Newsletter: 2007

Posted: May 05, 2017

Author: Robert Johnson | Created: December 13, 2007 at 07:35 AM

December 2007

Greetings my friends,

It’s been a long trip and I am glad to be home again with my family. Thank you to everyone for praying for us and for those who are giving to this ministry. If it were not for you, I couldn’t have made this trip and watched God do His thing.

We arrived in Brazil the 18th of October and that evening we went into the church to speak. We were a bit tired, only having arrived a few hours earlier, but God put us to work and it was a great night. It had been over four years since I had been in Brazil, and so many things had changed. We were in a church started by Pastor Sinvul and Nancy. The church is called Bethesida and they also have several meetings in homes of future leaders for this fairly new church

One man, who was fairly young, came to be prayed for. His joints all over his entire body had constant pain. After praying, the pain began to lessen. After several days he was better and it continued until the pain was gone. A woman came who was plagued with tremendous head pain. I told her that when she was still a young girl these headaches began. There was a demon involved and the demon was expelled and the headache pain slowly began to disappear. I returned, after praying for a few more people, to see how she was doing. She said that the pain was less, but still there. Further prayer and another rebuke to the spirit of darkness, who was still trying to stay, and she was good. She had been taking strong medicine for this pain for over 20 years. Several days had passed and the pain had not returned. Praise the Lord for touching this woman and for everyone who prayed

One young lady, around fifteen years old, with Epilepsy began to manifest heavily the demon spirits when Greig started to pray. I had just finished praying for someone when this had begun. I went over to assist in this. After a few minutes we took her and stood her on her feet, for she had been on the ground. The demons didn’t like the attack and seemed to continue in the fight. We sat her in a chair and went on to pray for others. The Lord had me go back to this young lady, who looked like someone had beaten her. I knelt down next to her. I picked up my bible and handed it to her. I had no interpreter to speak to her for me. She began to raise the bible and lower the bible in a cutting motion. She couldn’t understand me as I spoke, but as she cut with my bible, I renounced the curse placed on her by her mother when she was born. I renounced the curse placed on her to be given to Satan and witchcraft. She continued to raise and lower the bible instinctively. I hugged her and then walked away. About four days later Greig and I were again getting ready to speak. We looked over at this young girl and wondered if this could possibly be the girl who had Epilepsy. We continued to look, wondering if this really could be she, for her countenance and smile was just beautiful. She was the young lady who had suffered from the Epilepsy. God had done this miracle in her physical and spiritual body. I believe more needs to be done for her and help is being worked on to get her away from her mom, who is a witch.

The twenty-seventh of October, Greig and I were in Argentina staying in our base there; a family who lives across the street takes care of the place. When the couple came to see us the next day, I noticed my right hand began to burn. This is usually what happens when God wants my attention and is going to heal. I always wondered why it was only my right hand that would get hot. The Lord said to me one day that He had given me the right hand of authority. I spoke to the woman; her name is Marta. I told her that the Lord wanted to heal her. Marta’s eyes lighted up and I continued. I said that she had had a major lack of sleep and also pinched nerves in her neck and pain throughout her body. She said yes. Marta said that for a couple of years it had been this way. We prayed and in a few days she said she had been totally restored and she was sleeping with no pain. Marta was very happy. Thanks Lord!

The thirtieth of October we traveled by ferry into Uruguay. Upon docking in Uruguay, we got off the ferry and touched land. The word the Lord had given was that everywhere He sent us He would send the natural rain also as a sign that He was with us and as a sign to those we were sent to. The rain began to come down so heavy that the streets and parking lots were instantly little streams of water. Thank you Lord.

Coming into Paysundu, Uruguay, was a great experience. We were so well received in Paysundu that many people crowded around us just wanting to be touched. The people received eagerly the messages given and the leaders had already begun to work together. The main pastor we worked with, Daniel, and his family, received me well. It’s hard to enter a country you haven’t been to and nobody knows you. Many problems were brought out of people that the pastors of the area didn’t even know their people had. Demons, healing, freedom, yokes broken, curses broken, unity, living again and religious spirits were dealt with.

Coming off Saturday night and coming in at 2:30 a.m., we were shot, wasted and fried. Sunday morning started around 10:30. I was really tired and yet gave probably one of the smoothest messages of the whole trip. Thanks Lord. When we were through speaking, many had come from other churches to hear. We announced that if they had been prayed for already to let those who hadn’t been prayed for come first. Greig announced this twice and then the people mobbed us. After 3:00 p.m. we left. Four hours later we started again into the night. Pastor Daniel said to Greig that he would like to take me (Robert) and put me into a suitcase and take me with him when he goes out to speak. A very nice thing to say, and it made me feel better being in this new country. Many people were added to the body of Christ, almost daily. We praise the Lord for that.

It’s hard sometimes coming and going, and tough on my body, my family, and me. I appreciate everyone that is praying and if you feel especially connected to this ministry and would like to know more about how to help, please feel free to talk with me. Next year is looking to be very busy and we definitely can use help financially. And please continue to pray for doors to open for us to walk through. This takes a whole team, not just us.

God bless you all!



