Newsletter: 2008

Posted: May 05, 2017

Author: Field Reports | Created: December 14, 2008 at 08:34 AM

Argentina – December 2008 – Field Report #2

Dear partners in damage to the kingdom of darkness,

Our last weekend on this Patagonia, Argentina mission trip culminated in Puerto Madryn, Argentina.  My voice got miraculously stronger as I preached the morning service in that beach resort community to a much larger than their expected crowd.  Everyone wanted prayer.  So, being the last stop of the trip, I prayed for each of the more than 200 people there.  The message the Lord gave me was pretty strong, but the Lord knew that they were a humbly-seeking church wanting to be used at another level in what the Lord wants to do in that city.  But there were still some uncomfortable moments as I confronted them with the question of whether or not they were really living to serve others.  I said, “Lord, if you don’t do something dramatic, they are never going to have us back again.”  As soon as I started praying, the Lord began overwhelming people with His presence.  I was able to deliver specific personal Words for people over the next 2 hours without losing my voice, which was almost gone the day before and that morning.  I’m sure some left not liking me but most were encouraged.  So Hallelujah!  The Lord finished off this tour in a brand new region with a bang.  Thank you for covering and battling with me fellow warriors!

Ed and I arrived up from the south on Monday night and are leaving late tonight (Wednesday) to head back to the US.  I will both be flying to Dallas then I on to Portland, Oregon and Ed back to Phoenix, Arizona. 

Please pray for our journey back.  Pray also for rest and recuperation and peace while back home over the holidays.  I didn’t bring this up before, but one of the ways the enemy was hitting the day before we started this mission in Patagonia, my house had an attempted break in.  I’m not going to go into how it was foiled, but it was such an amazing set of circumstances that it was obvious it was God using my wonderful neighbor Betty at 6AM in the morning to stop this bandit.  He left his bike and all his tools of the trade on my property.  So, please pray also for the house protection until I get back there to do some security upgrades.  Ask the Lord to pour out his blessings on my faithful neighbor Betty.

I’ll see many of you over the holidays.  And for those whom I don’t, Feliz Navidad y Año Nuevo!

Greig and Ed


Argentina – December 2008 – Field Report

Hello faithful team that is right here with us in the Spirit. Pardon us for not getting more information out. It was ridiculous what all happened every time we attempted to get a mail out. We finally have a great connection and the time to communicate what has been happening here.

We had a tremendous campaign from the bottom of the state of Santa Cruz to the top of the state of Chubut in southern Argentina, (or Patagonia). As we stated in our first report, it was tremendous what the Lord did in Rio Turbio. We were hosted by a church led by an older gentleman who broke from a very old, restrictive Methodist-Pentecostal denomination right after Robert and I were here last time; he is now leading pastors from several church plants in southern Argentina and Chile. Immediately after the last letter we sent from Rio Turbio, we went into 28 de Noviembre, a city named after its founding date. God gave me lots of words for their church and city. Afterword, they presented me with the blue and white flags of the province of Santa Cruz and the city of 28 de Noviembre. We are in the Land of the Southern Cross. Something tremendous is being sparked in Tierra del Fuego (Land of Fire), the last province to the south, and is being carried up through the state of Santa Cruz.

We traveled next to the explosive growth port city of Santa Cruz on Friday Dec. 5 where we were hosted by our old friends Hector and Mirta, who are pastoring the Assembly of God church there. They were disappointed that we could not stay for more than a day, but we were already stretching ourselves too thin (as usual). At Piedra Buena, our base in the south, Javier and Margot were fantastic hosts as usual. We ministered there on Sunday and Monday night. We traveled to Puerto San Julian ministering at a beachside youth center for 2 nights; several pastors showed up. These were the other pastors that were not at the multi-church reunion almost 4 years ago when Robert and I ministered. We probably felt more under a microscope there than anywhere we have traveled, but the Lord came through. There was a tremendous presence of God touching many, quite visibly, as the Lord responded to his promise to bless His church when the brothers and sisters dwell in unity. Now they can’t wait for us to come back. One touch from God beats anything anyone can do or say. Ed got some great video and got a chance to do some ministering himself. Hopefully we’ll have clips of that available on the web within the next month. Please pray for the 100x blessing to arrive when the two groups, (in other words, everyone), get together there.

