Newsletter: 2003

Posted: May 05, 2017

Author: Greig Detering | Created: December 01, 2003 at 10:00 PM

Winter 2003

My latest trip has been the most amazing that I have experienced in ministry to date. I came back physically exhausted but spiritually revived. As most of you know from my last newsletter, the Lord sent me to Belen, Catamarca, Argentina in September, 2003. Thanks be to God, I, along with the ‘working together in harmony’ message, was received with great favor. I did not have to seek out any church congregation; they were all led to me. I immediately was put on a speaking tour with the director of the Church of God. We spoke in three other cities within a 200-mile radius of Belen, and several other cities are on a waiting list to receive the prophetic Word that God sent with me.

The Lord has never followed me with signs and wonders like He did on this trip. I believe it was because of the prayers of the saints God has connected to this ministry, and because the church in Belen received the message of unity like I have never witnessed in other locations to date. The pastors started weekly prayer meetings that have grown tremendously in the last month. People from all denominations in Belen are participating.

imgElindaA highlight miracle was when the Lord healed Elinda Figueroa, who suffered a stroke two months ago and was wheelchair bound, totally paralyzed on her left side. After delivering a message at a service, she came forward for prayer and the Lord manifested his healing power bringing function back to her left arm. Within three days, she was running around, completely back to normal. Elinda has testified on local pop radio and before many people giving glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many people have come to Christ in the last three weeks, including some family members, after seeing the very obvious miracle that God worked in her body. She has now resumed her business, which involves travel back and forth to Buenos Aires, and plans to testify in a large church there. As I mentioned in my previous newsletter, this area is considered the spiritually darkest land in Argentina. But, as our Awesome God demonstrated, where sin abounds, grace does much more abound (Rom. 5:20).

After I was in Belen for just six weeks, the congregations decided to have an inter-denominational service. The service, which was organized in record time, was imgServicepacked. I delivered the message on the entire body of Christ working together as a whole. Afterward, everyone that we know of who came forward for prayer, was healed instantly of their ailments. Deaf ears, heart and lung problems, arthritis, back problems, permanently constricted tendons…it was incredible! God healed people while they were walking up for prayer before I even had a chance to pray for them. And the Lord kept following us with many signs wherever I spoke His message. I have seen God perform many miracles during my ministry, but generally have not focused on them in the newsletters. However, this trip was so extraordinary that I can’t help but share some of the awesome miracles that took place. We truly serve a God of the impossible who is just waiting for us to humble ourselves, and pray, and seek to do His will. He Will Respond!

On my first day in Belen, as in other starts at mission locations, the Lord spoke clearly to me that the mission duration in this part of northwest Argentina was to last less than four months. This would make my work done before the end of January 2004. I thought, what could I do in that time? My answer, not much. But He can do a lot when the saints work with him. Things have moved incredibly fast, much faster than I would have predicted. But this body of believers is an example of faithful servants, who after years of weeping over the spiritual chains that bound their region of Argentina, are desperate and ready to do whatever God wants to break the spiritual stronghold over their area.

The faithful support I have received, including a key financial contribution that came in the last minute, gave me the ability to go to Argentina and help free some people from bondage and gain eternal life. Thanks to you all! I continue to need all the prayer and financial support you feel directed to give. I want to help financially with a new non-denominational Christian radio station that one of the churches in Belen is opening this month along with buying some audio enhancements for another church. I also plan to use some funds to buy things for the poor in the Belen area during the Christmas season.

Several fellow Christians, especially the leaders that God has placed there, asked me to deliver their deep gratitude for enabling me to come and help them out. They send bendiciones (blessings) from northwest Argentina, in the name of Cristo Jesus. imgPrayerCircleI am only in Phoenix for a few days before I head back to Argentina where I will be spending my first year out of the US during the holidays. But how fitting — I will be in Bethlehem (Belen) for Christmas. Please pray for the church to stay strong and on target, for wisdom, for my ability to hear His directions clearly and especially for protection. As you can imagine, our enemy is not happy at all with his latest losses.

God bless you all! Have a great holiday season as you give thanks to God our Father for sending God His Son to give us life by the power of God His Spirit, in the name of the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13.8), Christ Jesus.

Your brother in Him,


Fall 2003

In August, the Lord began giving me clear direction and confirmation that I was to go to Bethlehem by way of London. That’s Belen (Bethlehem) a city in northwestern Argentina located at the end of a paved road, right after a little town called Londres (London) in the state of Catamarca. The first week of September, I once again left for a place I knew nothing about. I traveled 20 hours by buses to a town in the rain shadow of the Andes that appears much like northern Arizona. I had incredible direction and encounters along the way and had such a strong word from God that I would be working primarily with the pastor of the Church of God there that I wrote it down. Church of God didn’t seem correct since I knew them in El Salvador as a very legalistic group who wanted nothing to do with the unity message. Three days after my arrival, while I was still getting to know the city, a young man came to visit me. He said he heard through someone at the hotel that I was there and felt he was suppose to seek me out. He is an associate pastor imgMunicipalidadfrom…the Church of God!! Of course, I knew instantly that this meeting was God-ordained.