If you would like to contribute, you can do so by mailing a check to the AMOR address at the top of this newsletter. Prayer is free and always highly appreciated. We will take all the prayer that we can get!

Robert can be reached at as well.


September 2007

Greetings my friends,

In January 2007 the Lord gave me a word. The Lord said to me that Italy would be "promotional" and that He would send the natural rain wherever we went as well as the spiritual rain. God opened doors that would have been impossible for us to do. The Lord had me give a variety of messages, from Reopening Wells to Sifting to Sin Resting at the Door. Each time leaders would come and say to me that this was exactly what they needed to hear.

After one service, where more time had been given to us, the Holy Spirit moved heavy on the people and several were healed and demons cast out and people were filled with the Holy Spirit. After leaving that meeting, we drove down a street that was a dead end. When we started to back up, the car made a clunk sound and that was it. Because I had worked the last six years with a good friend, who is a mechanic, I knew that it was the front wheel drive and that if we had been driving down the road at the speed that we normally drove, the situation would have been disastrous upon the car as well as us. This was an act of God protecting us from serious damage.

In one message, which I was told I only had ten minutes to speak, the Lord had me speak in a way where He took over and moved heavy on the people. I didn’t speak ten minutes, but twenty, as the pastor was squirming. I spoke that the church is not your church, it is God’s church and you have to do it God’s way. The message was Sin Rests at the Door, and though this message changes every time it is spoken, it is a direct message to the church to change or get ready for God’s hand to come against you. It also speaks of a drought upon the land. Italy, at this time, was experiencing a drought. I began to sing the song, Hallelujah. The musicians began to play with me and a silence came over the people and then they began to sing. There was a shaking in the people and God swept over them like a mighty wind and touched them without us laying on hands. That evening, in the same church, an ex-Catholic priest spoke and it was very interesting. Then church leaders tried to imitate what happened earlier that day, even ending in the song Hallelujah. Nothing took place and everyone was released to go home. The next day, as the pastor was driving us to the airport, the natural rain began to fall. This pastor had been nervous about us speaking and didn’t want to give us much time. After the start of the rain, he apologized for not allowing us more freedom to speak and said that when we came back we would be given all the time that we needed! Once again, God did another miracle.

From there we flew into Granada, Spain, and drove to Alemaria. The rainy season had passed, and all hope for any rain had gone. This area is the largest olive producing area in the world. It had been so dry they were even sweeping the dirt off of the tops of the greenhouses. They have more greenhouses in that area than anywhere else in the world. Once again, in this city, I spoke of the natural rain as well as the spiritual. God wanted me to proclaim His wonders to the people. We were also ministering to some Muslim people who had left the Muslim faith.

Upon walking out of the church, around midnight, it began to sprinkle. Four o’clock in the morning it was raining so hard that we all sat up in our beds! It began to lightning and thunder, and the dirt began to flow off of the roofs, sending brown water out of the downspouts. Later that morning we spoke on the radio and when it came my turn to speak, the Lord said to once again speak of His wonders and to also speak of the rain He had brought to this dry land. That evening people responded to the radio program and came to the next church service. Many gave their lives to Christ! Pedro (our contact in Spain) called home (Granada) and asked if it had rained there. His wife said that the reservoirs, which were mostly empty, were filled in two days. The news recorded that in over thirty years nothing like that had ever been seen.

We moved on to the city of Adra. When we finished ministering in a particular church, a young teenage girl came forth that was crippled from birth and could hardly walk. I had her sit in a chair and began to pray for her knees, which were bent. After praying for a couple of minutes, I asked her what she was feeling. She replied that her knees were very hot. Later she went under the power of the Lord and she had a feeling like needles sticking in her knees. We are waiting now for the final results.

On the 22nd, in Roqueras de Mar, we came to a Foursquare church. This is the first time I have ever been in a Foursquare since the beginning of this ministry in 1989; I was excited! There was a couple that had been in two previous city meetings, who now were in this meeting. Upon praying for most of the people, they came forward and the Lord had me give words to them. They then told me that they were in charge of missions in Australia. They extended an invitation to Australia to us, as the Lord would lead us. It would be both inside and outside of Foursquare. The Lord had already been speaking to Greig and me about this country.

From there we went to the city of Jaen. We were warmly welcomed. There are times that when I go to speak, I really have no indication of what I am to speak about. This was one of those times! As I was praying I had the thought about the story of Elijah (I Kings 18) where he is praying for rain and his servant keeps a watch out until he sees a cloud the size of a man’s hand and tells Elijah about it. Moments later, Pedro began to interpret the song the people were singing in Spanish, and the song was about the cloud the size of a man’s hand. I then knew what I was to speak about. I have a message, Are You Living in a Drought, which goes with this story. I shared with the people about God telling me He would send the natural rain as we entered the areas. Everyone began to clap and rejoice. I asked the people what happens when you get enough rain before an olive harvest – you get more oil was the answer. It was a good way to finish in Spain with the people saying "thank you" for coming. After we were done ministering, the pastor handed us each a bottle of the best olive oil that was produced there.

