buena. We stayed at a pastor’s house that night. This church was a Methodist Pentecostal church. The pastor seemed a little skeptical of us; which is how it would turn out to be this whole trip. A word from the Lord was given before we began our journey into this city. The word was that when the two of us give hard-hitting messages the enemy will counter with a heavy hand against us both because it will hurt him. The Lord continued by saying that if we continue to obey and hit hard, He would destroy the hard-hitting spirits and give us peace.

After leaving the city of Piedra Buena, where God touched the people with several words of knowledge, we moved on to the city of Gobernador Gregores. The Lord gave a word for this city, saying, "This city will be a welcome mat for both of you. The people will be like in the book of Acts, chapter 17, verse 11 – ‘The Bereans were of a more noble character.’ " This word was literally played out in this city.

On arriving there two hours later we were asked to come to their radio station and speak. I had told Greig that everywhere we go they will ask, "Why are you here and why have you come?" This was the major question asked. They would ask, "Who are you and why have you come?" The next day before a high official we were asked this same question and later were given the keys to the city by him to move about freely as we liked. A little while later we were on TV there and asked the same thing.

As we spoke in the first church, which was the Church of God, we were told before that this was a difficult church to get into in Argentina. There was a buzz throughout this city about these Americans that had come to their city. The first night after giving our messages we asked if anyone would want to receive the Lord for the first time and hands went up all over. Twenty-plus people received the Lord the first night. We were in the city four days and saw many come to the Lord. The people received our messages with great eagerness and anticipation. Several direct words of knowledge for individuals were given along with healings and some deliverances.

One woman came to the house where we were staying and as we sat around the table eating late at night, which is the custom when guests are in town, I could sense the Lord wanted to heal this woman. I asked if she was in pain. She said yes. We prayed and the next morning she came by bringing a gift of bread and a praise report that her body, which had been full of pain, was healed and free of pain and that God was now going to be her source of strength and not man. She had recently been considering coming back to God and now had made the commitment to do so.

In our last night in the city many words of knowledge had been given and confirmed. The last man to be prayed for, the Lord spoke and said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." He asked us to come to his house and eat and while we were at his house he told us that God had done a miracle in their lives and that they had recently come back to God and were being taught that it was more blessed to give than to receive. This man said that this word to him was very powerful because we didn’t know him or his family and that God had been dealing heavily with them in this giving idea, and so tight connections were made with future leaders for this city.

The next day this man took us by car and drove us to San Julian, which was around three hours away and totally gravel roads. In San Julian the word of the Lord was this, "Farther reaching than you would have expected, will be the results in this city. I am arching and connecting this space so that no barriers can exist in this city. I will gain victory over the enemy’s strategy that has caused separation for these people. I will use both of you to accomplish this."

When we came to this city and met with the pastor, who knew we were coming, we could tell he did not really want to accommodate us. All the pastors have other jobs and work hard, plus they all have churches to run. After speaking a message titled, "Pointing the Finger," many were touched and all the pastors gathered together that night and spoke to each other under one roof, which had never happened before. A couple of the pastors had prayed for unity of the Body to occur and now before their eyes it was taking place.

The one pastor we met when we came to town said he had invited every pastor in the city and figured nobody would come, because not too many really seemed interested in two Americans and especially ones that were supposed to be prophets. The church was full the first night and the second night it was standing room only and God was pouring out His Spirit big time on this city. The Lord gave words of knowledge to each pastor and their wives that were there. About seven churches were represented under one roof – major unity to the body of Christ. Some of the pastors said they really never thought something would ever happen like this and that God was surely over all this time. Major bridges were built between the people in this city and they were connecting to God like never before. Several people received healings and they didn’t want us to leave.

We went on to the city Santa Cruz and met with a pastor from the Assembly of God church. This pastor was very skeptical of us being prophets, especially since we have no credentials. Another pastor that we had visited on a previous trip called him. This pastor told the pastor in Santa Cruz that these men were true prophets; listen to them. This pastor was calmed down some, but was still skeptical until we finished speaking and began to call out words of knowledge. The pastor came up afterwards and said, "I know all these people you just gave these words to and I know that the words are true and accurate." He quickly gave recommendation to two major churches in Rio Gallegos about us.

We moved on to Rio Gallegos for a couple of nights and rested the first night and spoke the next. During our ministry time the house was full and as the first word came forth a pastor, who was skeptical, jumped to his feet. He moved a chair aside and quickly came to be prayed for. God began to heal his right leg and groin area and he was not skeptical anymore!

We returned to Buenos Aires where we went to a church where a false prophet had been planted and had secretly done a great deal of damage and was cast out of the church. Several words were given and inner healing and trust was restored to many, a trust that there really are true prophets still around.

Bridges were built, connections made, barriers demolished and God glorified! To everyone who was praying for us I say, "Thank You!" To everyone giving to this ministry I say, "Thank You!" To God be the glory, now and forevermore. Amen!

- Robert Johnson


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