Newsletter: 2022 Monthly Words for the Year

Posted: January 07, 2022

Author: Robert Johnson | Created: January 07, 2022 at 02:08 PM

Robert has asked me to share with you what took place this 1st week of January 2022.

On Tuesday January 4th of this week Robert called me to share the news that the Lord had just given him a download for the months of the year in a way that the Lord has never done with him before. The Lord had given him subtitles for each month of the entire year in a single moment. And for any of you that know Robert subtitles are important to him as he studies and memorizes the Word of God.

On January 5th the Lord began to fill in the months under those subtitles and now He has released Robert to share them with you.

May this bring Blessings of encouragement, peace and joy to you filling you with a new boldness to carry out Kingdom responsibilities as we walk with Him throughout this year of the Lord 2022.

R. Dale Dumas


Robert A. Johnson received these words from the Lord and is sharing them with you now.


Word received 2021

Dec 16, 2021 “There will be a silence in the White House. There will be crying and wailing over a lost leader.”


Words for 2022


Jan 5, 2022:

January: Tyranny reigns through January.

Vulgar statements made to slam those doing what is right. Courier of events. Member of a diplomatic service will be bearing a message - transferring secret information.

February: Stunning end to the reign.

Breaking the granite stone – rock, very hard rock, especially used for building and for monuments. What has been built and seems unbreakable will now crumble to its end.

March: Marks the month for a new installment.

A starting line. Conditions are being corrected. A new course is being made. “X” marks the spot.

April: Gubernatorial resistance fails.

The race is expected to win but falls short. Another crippling factor.

May: Strategy of the left is considerably compromised.

Testifying in court. Testimony will be taken down under oath. May will be a deposition. Someone to fall. Someone will be removed from a position of authority (High up government).

June: A new order of things are installed.

Gigantic – exceeding the usual or expected size. Towns, cities, countries are affected in a big way. Governing bodies begin to step down.

July: Mask mandates and vaccinations null and void.

July will be like beginning a new year.

August: A conquered Left - defenseless operations.

Interdepartmental – existing of two departments. Division in education will split into two separate parts. One part will be exceedingly stronger over the other. A common thread will exist. Government offices will be closed, but new ones will open. The month of August will be the month of turnover. The collar around the people’s necks will be broken. This month the country picks up the broken pieces.

September: The month of rotation.

 A Ferris wheel turning. The wheel stops and more people get on board. The wheel will be filled in September and the rotation will now be complete.

October: A maiden voyage for America.

America once again sails into uncharted waters. America will once again establish itself as the country that is free. This is the month where we come off the rolling seas and our feet are planted once again on solid ground.

November: A new set of roots.

A new foundation. Returning to a time where things are straight forward. It is a time when a handshake was considered enough. Trust will climb to new heights.

December: Many will go underground and be silent.

There will be more with us than against us. The Christmas trees will come forth. The decorations will abound. The lights will appear, and the stockings will hang once again. The month of December will absolutely conclude a year of major reckonings. Incredible expectations are now on the horizon for the next year, for the heaviness has been removed and a new light is already shining.


I John 2:7,8 Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning. This old command is the message you have heard. Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in him and you, because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining.




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