Newsletter: 2005

Posted: May 05, 2017

Author: Greig Detering | Created: December 01, 2005 at 10:00 PM

Winter 2005

Hello friends. I hope that you all had a great Christmas time and I pray this New Year will be a time of new beginnings for everyone. God is very big on new beginnings and leaving the past behind. I spent the last 3 months of the year in Argentina and Uruguay encouraging the church to leave the past behind and move into the new beginnings that He has planned for them.

In October, I headed north to visit Tucuman, Argentina for a few days. The Church of God there is where I spent most of my time over the past year encouraging horizontal structure in place of the traditional vertical structure. They are excitedly planning the expansion of the main sanctuary to accommodate all of the new believers that have entered via their small groups over the last year. That’s a problem the Lord really likes us to have.

On returning to Buenos Aires on Nov. 1st, I felt I was supposed to call Gabriel Benitez, who is on his 5th church plant. He is a very gifted teacher doing apostolic work in the northern part of the city. He invited me to minister in their upcoming meeting that week. A highlight occurred in the meeting when the Lord healed an elderly woman who could barely walk a few steps because of a long term knee problem. The Spirit of the Lord gave me specific words about callings, activities, and gifting for various people in the meeting. He gave some words on calling to one older lady named Milta in particular. I could tell she was a little skeptical of the words I spoke to her. Waiting on the train back to town, a man sat down next to her, turned to her and said "quot;Do not doubt anything you have been told tonight". She asked him, "How do you know what was said to me tonight?" He laughed. She looked away for a second. When she looked back, he was gone. She asked the lady sitting right next to her if she saw where the man went that was sitting next to her. The lady responded "What man? There was no man sitting next to you." She called the pastor Gabriel later that night to tell him the story. She did not sleep all night. She has never had an experience anything like that. Others were greatly impacted by her story also.

Robert Johnson gave me a Word before this trip that I would be ministering in a town Northeast of Buenos Aires. This seemed highly unlikely since the only thing north east of the capital is a giant river followed by the country of Uruguay, where I had no contacts. Daniel, the president of a denomination called New Life Community, met me the night I was ministering in Gabriel’s congregation. Daniel is from the city of Paysandu, Uruguay which is 3 hours northeast of Buenos Aires. He invited me to Paysandu, the 2nd largest city in Uruguay, where I ministered the following weekend. The Lord touched and gave me words for many. They held a beautiful baptism in a country stream afterward. Daniel told me everything I spoke was confirmation to him imgPaysanduof what he was hearing from the Lord. God formed a bond between us very quickly. I believe their group is another kind of base camp for this ministry. In mid November, Robert met me and we traveled south to Rio Gallegos, the capital of Santa Cruz, which is the largest province outside of Buenos Aires in Argentina. God did great things there, as well as in the cities of Rio Turbio, 28 de Noviembre (where we ministered on November 28th) and El Calefate (located on the banks of a giant glacier lake). We were welcomed to each city with great love and warmth. God responded by pouring out a great wave of His Spirit over the people, especially over leaders ready to step out. There were many confirmations to the principle leaders and others through messages that the Lord gave us. One pastor, who in tears insisted that we come to his home, had seen a vision of Robert and me in his house 3 weeks earlier while he was distraught over family problems. At his home, the presence of the Lord dramatically overcame this man as we blessed him.

The weekend after we ministered in Rio Turbio, one group of pastors from ministries all over Santa Cruz province, filed with the Argentine government to begin a new organization which would allow them to get in line with the new things God has for them to do. Without our knowing, they said we gave them amazing Words of confirmation that they should take this step. We have far more invitations to minister in other congregations now than we could possibly accept, including several in large cities in southern Chile. I believe God broke the favor barrier on this trip which was the most spectacular trip to date in seeing immediate fruit produced. We praise you Jesus for your clear direction and faithfulness!

The Lord put together a great place for me to be based out of in Buenos Aires. I now have a small, cheap apartment, surrounded by other believer’s apartments in the heart of the Capital. That’s a great story of how God worked out another highly unlikely situation, using other brothers and sisters, to get me exactly what I need for the work He has called me to do.

I return to Argentina the second week of January. Robert and others will be heading back with me to Patagonia in February to minister in several places we have not visited before. Schedules will be posted on our web page as more dates and times become known.