We left Puerto San Julian at 2:30 AM Thursday morning to travel 6 hours north by bus to Comodoro Rivadavia, in the next state to the north. Ivan left from Comodoro Rivadavia to return back home to his city of Sarmiento, as planned. Ivan did a good job of setting up this trip and the Lord touched many through him. Ed and I met up with contacts from there that traveled with us by bus, 7 more hours north, to the city of Puerto Madryn.
In every city we heard pastors say that the things Robert and I said that God showed us would be occurring in their cities and ministries between 2 and 4 years ago, has happened. That is the best feedback we could get. We give the Lord Jesus all the Glory for using us by His Spirit according to our Father’s will. The messages God led me to deliver this trip were heavily focused on taking authority over our cities, being spiritual fathers, having clear vision, and not settling for anything but God’s best.

The Lord has kept us covered the entire trip. But as soon as I finished my last message in San Julian, a virus attacked us and my voice disappeared. Ed and I have both been hit with a virus. The Lord is letting me suffer the consequences now for overdriving, not saying NO enough. We’re writing up a list of things that we must do on future trips to assure we don’t get wrung out; it’s an ongoing list.

I want to emphasize that we need to be praying as much for our principal contacts here as for ourselves. The pastor in Piedra Buena had plans to be our transport in most of Santa Cruz. But one week before we arrived there, his almost new 4 wheel drive vehicle was flipped and rolled while one of his helpers was driving. So we took buses much of the time. In Puerto Madryn, the daughter of the people whom we are staying with now, (she is pastoring at a nearby church), had exactly the same type of accident. She and her daughter were OK, but her mother-in-law was killed. That took place the day before we arrived here and it was on the front page of the Patagonian newspapers. Needless to say, that also took away much of the joy of our long awaited arrival here. I knew God was going to do something tremendous by the attacks I endured right before leaving. Our enemy turns up the heat when He sees damage coming to the kingdom of darkness.
I’m speaking to Pastors on Saturday evening and ministering at a church service on Sunday morning here in Puerto Madryn.
Please intercede for the following:

- That our health and my voice will return to minister effectively this weekend.

- That the Lord will dramatically touch and confirm the Word he has given to me here.

- That we get back to Buenos Aires safe and sound on Monday evening.

- That everything is easily wrapped up in Buenos Aires on Tuesday so we can head back to the US on Wednesday evening.

- I know there are lots of you that hear the Lord quite well, so whatever He gives you, please proclaim it for this ministry.

- I’ll send you a quick note to let you know how the rest of the trip went. Thank you for lifting us up.

Bendiciones, desde Patagonia Argentina,

Greig with Ed


Argentina – November 2008 – Field Report

Hello Intercessors and other close associates of this ministry,

I just wanted to inform you of my present and upcoming trip. I am in Buenos Aires (BA), Argentina now. I left Dallas on the 13th of November and arrived in BA on the 14th. I originally thought I was going to be leaving on the 14th but the Spirit pushed me to leave for BA a day earlier. At the Dallas airport, they offered me a first class seat in place of the standby business class one that was originally offered to me, compliments of my AA pilot friend Jim Smith. I had told some friends they had just switched from flying to BA using 767’s, which had no first class seats, to the bigger 777’s with a great first class. I told them that if I had the chance for a first class seat for only $80 more I would take it, just for the experience. But I felt a strong ‘NO, Do not take it’. WHAT LORD?! That didn’t make much sense to me but I wanted to be obedient. It’s not my trip, it’s His. I was still happy for the business class seat. As I was going down the jet way, I heard a voice say “you have chosen correctly”. I thought to myself, ‘is the money going to be so tight that I can’t spend an extra $80?’ As I was settling into my seat, I saw a lady that looked like the wife of probably the most well known minister in Argentina. I thought, “that can’t be.” 2 minutes later her husband, Claudio Freidzon, came and sat right in front of me. This is the Billy Graham/Benny Hinn of Argentina. He is also the guy that made his first visit to the service at Hillsong’s main campus in Sydney, Australia the same night that I was there. The pastor hosting me at Hillsong knew that I was also ministering in Argentina so a meeting had been set up for us to meet for a quick ‘hello’. But as my Australian buddies, Gavin and Josie are aware, the service went long so it was not possible for us to get together before his dinner appointment with Brian Houston, Hillsong’s head pastor. Well, God made up for that disappointment with a much better meeting. I had a one on one conversation time with Pastor Freidzon, especially in baggage claim. He had just come from speaking at a conference in Alberta, Canada . It was a chance in a billion that we would be at Hillsong at the same time. Multiply that by another billion and you get the probability of us having an even more one on one time to talk here. He is the pastor of the largest mega church in Buenos Aires and travels throughout the world evangelizing in stadium crusades. They have a show on Daystar television in the US every Saturday. He now knows about Amor Ministries International and has my card. God is up to something big with us. I hope this encourages you all. God loves to stretch our faith by showing us if we don’t lose heart by a missed opportunity, He’ll give us something better. Don’t settle for the Ishmael when God has an Isaac waiting for you (that’s a new message I’ll be giving on this trip).