I got together with the pastor, Fernando Novoa, the next day. He had been evangelizing in towns to the north with another pastor. He told me he recently returned from Buenos Aires where he had a chance meeting, one on one, with Evangelist Carlos Anacondia, which to him was almost like getting a meeting with the president. Carlos Anacondia’s Argentina-based, worldwide, ministry is known as the sparker of revivals. He is even known among the Catholics who go to his meetings to receive a miracle from God. He told Pastor Novoa that he would come to Belen if God directed him there but was sure he would not be directed there if there was not unity in the church. Pastor Anacondia usually does not even consider going to towns of this size so it would definitely be an order from God that gets him there. It quickly became very clear why I was sent to Belen at this time. Because of the timing of my arrival, I was accepted immediately as sent by God to bring the unity message to the body of Christ here. Thank you Lord!!!

imgNovoaPastor Fernando Novoa, shown in the center with his wife Cristina and baby daughter, not only is the key pastor in Belen but also is the director of the Church of God for all the state of Catamarca where Belen is located, and the state of La Rioja, south of Catamarca. Even though Belen only has a population of 10,000 people, it is the central market point for a dozen towns to the north. The percentage of non-Catholic Christians in this area is less than 1%, the smallest percentage in all Latin America, and the church in general has been shrinking in size here. Pastor Fernando is located in Belen not because it is the biggest town – it is actually very small in relation to the capital city – but because he says it is the spiritual key and stronghold for the entire region.

There is a tremendous principality against Truth over this region; it is known as the spiritually darkest land in all Argentina. Like the Belen River, which is stopped and canalled here, it appears God’s Spirit is stopped here also. There is a 50-foot statue of Mary holding the baby Jesus that sits high on the mountain overlooking the city. It’s a nice statue but unfortunately also an idol that the people climb the mountain to pray to.

imgStatueI spoke to the Church of God congregation in Belen and gave them the unity message. Thanks to almighty God – He showed up and confirmed it with signs. They have asked me to speak in towns nearby when I return.

Belen is in the economically poorest area in the region, which seems to go along with spiritual darkness. I would like to bring a little financial help to the church and other hurting people here. I am in the US for two weeks. Funds provided, I will be headed right back to Argentina to get to work helping our brothers and sisters there begin working together in unity.If the Lord leads you to partner with me financially to help spread the Good News, please send your tax-deductible donations to the address above. All donations are tax deductible and will directly support my ministry efforts.

This ministry runs off your prayers and financial support. Thank you so much everyone for working together with me to send His message of redemption to the ends of the earth. I will keep you informed of how God is using me and those who work with me, by the power of His Spirit, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Your brother in Him, imgQuebrada


Summer 2003

Hello friends and fellow servants of our Lord Jesus Christ. In May, I headed back to El Salvador with Ed Araiza (who came with me on my first trip there) to give some encouragement to our fellow brothers and sisters in San Juan Opico. It was a very fruitful trip.

We spoke to the Aglow International group who coincidentally had a speaker from San Salvador speaking on unity. They are an international, trans-denominational women’s ministry that has close to 3,600 fellowships participating in 151 countries imgAglowworldwide. The Opico fellowship consists of about 50% Catholic women and 50% women from other denominations. I believe it is no coincidence that God has laid on the hearts of Aglow leaders as well as Amor Ministries that unity of the body is one of His main concerns. If the pastors cannot drop their denominational pride, this group of women could be the most important force for unity in Opico.

While I was there, I asked the president of UNEO, the fellowship organization for pastors in Opico, to call a meeting with other pastors interested in unity. He called eight pastors, including two from the neighboring town. With one days notice, all of them attended which, believe me, was a miracle. I gave them many ideas on how to encourage unity of the church, ideas acquired from working with various groups in imgPastorMeetingArgentina. They plan to start having interdenominational services at a selected different churches in town each month that will be open to everyone. I also encouraged them to form intercessory prayer teams who could come together to pray for their city. Thanks to your financial support, we were able to leave them some money to put in the UNEO account to be used solely for unification activities.

I was given the opportunity to deliver the unity message to the Assembly of God church where Pedro, the president of UNEO, is pastor. Afterwards, Ed and I prayed for all who felt God was calling them to be leaders in unifying the church. There can always be improvement, but overall, we were encouraged with what seems to be occurring as the body of Christ here begins using all of its parts.

There is a saying that; "When the United States sneezes, Central America gets the flu." The US economy has had a cold. However, due to the fact that El Salvador has a president who is friendly to foreign business interests and the fact that their currency is now the US dollar, things appear to be better economically. The park inimgChurch front of the church in Opico, for example, has had a beautiful renovation since we were there last year.

The church in San Juan Opico sends their love and blessings. Please continue to pray against the spirit of division, for my direction and protection, and that the unity seed that God has planted through this ministry will continue to grow and multiply in Argentina and El Salvador. I will be doing more work in Latin America soon but I am not sure of details at this time.