Thank you for your faithful intercession prayer team, especially for those times He wakes you up in the middle of the night to pray for the team in the field. Please know how key you are to the success of this ministry. I also greatly appreciate the financial contributions that permit us to make the biggest impact. We could not even get there without your help. This ministry is not supported by any formal church, denomination or organization, but rather by individuals who believe they are to be part of this team. Funds are needed to help me with transportation, lodging and other needs. Money is always given in strategic places during these trips. Please send your tax-deductible donations to the address above. Make your check payableimgCalafate to Amor Ministries International. All donations are tax deductible and will directly support my ministry efforts. If your company has a matching gift program and you need our Employer Identification Number, it is 04-3623802.

Have a blessed 2006 in the Lord Jesus Christ,

Greig Detering

Fall 2005

Hello friends. Robert Johnson and I left for Stockholm, Sweden on June 28th, solely at the direction of the Lord. After we decided on the dates, we told our contact in Finland that we would be in Sweden. He was told by a contact in Stockholm that he was having a conference starting at that time and felt that God wanted us to minister there. Two nights before we left, the Lord gave me a dream where Robert and I were paving four roads that all started from the same point in a big building. The roads were on elevated platforms. We worked on paving a different road each day.

imgConferenceWhen we arrived at the conference we had no idea what we were to do there, only that they wanted us to minister some of the time. We were immediately put to work praying for many people every day and one or both of us preached each day. The other two speakers at the conference were apparently the two most well-known preachers in Sweden. There were about 500 people there at the key hours. I said to God, "Wow, thanks Lord for that cool dream confirming our four days ministering by entering a door that only You could open." But there was more in store.

On the third day, a lady in charge of running things, who is an immigrant from Albania, went to the front and said that the Lord had given her two verses for somebody. She said she had no idea what the verses say but she must be obedient to give them. They were Isaiah 49:11 and Ezekiel 12:28. I quickly looked each up. Isaiah 49:11 says, "I will make each of my mountains a road and my highways will be elevated." Ezekiel 12:28 says, "None of the words I have spoken will be delayed any longer." This was for us. It was overwhelming.

An hour later, the same lady that gave those verses was telling Robert and me how that morning she contacted friends in Ireland and told them that they should have us minister there. This was a country that the Lord showed Robert, before we left, that He would connect him to through this conference. Many of the things God had been speaking to me months earlier began to manifest on this trip, especially concering how God would connect us into other places in the world. Our Father is more in control than we can imagine.

After the conference, we traveled to western Sweden, where the meaning of another vision I had months earlier was made clear. I was seeing a vision of a red barn imgBarnHouseoutside a window. I told Robert I thought it was somewhere we will visit in Sweden. This photo shows the view outside the window of the home of Hakan and Gunilla Gniste, who live in Uddevalla, Sweden. It is the house across the street. It sure looks like a red barn. Their ministry has been instrumental in developing a unity in the body of Christ in that city, which is unique in all of Sweden. Hakan travels to many countries encouraging the church to work together in harmony. They were very kind to invite us into their home.

We spent tow days there before leaving for Norway, where we stopped off at another conference outside the capital city of Oslo. From there, we headed back into Sweden where we ministered in two fellowships in and outside Stockholm. The Lord moved powerfully with deliverance, words of knowledge, healings and filling people with joy in a way that I had not seen before. We were used in delivering people from demonic bondages to a greater degree that I have experienced up to this point in my travels. The Lord healed this lady’s hand – she had not been able to hold her imgLeftydog before we ministered and the Spirit of the Living God moved. Hallelujah! Jesus is still restoring what was broken.

We ended our three week trip by taking the ferry from middle Sweden to middle Finland and ministering in towns from there down to Helsinki. We were quite tired out after this trip, but should have been much more exhausted considering our schedule. The Lord held us up.

I believe that I may be doing some more ministering outside the U.S. in September, but the details of that are not known at this time. I do know that I will be heading back to Argentina, in the first part of October, where I will be spending time in Buenos Aires and areas outside the capital, working with various church groups.

It appears that Robert will be meeting me there in the last part of November to fly down to Patagonia where we will be ministering in several places we have not been to before in the state of Santa Cruz, where we will stay past the first week of December. Schedules will be posted on our web page as more dates and times become known.

