Newsletter: 2008

Posted: May 05, 2017

Author: Robert Johnson | Created: March 13, 2008 at 08:05 AM

March 2008

Greetings to everyone who reads this letter and has accompanied us through these days in Spain! It has been a trip of unusual wonders that God sent us into.

We went to our first meeting in Granada, Spain, where mostly new believers were meeting in a house owned by a German man and his wife, who was from the Philippines. After sitting around the table for a while I began to tell a story of a time in my life. The German man was not happy with my story. His wife wanted him to be quiet, but he became louder and louder and confrontational and aggressive in speech. I finished my story and some time later we got up to leave and a woman came forward and asked for prayer. I prophesied over her, calling her a sister in the Lord. A woman standing near by said this woman wasn’t saved. The woman I was praying for said to me, "I don’t know Jesus, but I would like to know Him now, please." The man of the house was demon-controlled and knew she wasn’t saved yet and tried many things to disrupt our conversation, but failed. Then another woman came forward and the Lord gave a word of knowledge of a physical problem she had, which was curvature of the spine. She felt light and easy and heat went over her back as the Lord touched her. The husband, who had caused a great deal of problems, after seeing others prayed for and healed, came forward for prayer for several things. His attitude seemed to change a bit towards us after that.

We stayed in the city of Almeria and surrounding area from the thirteenth to the sixteenth of March. Many people came to be prayed for and to receive words from the Lord. A woman came for prayer. Often the Holy Spirit will give me visions into past, present or future events while praying. I saw someone sticking a knife into this woman to kill her. She told me that two weeks ago she had had a dream of a man breaking into her house and he was carrying several knives. This man tried to give a knife to her husband and told him to kill her. This was a true demonic attack of fear and hopelessness, worry, anxiety, death and destruction. All were broken off and peace came to her, knowing God was with her to protect her, by revealing the lies in the dream about someone with the knives. An elder was standing nearby. I told him to come for prayer. He said he didn’t need anything. I said, yes, you do. The Lord showed me that this man’s neck had been injured and he was in a lot of pain. I told him what was wrong and began to lay hands on him and the pain was instantly gone from his injury that plagued him for some time. This man was so excited he began to testify immediately of what God had done. Salvations were occurring on a fairly regular basis, praise the Lord. Spain is one of the hardest grounds in all of Europe to break and so when people are saved and healed and set free it is really big.

One night we spoke in the church called "City of God." It was full of ex-drug addicts, alcoholics, people with AIDs, etc. Some Muslims came in to hear the message. I was giving a message that I had never given and at the end of the message I spoke of the God who hung on the cross. God stirred up the people and a couple of the Muslims received the Lord that night. One young lady, who had a heart condition, and there was no way the doctors could help her, was prayed for. The report came back, after we had come back home, that she had gone to the doctor to be checked and the doctor said that there was nothing wrong with her. Her heart is totally healthy!

In one area Greig had spotted some idols in a pastor’s house and the pastor’s wife was dying of an extremely rare disease. We prayed for this woman who was turning to stone inside of her body. Then we took the idols out of the house and destroyed them. A veil of sorts seemed to lift off this household and the couple traveled out of the area they were living in to another city and went to another doctor who said that the medicine she had been on was toxic to her body and was killing her. She is now free from the wrong medicine and is slowly recovering.

At the Foursquare church, which we visited on our last trip to Spain, we were invited back to speak to the body. Several received the Lord and an old woman came up to me and asked me if I remembered her. I wasn’t sure. Then she said to me that when I was here last, she was in a wheelchair and that’s why I probably didn’t recognize her. She went on to tell me that she had throat cancer and it had spread all over in her mouth and elsewhere. The doctors said they would be able to get most of the cancerous growth, but not all. She said I prayed like this: When the doctors are done doing what they can do, the Lord will finish what they cannot do. She said she went back after six months to be checked and no cancer could be found anywhere. Praise the Lord! Several people were healed on Palm Sunday and delivered from demons on the spot. One woman, bound by evil spirits, was from India. She was freed in a matter of minutes by the power of the Holy Spirit. After the Sunday service we went to a Muslim’s house for lunch. They asked if we wanted to eat lunch by ourselves and we said no. We said to the family that we wanted to eat together, and they were a bit surprised, but happy about it. A large wooden bowl was put before us. The bowl was full of all kinds of vegetables and meat. We all sat together eating and just being together. When I had my first small plate of food and none was left on my plate, the women were refilling my plate again if I didn’t act quickly enough. They loved watching me eat and eat. It made them very happy. This was a more intimate lunch where usually only family comes together to eat out of a common giant wooden bowl. So we were honored at this meal, which was extra special to us. They allowed us to pray for them in Jesus’ name over them before we left. That was very big! Pedro, our contact in Spain, delivers clothes, food, etc. to many Muslims. We believe the mother of the house is saved now and the rest are interested, so it won’t be long.

Our first night preaching to a Nigerian church group, the message was about drought in the body of Christ and how God wants to bring spiritual rain and the natural rain. This area of Spain gets very little rain. In a little over twenty-four hours the rain came down heavy – thunder and lightning all night. God has continued this specific sign in several countries for the last year and a half. Thank you, Lord, for Your rain!

Easter Sunday was coming and two days before going to a different Nigerian church in Malaga, the pastor, who was thirty-three years old, died. This was unexpected and the pastor knew we were coming and had opened the church to us and felt we were to come, even though he didn’t know us. Pedro, Greig and I were there on Easter Sunday with a crowd of people who were mourning and sad and it was Easter on top of it all. I was the one that spoke that morning and the Lord graced me through a very difficult time. I spoke about experiences I had had dealing with death and used Ecclesiastes 3 about seasons. I finished with John 5:24, "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes in Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life." The Lord was able to use these experiences to comfort and draw the people together. Later there was dancing and singing as we walked in a circle inside the church rejoicing in this day the Lord had made. As we tried to leave and went up the stairs out onto the street to go, we were stopped and different people would grab our arms and say, "please pray for me." This was exciting and took a while to get to the top of the steps to leave.

In the city of Huelva, we were 30 minutes from Portugal. We stayed overnight and did warfare against death and destruction, which had gripped this city. Two murderers had killed a five-year old girl a few months earlier and had escaped capture. Murder had become common in this city. We prayed that God would reveal their location and bring them to justice. Twenty-four hours later, in our base city of Granada, the murderers were caught and brought to justice.

So many things happened that it is often too much to give in a newsletter. I want to express my appreciation to you who believe and are behind us. When we were received with open arms and given freedom to speak, the most happened. You, the people, have given freedom to us and believe in what we are doing. I am grateful. I will be going to Finland late May-June. As always, I covet your prayers.

Yours in Christ,


If you would like to contribute, you can do so by mailing a check to the AMOR address at the top of this newsletter. Prayer is free and always highly appreciated. We will take all the prayer that we can get!

Robert can be reached at as well.

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