I will be here in BA making final trip preparations and finishing apartment business until my sister and brother-in-law, Diane and Chris Paddison, arrive for a 4 day visit on Nov. 24th. For anyone who doesn’t know, they are the people who purchased the new condo that they have allowed us to use as a base when ministering in South America. This will be the first time for them to see the property they purchased. Two days after they leave, Ed Araiza arrives from Phoenix. We’ll have a couple days to prepare then we fly to nearly the southern tip of Argentina to begin a 2 week ministry trip at several fellowships in several cities in Patagonia. Ivan Vargas, our southern Argentine colleague, will be with us for a large part of the trip. A schedule will be posted on our web in the next few days. You will be notified when it is available. We’ll send out reports periodically from the field. Note that Argentina is on daylight savings time so we are now 6 hours ahead of Pacific standard time, 4 hours ahead of Central time.
Please pray for a good and restful visit for Chris and Diane. Ed and Ivan need covering on their travels, as well as our travels after they arrive. Intercede for clarity on exactly where, when and what way to minister. Supernatural perfect Spanish will help any messages to be understood. Signs and wonders always help to confirm the words we utter. Protection from whatever and whomever is also a major need. Other than that, I will be praying that you will hear clearly on what our needs are and proclaim it in the heavens so it will be manifest on earth.

Muchas Gracias Amigos! With much appreciation and love in Christ our Lord,

Greig Detering


Argentina – Peru, September 2008 – Field Report

Dear Partners in Blessing,

Ed and I returned to Buenos Aires, Argentina from a better than expected mission trip through Peru on Monday night. I last reported to you before ministering on Saturday night. That evening I skipped the message completely and went right into praying for the people. It was powerful. God began touching the people; they were shaking and the tears were flowing. I know many were greatly encouraged by the words that the Lord passed through me to them. God broke all records with me on Sunday. I ministered at 4 different congregations starting at 10:00 AM and ending at 11:00 PM. Oscar Valle, the coordinator who traveled with us, was very sensitive to the Holy Spirit as he set up everything on this trip. He helped us to flow without letting us get overwhelmed on the last day. It seemed insane, but it worked. The same happened everywhere we went on Sunday as it did Saturday. Lots of people were overwhelmed by the presence of God. The Lord pointed out certain people and gave me clear words of direction for them. There is no way we could have covered so much territory if God was not energizing us. We got up at 4:00 AM and were on a plane to Buenos Aires by 7:00 AM on Monday.

Ed just left for the US so I am here in our Buenos Aires apartment (thank you Chris and Diane) with a list of chores to do today and people to meet. It appears that I won’t be headed out to minister in Argentina away from the capital again until sometime next week at least, but possibly as early as Monday. Please pray that the Lord will make it clear exactly what I should occupy my time with down here over the next 3 weeks since there are a multitude of possibilities. Please don’t let up in your intercession for me. Peru went very smooth even with all of our travel into unknown territory; it had many possibilities for problems. But, with all of your prayers and the people there praying, we felt like we were in a bubble. I actually feel the oppression much stronger here now. Ed and I saw the enemy trying to discourage us from doing any more damage to his kingdom in the future when we got back to BA. So, I want to encourage you in how much the Lord responded to your prayers while we were in Peru. As I said earlier, many souls came into the kingdom without me even trying to give any evangelistic messages. All the words that were passed on to me from you during this trip were confirming words. Thank you! I now have a little time to finally get some personal responses back to you. I’ll keep you posted on any major moves the Lord seems to be leading me to make down here. Pass on any words you believe the Lord has for me.

