Chubut - Miscellaneous

Posted: May 05, 2017


Partners in Ministry

The Lord put Greig together with other ministers in Argentina. Ivan and Roxana Vargas are a husband and wife team who have been co-pastors in Buenos Aires at a very large fellowship headed by a pastor from Canada. The Lord sent them to Sarmiento 3 years ago to work with the Movimiento Cristiano y Misionero Fellowship and the church in general in Sarmiento. They have traveled to many different areas in Argentina to help spread the message the Lord gives them to other church fellowships. They now believe strongly that the Lord is calling them to spread the unity message as partners with Amor Ministries International. They were very helpful in aiding Greig in his understanding of the state of the church in Argentina and Greig believes they will be very important as AMI continues in ministry in Argentina, Latin America, and throughout the world.


Message Ministry

The Lord also blasted open doors for Greig to preach the unity message at the biggest church fellowship (2,000) in nearby Esquel, a ski resort town of 100,000. The Pastor, Juan Treccani (2nd from left), is from Italy and the nephew of Pope Paul the VI. He is known throughout South America and parts of Europe, and has a book out in five languages called From Religious Slavery to Liberty in Christ. He has given Greig an open invitation to speak at any of the 18 church fellowships he has started throughout Argentina.

The evening after Greig spoke, he received an invitation to speak at a 6:00 A.M. prayer meeting the next morning to a group of city pastors and other strong believers of several denominations dedicated to working together. Although not his favorite time of day, it was well worth it.

Greig has never once asked or even hinted at a desire to speak before these large groups, but God, against Greig’s comfort zone, has given Greig platforms over those that have worldly credentials far beyond his own. The Lord Jesus Christ wants to put his church back together so the world will know He was sent by our heavenly Father. And He is willing to use the foolish things to do it.

"But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise."

1st Cor. 1:27 (KJV)


Radio La Roca

The Christian and Missionary Movement church in Sarmiento, Chubut has a great Christian radio station that God is blessing.

The station’s basic, nondenominational message is salvation in Jesus Christ. I have posted their guidelines for the radio conductor at their station below.



1) Never start the program without praying. Declare that without the help of God it is imposible to do anything.

2) Never go to the program “off the cuff”. Go responsibly. If you do not have a production team, prepare, investigate, plan everything before you go on the air.

3) Never construct doctrine from your program. Do not touch subjects that divide. Always take on subjects that are common to all Christians.

4) Never end a program without leaving a central idea.

5) Never talk to the listeners with our intricate labrinth of evangelical language: If you want to win people for Christ, throw out the “smell of church” from your lips.

6) Never retransmit church services. Unless you want to provoke the stampede of the listener.

7) Never measure the success of your program by the calls that come in. Especially if they are calls asking for prayer. If anyone calls because the concepts poured out on the program have impacted them, those have value.

8) Never put musical background to an introduction. The musical curtains should serve for help to comprehend or realize what they are communicating. In an introduction, the music hinders.

9) Never think that the listeners hear with the “five senses.” The radio listeners are very diverse. Be brief. Get to the point. Do not be lengthy because the the listener will not follow it.

10) Never conclude the program without inducing some decision in the listener. That they decide to be a better Christian if they are a believer. Or to accept Christ if they are non-believers.


Marcelo Laffitte


THE TEN “NEVERS” (In Spanish):


1) Nunca empiece el programa sin orar. Declare que sin la ayuda de Dios es imposible hacer nada.

2) Nunca se vaya “a poncho” al programa. Sea responsable. Si no tiene un equipo de produccion, prepare, investigue, planifique todo antes de salir al aire.

3) Nunca haga doctrina desde su programa. No toque temas que dividan. Aborde siempre temas que son comunes a todos los cristianos.

4) Nunca termine un programa sin dejar flotando una idea central. No deje un monton de conceptos prendidos con alfileres. Deje una sola idea. Pero bien clara.

5) Nunca le hable a los inconversos con nuestro intrincado y laberintico lenguaje evangelico: Si quiere, ganar personas para Cristo, saquese el “olor a iglesia” de sus labios.

6) Nunca retransmita los cultos. A menos que usted quiera provocar la estampida de los oyentes.

7) Nunca mida el exito de su progra ma por los llamados que entran. Sobre todo si son llamados para pedir oracion. Si alguien llama porque los conceptos vertidos en el programa lo impactaron, eso si tiene valor.

8) Nunca le ponga fondo musical a una entrevista. Las cortinas musicales deben servir para ayudar a comrender o realizar lo que se esta comunicando. En una entrevista, la musica entorpece.

9) Nunca crea que las personas lo escucha con los “cinco sentidos”. El oyente de radio es muy disperso. Sea breve. Vaya al grano. No sea “larguero” porque eI oyente no lo sigue.

10) Nunca concluya un programa sin inducir alguna decision en el oyente. Que se decida a ser un mejor cristiano si es creyente. O a aceptar a Cristo si es inconverso.


Marcelo Laffitte


Radio Operations

Andrea, an unsighted announcer, does 2 Christian popular music programs each week which can now be rebroadcast later in the evening because of the new computer recording equipment they have installed.

The mayor of Sarmiento stopped by for a radio interview with pastor Cabezas. He offered to put his recommendation on an application to the Argentina communications commission for an official broadcasting license. This recommendation is key to governmental approval. City hall tells us La Roca is now the most listened to station in this city of 12,000. Radio is the dominant form of media. Christian TV, except via satellite, is non-existent here. A large percentage of people do not even have televisions. Your brothers and sisters in Sarmiento send their blessings to all in the U.S. who helped participate in bringing God’s miracle in the form of a radio station.


Feeding Children in Chubut

AMI has been led to help the church in an area in southern Argentina known as Patagonia.

Thanks to your contributions, they are now feeding about 100 hungry children from local barrios every Saturday with food and the Word of God. 75% of the children do not live with their parents.

Click on photo to enlarge.
Pastors Patricio and Claudia Cabeza and their family (Sarmiento)

Fellowship Groups

Pastors Patricio and Claudia Cabeza and their family (Sarmiento)

Pastor Alejandro and other members of the fellowship Centro Cristiano in Sarmiento

Fellowship Groups

Pastor Alejandro and other members of the fellowship Centro Cristiano in Sarmiento

Oscar, left and Elio, right (Sarmiento)

Fellowship Groups

Oscar, left and Elio, right (Sarmiento)

First monthly city-wide church service  (Sarmiento)

Fellowship Groups

First monthly city-wide church service (Sarmiento)

Message Ministry

Radio La Roca


Radio La Roca

Radio La Roca


Radio La Roca

Radio Operations


Radio Operations

Radio Operations


Radio Operations

Feeding Children in Chubut


Feeding Children in Chubut

Feeding Children in Chubut


Feeding Children in Chubut

Ivan and Roxana Vargas

Partners in Ministry

Ivan and Roxana Vargas

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