Newsletter: 2005

Posted: May 05, 2017

Author: Robert Johnson | Created: December 01, 2005 at 06:01 AM

December 2005

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone who prayed and lifted us up during this last trip into Argentina.

The walls came tumbling down in many denominations. The Lord gave a word to me during the trip to describe a part of our job description for this trip. The word was "triage", a sorting according to need. God was giving us churches that were hurting, bleeding and needing understanding of what God was wanting for the church of the future. Many denominations were stuck in their traditions and legalism and it was literally choking the life out of many churches. Also, many were unable to breathe fresh air from the Spirit of God. Several churches were waiting eagerly for our arrival to hear what we had to say.

One church in Rio Gallegos had just separated from its roots because of this choking and the Lord connected us to them, even though we had never met. The time was filled with beauty. I gave the message titled, "Breaking the Mold." We didn’t know what the church had gone through and "Breaking the Mold" confirmed to them they were moving in the right way. God moved on the people as they wept and cried.

Another church In Rio Turbio was key to the entire trip. Back in March and April we were in Argentina and in one city the pastor traveled from Rio Turbio to see us. He traveled several hours to receive a word to take back. God gave this apostle a word speaking from the past to the present to the future for him. The word was so powerful that he cried and sobbed so much I didn’t know if he would stop. This apostle/pastor hugged me and asked us to please come as God directs to Rio Turbio. We did go there this time and this trip was extreme as we entered the city. I gave a message I really didn’t want to give because it seemed silly, but it had to do with switching directions and I used an illustration with homing pigeons to relay this point. Before I gave this message the pastor got up and said it’s time for this church to switch directions, thus the title of the message and content and the pastor’s word. The people paid close attention to what took place. God moved the people and the weeping was tremendous. After we left this apostle/pastor went to the government offices to apply for papers and a number with the government to start a new denomination because they had been bound and walls were all around them under the other denomination. The walls came tumbling down in the spiritual realm.

In the city of 28 de Noviembre I gave a message titled "Death to Life" which had to do with seeds, good and bad. The pastor was crying when we came walking in the church and during the message. I took a cup and dropped one seed in the cup at the end of the message. We prayed for the people and the time was beautiful. Later that night we went to the pastor’s house. The pastor took us to one room of the house and explained to us why he was crying. He had a vision prior to our arrival. "This is where I was standing and mopping the floor," he said, "when I looked up and you both were standing where you are standing now. And you were dressed just like you are now. I was crying and said many things when you appeared before me." We prayed for this pastor in the doorway of this room and he went quickly under the power of God. As we were leaving this pastor’s home, he ran to us as we were outside and told us about something else that had happened. He said two weeks ago he was crying before God at work. He was wanting to plant seeds for his church. He said that an audible voice spoke that said, "I will plant the seeds through someone else outside your church." Then God had me stand there with a cup and seed. Thank you, Jesus.

This same pastor had a dream about a hawk coming and carrying away a sheep and then returning and taking another and another. The pastor said he cried and cried wondering what to do. Back in September 2005, God had given a word about Alcon Gray which at the time I didn’t understand the full meaning of. Later God gave us the understanding of the meaning of Alcon Gray: it was a spiritual demonic stronghold over the cities we were going to, especially Rio Turbio and the surrounding areas, which included 28 de Noviembre. Alcon Gray means deception, pride, tradition, legalism and arrogance. This spirit was confronted and new light was shined on this darkness that was robbing the churches of living for God. Many connections were made that we will be going to in the near future. Chile is a place that has opened its arms to receive us, even though it’s normally closed to outsiders. The churches normally will not receive you unless you are part of their denomination and are known by them; we are neither.

One pastor was healed after a word of knowledge was given that someone had had a head injury and this had affected the eye on one side. The next morning we were staying at this pastor’s house. He said to us, "I am the one with the head injury and my eyesight in one eye was almost blind. This morning I see clearly, Thank you Jesus!" Another man had an operation and was in a lot of pain and he told us all the pain was gone and he was doing great.

There is so much to tell and I don’t want to go on and on, so, please continue to pray because the Lord has directed Greig and I to go to three new cities in southern Argentina from February through March. Other trips this next year are coming up also to different countries. The Lord saved many people from spiritual death and spiritual blindness. Praise the Lord!

Love in the Lord,

Robert A. Johnson


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