Bless you! From winter,



Sydney, Australia, August 2008 – Field Report #3

G’day Mates,

This is Greig calling and checking in from “Aus,” as they call it here in Australia. This trip has been a series of connections with leaders in the church and many the Lord is pointing out as leaders. Half of my appointments I can’t even really speak deeply about because of sensitivity in one way or another, whether it is because of who they’re ministering to or because of personal things going on in their own ministry.

This has been a further founding and grounding trip for sure. The Lord led me to two important ground breaking men, or groups, who are all about getting back to walking in the power of Jesus. They’ve had miraculous things going on where people are paying attention because they&rsqrsquo;re both, as we’ve heard said before, “ if we’re not walking in the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, then we’re no different from any humanitarian group out there.” Both of them have broken from the traditional church structure and are all about getting back to basics as one body in Christ. If that sounds familiar to our message, it definitely is. They were major God connections and I believe that they are going to continue to be important connections in the future.

I was privileged to get to know a couple who, a few years ago, the Lord led to the most Muslim part of Sydney to start a fellowship. They started a coffee shop, put in a church building behind it that looked very churchy and nobody wanted to go back there, especially the Muslims. They caught the idea that they should make it look anything but like a traditional church. So, they filled it with couches and turned it into a giant living room and now they are getting many conversions from people who aren’t pushed away by our religiosity. But, the Lord dropped some lines on me to give to each of them; it was very good and I was privileged to get to know them.

I discovered a few days ago that Ben Huston, the son of the head Hillsong pastor, Brian Huston, is pastoring a church a few blocks from where I’m staying here on the shoreline in north Sydney. They are meeting in the golf club right down the road; I didn’t even know that. I spent some time with them on Sunday. It is definitely the most spectacular view of any fellowship building I’ve ever been to before. Of course in time I think they’re going to have to move to a much bigger structure as they’re growing very quickly. They were led by the Lord. Ben was led to plant some small fellowship groups up in this area but it began growing so quickly that there was demand for them to have a place to meet together instead of going down to the giant Hillsong fellowship downtown or out at what they call the Hills campus. They still consider the small groups as the primary fellowship. Where they meet up here is a secondary and where they meet downtown would be more like the thirdly important place and so on. Ben is definitely the younger generation getting totally out of the box and isn’t concerned at all with denominational boundaries, just looking at the whole body of Christ. The Lord dropped a Word on me to give to him which was neat, so it was good we had some time to spend talking together. I have appointments with leaders every day until I leave, possibly speaking to a larger group on Sunday. The enemy has definitely been obvious this trip but, I thank you for releasing the warring angels; they have definitely kept the enemy at bay. I’ve seen some really weird stuff go on and other stuff that people have said they haven’t seen before, like electricity and things like that. So, it’s been very good that I have some people covering me heavily out there. So, thank you very much.

I will be leaving on Monday and heading back to Phoenix where I will have eight days to prepare before I head off again to spend for a six week trip in Argentina and Peru. So, cover me heavily during that time. It seems that one of the main times I’m attacked is when I’m back and my guard is down. Remember that Sydney is seventeen hours ahead of you on the west coast or seven hours behind and a day ahead of you, whichever way you want to look at it. So, thank you very much for your help mates and, I’ll hopefully talk to you soon.



Sydney, Australia, August 2008 – Field Report #2

Hello again from down under,

I thought it good to give you an update, mainly so you can be praying for what’s coming up. From last weekend until now I have met with a Brazilian we ministered to in Sao Paulo, was ministered to myself in a powerful meeting on my birthday, then connected up with a Spanish speaking group from the North Shore AOG fellowship that was definitely God appointed. They wanted me to minister to their group meeting Wednesday. Since there was hunger and openness, the Lord did a lot of speaking and touching. Some people are now freed up to move into their God appointed ministries. The Hillsong pastor whom Robert and I worked with last time came to visit me yesterday. We spent the day together as he told me how his ministry, marriage and health, 2 weeks ago all seemed to fall apart at once. He is quite broken. God gave me many words for him. I reminded him that Robert had words for him last time that he was soon to go through some tough times. God sent me at the perfect time to be the person he could really open up to and could deliver words that he could receive as from the Lord.

