2005 Overview

Posted: March 07, 2021


Room #303

Greig returned back to Argentina in February 2005 to continue work in Tucuman where the church was experiencing growth like never before after implementing a cellular church structure. He then met Robert Johnson in March for a three-week trip through the states of Chubut and Santa Cruz, Argentina. They spent four days ministering in Belen, the same place that Greig was stationed in 2002. They then covered another 800 miles over the next ten days delivering messages and praying for the people in Las Heras, Pico Truncado and Los Antiguos in the nearby state of Santa Cruz. God touched many and several commitments were heard from pastors vowing to work with one another.

imgBaptiseGod led Greig to stay in a hotel in Tucuman before he left for this Patagonia trip. His room number was 303. He traveled to Buenos Aires to meet with Robert and was given their last room…#303. After Sarmiento, they needed to stay at hotel in Comodoro. They were given room #303! The probability of getting that one room number in all the hotels during this trip is 1 chance in 78 million. They realized that they had formally delivered messages in three congregations in the state of Chubut and three in Santa Cruz and always returned to Comodoro where they did not minister. God is in control beyond our comprehension!!!

Greig returned to Tucuman immediately after the Patagonia trip where he continued working with the church in Tucuman. At the end of April, 2005, he traveled back to the state of Catamarca where he had worked with pastor/bishop Fernando Novoa.

On the morning of May 9th at 6:00 A.M., Fernando Novoa came to pick Greig up at his hotel. The car sounded like the transmission was ready to fall out and the bearings in the wheels were about to fry. This was very strange since the evening before Greig was in the car and there were no problems. When they attempted to pop the hood, the hood opener handle inside the car broke off. They then used a wrench and with all their force pulling on the hood cable, could not get the hood to pop open. Fernando prayed, "In the name of Jesus Christ, we will make this trip." Within seconds, the hood popped open all by itself (they were several feet from the car when it did). That blew their minds. Then Greig said, "Well it’s open, drive forward and I’ll listen to see if I can tell where the horrible sounds are coming from." As he listened there was not one sound. It was dramatic; Fernando began to cry. There was an overwhelming presence of the Lord. Unseen angels were present. What a confirmation that they had some very strong demonic opposition to their trip. Not one mechanical problem throughout the rest of the journey.

imgBaptiseThere was great response in all the cities followed with confirming signs. One lady had a very obvious hernia sticking out of her abdomen which disappeared before their eyes. There was one town in which there was no established church and Greig preached to 40 people. When the pastor Novoa asked how many wanted to receive the Lord and be baptized, 21 hands went up. 12 were already believers. Included here a picture of that response. Greig returned to continue ministering in Tucuman until the first week of June 2005.

Stockholm Conference

imgLeftyRobert Johnson and Greig left for Stockholm, Sweden on June 28, 2005 solely at the direction of the Lord. After they decided on the dates, they told their contact in Finland that they would be in Sweden. Keijo, their contact, was told by a different contact in Stockholm that he was sponsoring a conference starting at the same time and felt that God wanted Greig and Robert to minister there.

Two nights before Greig left, the Lord gave him a dream where he and Robert were paving these four roads that all started from the same point in a big building. The roads were on elevated platforms; they worked on paving a different road each day. When they arrived in Sweden, they were immediately put to work praying for many people every day and one or both of them preached each day of the 4-day conference. The other two speakers at the conference were apparently the two most well-known preachers in Sweden. There were about 500 people there at the peak hours. God made many international connections at this conference with this ministry. They then traveled to minister in western Sweden, Norway, and then back through Stockholm before heading into northern Finland. The Lord moved powerfully with deliverance, words of knowledge, healings and filling people with joy. The Lord healed one lady’s hand that was not able to hold her dog before they ministered and the Sprit of the Living God moved. Hallelujah! Jesus is still restoring what was broken.

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