Funds are always needed. If the Lord leads you to partner with me financially to help spread the Good News, please send your tax-deductible donations to the address above. Make your check payable to Amor Ministries International. All donations are tax deductible and will directly support my ministry efforts. Non-cash contributions, such as frequent flyer miles, are also appreciated. If your company has a matching gift program and you need our Employer Identification Number, it is 04-3623802.

This ministry runs off your prayers and financial support. Thank imgFruityou so much everyone for working together with me to send His message of redemption to the ends (literally) of the earth. I will keep you informed of how God is using me, and those who work with me, by the power of His Spirit, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Your brother in Him,


Spring 2003

Wow! is all I can say about what the Lord is doing through our ministry and throughout Argentina. Last month in Sarmiento, eight pastors, shown here, imgPastorsMeetingused an old movie house to hold their first monthly citywide church service and, without my knowing, picked me to be the speaker. Even the mayor of this town of 12,000 attended and pledged his support for this monthly event, which he said he can hardly believe is happening. The Lord gave me fluency and more words than I planned on saying at imgPrayerthat historic event. There were people there representing almost all of the fellowships in town and we all felt the love (amor) of God at that gathering.

Without telling me, the Lord also blasted open doors for me to preach the unity message at the biggest church fellowship (2,000) in nearby Esquel, a ski resort town of 100,000 about eight hours by bus from Sarmiento. The pastor, Juan Treccani, is from Italy and the nephew of Pope Paul the 6th. He is known throughout SouthimgCongregation America and parts of Europe, and has a book out in five languages called From Religious Slavery to Liberty in Christ. He has given me an open invitation to speak at any of the 18 church fellowships he has started throughout Argentina. The evening after I spoke, I received an invitation to speak at a 6:00 am prayer meeting the next morning to a group of city pastors and other strong believers of several denominations dedicated to working together. Not my favorite time of day, but it was well worth it. This is all the Lord’s doing. I have never once asked or even hinted at a desire to speak before these large groups, but God, against my comfort zone, has given me platforms over and over that others with worldly credentials far beyond mine have been denied. The Lord Jesus Christ wants to put his church back together so the world will know He was sent by our heavenly Father. And He is willing to use the foolish things to do it. But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise 1 Cor. 1:27 KJV.

My sister, Diane, and brother- in-law, Chris, flew down to check out the end of the earth and see the radio station, children’s bible school and cafeteria that your support has helped us put together and operate. They were given a little air time to speak to the people of this region. We even had a rainbow (shown at the bottom of this letter) the day we started our trip in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego (nicknamed the end of the world) as a sign of the great weather we would enjoy the rest of their trip.

imgOpenHeavenThe church in Sarmiento sends their love and blessings to all who have helped bring the message of faith, hope and love in this time of hardship in Argentina. A friend from the church drew for me a close representation of a vision I was shown representing open heavens now over Sarmiento. There is tremendous power reserved for a church walking in unity! The enemy knows it and fights this message very hard.

I want to welcome Robert Johnson as a new field minister officially connected to this ministry. Robert has led mission trips through parts of Brazil and has been a part of the leadership at Faith Center in Springfield, Oregon for years. Robert will continue to do work in Brazil and, undoubtedly, we will be doing some work together in Latin America in the future.

I plan to head back to El Salvador in May to deliver some more messages and hopefully a little financial support. The way it looks now, the Lord has opened many doors for me in Argentina so, although he has moved me out of full time work in Sarmiento, I believe I will be doing much more work in other parts of Argentina, provided funds are available.

imgRadioLa Roca (The Rock) Radio, 95.5 FM, now has a professional studio, thanks to your support. However, I am still in need of funds for additional items to finish this project of broadcasting the gospel to thousands of isolated people in Argentina and to continue work in El Salvador. Some of the items still needed include: a $2,000 broadcast license, a Christian Voice radio satellite receiver, building supplies, money for bibles and basic necessities and travel funds. We were not able to pay for the broadcast license yet and, unfortunately, the government is beginning to crack down on stations that do not have licenses. Any support you can provide is a blessing, whether financial, non-cash (such as frequent flyer miles) or your prayers. We have experienced many strange attacks as we have tried to develop tools to aid in building unity. Please pray against that spirit of division, for my direction and protection, and that the unity seed that God has planted through this ministry will continue to grow and multiply in Argentina and El Salvador.


If the Lord leads you to partner with me financially to help spread the Good News, please send your tax-deductible donations to the address above. Make your check payable to Amor Ministries International. All donations will directly support my ministry efforts. If your company has a matching gift program and you need our Employer Identification Number, it is 04-3623802.

This ministry runs off your prayers and financial support. Thank you so much everyone for working together with me to send His message of redemption to the ends (literally) of the earth. I will keep you informed of how God is using me, and those who work with me, by the power of His Spirit, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Your brother in Him,

Greig Detering

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