I’m meeting with a pastor couple for lunch today who led a church and owns a coffee shop in a Muslim area of Sydney. On your Friday night, I will be primarily ministering deliverance to a group of people near downtown Sydney. Both Saturday and Sunday I will be meeting with leaders of different churches in the north Sydney area. There are others on the list to meet with during the rest of next week. Yes, I need heavy prayer for protection, favor, clear words from the Lord and whatever else He gives you to ask and proclaim for us down here. Please pray for my primary ministry partners, Gavin and Josie, and continue praying for the Hillsong pastor.

Pray that our contacts in Peru, where I will be heading in 3 weeks, hear clearly from the Lord about in what fellowships we are to minister. The demand is very high there and we have been told we will be ministering to hundreds in many fellowships. Today, I turned down speaking at the international conference of evangelical churches in Lima Peru, 5 days before we are set to arrive there, after the conference coordinator called our contact in southern Argentina and said the Lord showed him they all needed to hear our message. They even wanted to pay our air fare (which has not happened before). I know that it is not yet time as the Lord, just like with this ministry, wants to build a solid foundation in Peru where we will go back to minister to thousands at a later date.

Thanks for covering. I’m here until the 18th. I’ll get back to you next week. Peace,



Sydney, Australia, August 2008 – Field Report

Hello Mates,

Thank for your covering prayers. After being diverted from Phoenix to San Francisco, instead of LA, and on to Sydney, then having my bag mistakenly picked up by someone else who happened to also have Iberia tags on his bags (yes Robert, I’ve learned my lesson that I need to make my bag look conspicuously unique), I got settled into the apartment of my main apostolic contact here. I did get my bag later. My host’s place is right on the beach in a city called Mona Vale in the northern Sydney metro area so I have a peaceful place of refuge to come back and rest between meetings. It is winter here and looks and feels just like the Oregon coast where I am located. It even began raining as soon as I came in. They haven’t had that much rain here since the last time Robert and I were here. It’s all good signs to me.

I was immediately invited to a prayer discussion meeting the day after my arrival with some North Shore AOG (Assembly of God) leaders. I was impressed with this particular fellowship last time I was here, but they seemed to have jumped another level in the willingness to do whatever they need to do to make the church more effective again. We talked of the coming massive revival that is beginning to sweep the world and they wanted my input on how this last worldwide revival will be sustained by the church. I explained how it’s all about releasing everyone into ministry and interconnecting with all fellowships at the individual and small friend group levels. They actually call their small groups ‘Connect Groups” which is a great name. We talked about working from the bottom (streets) up and not the top (institution) down. What’s amazing is that they all were instantly on board. Something is happening. There is an openness and willingness to do whatever like they haven’t seen here in decades. The Lord gave me some words of direction for people at this meeting. There is a rising demand that the prophetic ministry be put as a priority in the AOG again, as it was long ago. The head pastor of this 1000 + size fellowship will be returning from Florida this Saturday, where he has been taking in all the good he can from what the Lord is doing there in Lakeland.

It was a little rough the first couple days here, but I’m about adjusted to the 7 hour time difference. 3:00 PM US on the US west coast is 8:00 AM and one day later in Sydney. I will be meeting each night from Thursday night on with influential people from different fellowships here and participating in some meetings. There seems to be many possible paths, as Robert Johnson said there would be, but most will not be the particular path where the Lord’s cloud is for this ministry. Pray that I and my hosts here see God’s clear direction and have favor with the right people connections followed by some confirming signs. I believe this trip’s activities will be rapidly forming and moving so I need to be acutely aware of the correct turns to make. It has been apparent that the enemy is well aware of the importance of this trip. Attack him head on. We need to get aggressive in this battle.

Pray also for the Hillsong pastor who was our primary contact last time. He has temporarily stepped down from his position because of personal battles. It’s actually now more apparent why we were put with him on the last trip. He has a great opportunity on the other side of this trial. Pray that I speak Jesus’ words to him.

Thank you all for praying and for passing back anything you believe God has given to you for me. I read all of your letters and reference them so I can put the pieces of the puzzle together for a clearer picture of where His path is for me and this ministry. I’ll be back to you in a few days. Blessings from ‘Downunder’ (or as they say here ‘OZ’),


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