Robert (Dale) Dumas

Posted: August 15, 2019


Dale Dumas 50%Dale was born and raised in the Eugene, Springfield region of Oregon.

He and his wife Cheryl have been blessed with 3 grown and married children, along with the ever growing blessings of grandchildren.

He came on as one of the AMI elders (board members) in 2018, although he has been great friends with Robert Johnson for many years.

Dale has grown in leaps and bounds in hearing and working with the Lord the last several years.

He has been heavily involved with the Kim Clement Ministry's Online Church during a multiple years home bound period of recovery from an auto-accident in 2008, in which he was struck head-on by a distracted driver.

Praise the Lord out of this circumstance meant to take his life, the Lord redeemed this time, and has given him a good testimony from the moment he cried out; Jesus help me at the moment of impact, and He did, is, and will continue to.

Dale is also our main Facebook communications point.

We are very blessed to have Dale who has been a great addition to this ministry.

His pastoral anointing aids in gluing us all together combined with a prophetic anointing that fits well with the primary focus of this group of people.


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