Thank you, prayer partners, for your intercession. I would not leave home without your backing us and going before us in prayer. Know how key you are to the success of this ministry. It is not by our might, nor by our numbers, but by His Spirit that we produce fruit. Thank you for your battle in the Spirit.

Your brother in the Lord Jesus Christ,


"And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick, and healed them."

– Mark 6:13


Summer 2005

I just returned to the U.S. after five months in Tucuman, Argentina (with a few days back in between at the end of March). I got to see some wonderful signs and blessing of God.

One of the main congregations of the Church of God, where I have been based for the last few months establishing a cellular church structure, is experiencing the kind of growth churches experience when they release their members to pastor, teach, and evangelize in homes. Before I left Tucuman, a life-long Mafioso there entered one of their cell groups and gave his life to the Lord. By his own testimony, he felt comfortable entering because it was not a "church building." He is a good example of a soul that may have escaped this harvest if the nets were not cast where Jesus is saying to cast them.

At the end of April, I traveled to Belen, Catamarca where I spent a few months in imgPastorsGirls2003. I went to spread various messages the Lord had given me to various towns and cities in the northwestern states of Catamarca and La Rioja, Argentina. The Spirit of God showed me through a vivid dream that this trip would be especially important in the state of La Rioja, an important meeting place for witches, worldwide. The following is an account of one of the spiritual battles I witnessed.

On the morning of May 9th, at 6:00 A.M., Bishop Novoa, of the Church of God for the states of La Rioja and Catamarca, came to pick me up at my hotel. The car sounded like the transmission was ready to fall out and the bearings in the wheels were about to fry. This was very strange since the evening before, I was in the car and there were no problems. When we attempted to pop the hood, the hood release inside the car broke off. We tried using a wrench to pull on the hood cable with all our strength and still could not get the hood to pop open. I suggested that we could not leave on this 500 kilometer trip if we could not get access to the motor. The bishop, however, said we must go because people were waiting for us. I agreed that we should as it was the Lord’s plan. So Bishop Novoa said, "In the name of Jesus Christ we will make this trip." Within seconds, the hood popped open all by itself. That blew our minds. I suggested that he drive forward and so I could try to identify the source of the horrible sounds. When he did, there was not a single sound. This was so dramatic, the bishop began to cry. There was an overwhelming presence of the Lord. Unseen angels were present. What a confirmation that we had some very strong demonic opposition to our trip. There was not one mechanical problem throughout the remainder of the journey. I became keenly aware of how our success in the field is dependent on the rest of the team doing battle in the spirit realm. Thank you, intercessors.

We arrived in Chilecito, the second largest city in the state, with the news that pastors from several churches were coming. Six other pastors from five other denominations were there. I delivered the message the Lord gave me on "Cleaning the Church." The pastors who were there had recently made a commitment to start working together. They told me that my message was strong, but it was a big confirmation of the changes they need to make. It became very clear why demonic principalities were taking that trip personally.

imgBaptismThere was great response in all the cities, followed by confirming signs. One lady had a very obvious hernia sticking out of her abdomen, which disappeared before our eyes. In one town, where there is no established church, I preached to forty people. When the pastor asked how many wanted to receive the Lord and be baptized, 21 hands went up. Twelve were already believers. Bishop Novoa received me wholeheartedly and was preaching my message to everyone before I left.

He had been a pastor for twelve years and barely getting by while renting a small house. The day I arrived, a man invited him to his house and gave him a property with a partially built house on it. The day before I left Belen, another person called and said he would pay for all the renovations and additions needed in the church building, which are many.

Elinda, the lady who was paralyzed and in a wheel chair until the Lord healed her the imgElindalast time I was in Belen, has led many to Christ, including all her family and extended family. The Lord has blessed her tremendously in response to her faithfulness. The last time I was there, they were wondering how they would feed the family. But now, Elinda has begun a business and was able to purchase a computer with high-speed internet, quite a luxury there. The Lord is raising up ministers very quickly who are ready to leave the old wineskins and work with Him in developing the new ones.

