Newsletter: 2014

Posted: May 05, 2017

Author: Greig Detering | Created: April 14, 2014 at 04:20 AM

Winter/Spring 2014

Hi Friends,

Due to unseen circumstances, instead of spending less time on family farm business responsibilities, I ended up spending more. These last few years have been the biggest crushing time in my life. God’s ways are not our ways. I understand now why I felt no leading to plan any major mission trips this last year outside of a needed trip to Argentina. Over the last 2 years, our family has gotten a better handle on the farm business since our earthly father and mother’s sudden passing. All involved in the family farm business should have more freedom this year.

I believe, through this disruption in my life, the Lord has wiped much of the slate clean of things that needed to be rearranged in preparation for the launch of the next phase of this ministry. AMI has now been in existence for 12 years. My foreign ministry to El Salvador began only two years before that. Since then, the Creator of the Universe has sent me to 14 countries outside of the United States, sometimes multiple times. I just realized that I have gone to one country for every year of my foreign ministry so far. I won’t even pretend to know where all He will be sending me and who all he will be teaming up with me over the next few years. I do know He will be sending us in greater power and love that only He can put in us.

In November, I took a short trip to Argentina to get our apartment base in Buenos Aires ready to rent. We had a great renter move in the day after we left there who will be there for the next year. I got some much needed prayer time in Argentina with confirmation from contacts there and intercessors in the USA of what the Lord is preparing for me and the AMI team next.

In March, the telecom company Continuant where I have spent time over the last 4 years organizing a prayer network, won a huge landmark case Avaya levied against them 7 years ago. This lawsuit was the primary prayer focus of their intercessor network for the last 4 years. Avaya, the industry giant who they have competed against since their inception, would surely not have brought the suit against them if they would have realized that they could possibly lose. The trial itself lasted 6 months. But we and others had many against all odds prophesies that David would take down Goliath. One of the words from heaven that our prayer team received is that the lawsuit would be completed at the end of 7 years. This trial was a very important muscle building exercise for Continuant’s intercessors. Now we are celebrating the victory!

Rod Graham and Loren Leighton are stepping off the AMI elder board after 10 years of laying the foundation for this ministry. They have been the two towers holding up this organization in many ways. I can’t imagine how this team could have been built without them. Jan Swope, who has been with us since we moved our headquarters to Texas, is also stepping down to concentrate on the ministry to Zambia she is now working with. There are others who will step into their places as wise counsel and working components during the next phase of this ministry.

Earl Dickson, who has been our communication director and an important component of this ministry, has agreed to come on the board. Earl has organized and led teams to work together in intercession in order to get a clearer picture of what God is saying. He has also co-developed and led classes on understanding our identity, authority and power in Christ.

I am also pleased that Tim Frey, who works as an engineering manager in Phoenix, AZ, will also be coming onto the board of directors. He is a mature church leader who has taught bible classes and led prayer teams and other ministry groups. His wife Barbara has been very important to maintaining clear direction for this ministry as she has interceded for us the last few years and brought me much directional confirmation. Tim will surely bring much wisdom and stability to AMI.


We are setting a foundation for the next phase of this ministry. It will involve more people, unified in more diversity, covering more territory than before. All involved will have a common vision to lead people into the next big thing that the Lord will be doing with His body. Friends, please pray that we will move forward in lock step with our Leader so He can manifest Himself fully through us.

All financial contributions are tax deductible and will directly support the work the Lord leads me, in cooperation with this team, to do. Contributions can be made by check or via our web site using a credit card. Our Employer Identification Number is 04-3623802.

Thank you much for whatever part you are playing to support this ministry. May we all walk in the fullness of His truth and our identity in Him.

With much love and appreciation, Greig

By their fruit you will recognize them. :) Mathew 7:20

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