For those who have prayed with us and walked through these countries with us spiritually, I ask that the Lord would bless you, as well, with His anointing oil!

We will be leaving for Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay on the 17th of October, and we will be returning the 9th of November.

Love in our Lord,



If you would like to contribute, you can do so by mailing a check to the AMOR address at the top of this newsletter. Prayer is free and always highly appreciated. We will take all the prayer that we can get!

Robert can be reached at as well.


February 2007

Greetings my friends,

The trip to Spain was truly a classic time for us as we saw God move in the healings, words of knowledge and the miraculous. Thank you for being there with us as God confirmed this to the people of Spain.

We arrived in Barcelona on a Tuesday and met with Pedro Castro, who was our main contact in Spain. Two others joined us from Finland, along with the three of us from the US. In total, there were six of us.

Shortly after leaving the airport we stopped to eat. After eating dinner we had dessert, but Pedro asked for an apple and began to take a knife and peel it. The vision God gave me before going to Spain was an apple being peeled. God used this simple vision to confirm that He was in control.

Our schedule was fairly tight as far as speaking and ministering, but God graced us through it all. We traveled to the city of Vic where a great deal of ministry took place. The first night God confirmed the prophetic ministry by calling out several words of knowledge. One woman came forward for one word that she had intense pain in her head for sometime. She told me that for two months, day and night, the pain did not leave. She received the word and immediately all the pain ceased and there was great rejoicing. This same woman and a few family members had traveled over two hours to the meeting. These people were a small group off of a larger body in the city of Vic. Another woman stood in front of me and immediately the Lord showed me that demons had a hold in her life. The demons were told to simply get out and she was quickly on the floor. The next day at the church I gave a word about lungs that had been filling with fluid and God was healing this. This same woman came forward and said that she had suffered for years from asthma and the night before she felt something happened. She went home the first night after the demons were cast out and began to cough out all this garbage out of her lungs all night long. The next day she could breathe freely for the first time. Another word was for an individual with a broken arm and who had fallen. A woman came forward that had been hit by a car and actually had both arms broken and had fallen. She couldn’t raise her arms up because the pain was so great and her body was hurting from the fall. Instantly fire went into her elbows and the next day all pain was gone and she was able to even pick her child up and do this without pain. Praise God!

One night, while in Barcelona in a gypsy church, Pedro had received an offering. The funny thing was that Pedro said that this was a miracle because in twenty years they had never given anything. The gypsy people were truly touched by God and we were warmly welcomed and received because we were outsiders to them and especially to the gypsies themselves. We spoke in three different gypsy churches in Barcelona and God ministered to them in a special way. At one time, after speaking, a man who had been in the back came forward and asked if he could receive Jesus. He said, "I don’t know Him, but I want to." A few minutes later, during ministry, another approached and said the same thing and was brought miraculously into His glorious kingdom. In the city of Vic a woman came forward after the preaching of the word. She approached on crutches and said that she had a tumor on the side of her thigh. She had been operated on twice to remove it and it would come back and she now was scheduled for a third operation. She was prayed for and the next day I was told she felt all the pain in her leg was gone and she knew something of a miracle had to have taken place, so she put her crutches aside and began to walk without them. As she walked without the crutches there was no pain. She went to work all week long without pain and without crutches praising God. Thank you Lord for Your tender mercy!

One evening we traveled over two hours outside of the city of Vic to a small city called Albatarrec. A large house filled with people who had come from Bolivia. This large family invited many friends and the house was full. During ministry time a young girl, maybe twelve years old, came forward and said she wanted to know Jesus in her heart. Soon five in a row came, the youngest eight years old, to receive the Lord. The Lord touched this meeting in a special way and afterwards a comment was made that they were amazed that we would even come to see them and travel this distance. Another comment I heard was about something I had spoken about in one of the meetings about the drought Spain had had for the last four years. I spoke of a spiritual drought and the natural drought. I told the people that I could hear the sound of rain approaching spiritually and naturally. About three days later the rains began to fall. The news in Spain said that it was rare that all of Spain would receive rain at the same time. So rain was falling on the entire country and for several days it just poured down between the nice warm days. The people in this home were so taken back by the word about the rain coming and all of us traveling to see them that they were astonished that God would love them in such a way. This was truly an incredible evening and we enjoyed what God was doing tremendously.

In the city of Ripoll there was a small meeting with God confirming some demonic strongholds in this city, which the Lord had shown before coming to Spain. Ripoll was a major stronghold for the enemy, but a hole was put into the walls of enemy territory.

In the city of Olot many young people came forward to confess sins and change the course in their lives. This was definitely a sweet time in Spain in the city of Olot. The message the Lord had given me was called Sin Rests At The Door. The Lord did fantastic things. God arranged three main leaders for us to get to know which now opens doors into a few more countries.

Thank you to everyone who prayed for us. Also, I appreciate those who have given to this prophetic ministry that God has placed me in. It has been a great pleasure to serve.

Robert Johnson


If you would like to contribute, you can do so by mailing a check to the AMOR address at the top of this newsletter. Prayer is free and always highly appreciated. We will take all the prayer that we can get!

Robert can be reached at as well.

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