Back in the city of Tucuman, I spoke to local Baptist leaders who are ready to break out of their traditional vertical structure and move to a more horizontal, cellular-church structure. God also connected me with a reverend of an Anglican denomination from Australia, who has been instrumental in encouraging the more liturgical side of the church there to work together.

I will be heading to Sweden with Robert Johnson to speak at a conference in Stockholm at the end of June, where there will be people from many countries attending. Pray that my words will all be God’s words. From there, we are scheduled to minister in several towns in Sweden and Finland for most of July. Please pray, especially for His guidance, open doors, and favor with the correct people.

Your brother in the Lord Jesus Christ,


"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

– Hebrews 11:1

Spring 2005

Greetings fellow warriors in Christ. I returned to Tucuman, Argentina in February where I checked on the progress of the cellular church there. It’s amazing how the church begins to grow when we eliminate that devastating separation between clergy and laity. They are excited with what God is doing with people who thought they were unqualified to minister to each other and to the world. I spent time talking to some of the principle leaders in Tucuman and plan to do much more when I head back there this week.

In January, God spoke to me with exact dates and places for a two week mission to Argentina. Robert Johnson, my minister partner in Finland and Russia, was also given the same dates in a dream. He met me in Buenos Aires on March 18th, and we traveled 1,200 miles south to the province of Chubut in southern Argentina. I had worked there three years earlier, encouraging unity of the body, developing a radio station and aiding orphans in the city of Sarmiento.

imgLasHerasThis trip was truly arranged by the Lord. We were told by many leaders that the timing and message was perfect. We spent four days there delivering a series of messages in different locations and in services open to everyone. The Lord confirmed the message with signs and wonders! Neither Robert, nor myself, had seen, on previous missions, the deep sobbing and shaking of people as we began to pray for them. There was great joy amongst our brothers in the south who were hungry beyond my expectations to imgDinnerreceive a fresh Word from the Lord. We ended our mission in Sarmiento by inviting all of the cities’ principle leaders to dinner.

We covered another 800 miles over the next 10 days delivering messages and praying for the people in Las Heras, Pico Truncado, and Los Antiguos in the nearby state of Santa Cruz; which happens to be the home state of the current Argentine president. Pastors from nearby cities, as well as distant cities, came to hear the message we brought. The Lord touched our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

I always like to give you a glimpse of how the Lord confirms that this was all His plan. God led me to stay in a hotel in Tucuman before I left for Patagonia; my room img303number was 303. I traveled to Buenos Aires to meet with Robert and was given their last room, # 303. After Sarmiento, we needed to stay in a hotel in Comodoro. We were given room 303! I figured out the probability of getting that one room number in all the hotels during this trip, and it comes 1 chance in 78,000,000. We thought maybe there was also some significance to the number 303. We then realized we had formally delivered messages in three congregations in the state of Chubut and three in Santa Cruz and we always returned to Comodoro where we did not minister. God is in control beyond our comprehension!!!

Ivan, my long time friend from Patagonia, and the third member of our traveling team, said the Lord spoke to him before the trip that this would be a Samuel mission. That meaning became apparent as the Lord used us to call out, direct, encourage and anoint leaders. In the city of Los Antiguos, several of the pastors were at the Easter service and said our messages confirmed the Lord’s recent direction to them. They made a pact that evening, before the congregation, to start a pastors union and begin working together as the church in Los Antiguos, rather than the church of their denomination. Before we left Los Antiguos, we drove to a high place to view the city imgChileand the second largest lake in South America. The mountains of Chile are in the background, as the picture shows. We had incredible reception, favor, direction, protection and confirming signs because of God’s faithfulness to honor the prayers of His sons and daughters, working in harmony. Thank you for your fantastic intercession. We left with many invitations to share God’s message in other congregations, cities and nations if, and when, the Lord should direct us to do so.

Please continue to pray for me as I head back to Tucuman this week. I will continue to help develop the relationship-based church and deliver messages to our brothers and sisters in the is very strategic city in northern Argentina. I am working with non-denominational Christian aid organizations there to help single mothers with children in the hospital and children of extremely dysfunctional families. The Lord is directing me to take some time to speak in several cities in the state of Catamarca in May. I will be back from Argentina by mid-June.

Thanks to all of you who have in one way or another kept this ministry going.

Your brother in the Lord Jesus Christ,


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