Newsletter: Greig's Fall 2021 Newsletter

Posted: October 19, 2021

Author: Greig Detering | Created: October 19, 2021 at 05:22 PM

Dear friends. It has been 6 months since I sat down to give a wrap up of past and possible future ministry ventures. During that time, I was involved in a lot of phone and computer consulting, and I completed 2 successive month-long trips to Oregon. Almost everything about those trips were unplanned but ordained by God.

I spent some time with our Rainbow, Oregon partners, on both trips. The Lord is using this married couple together and independently in harmony, to establish great things. Besides hosting large non-denominational gatherings including prayer and worship, each has their own business. Darin Harbick just kicked off his campaign as the conservative US Senator running against the 30-year liberal incumbent. Wow, I didn’t see that one coming and neither did they! I am realizing even more why we were led to work with them 3 years ago. Darin's wife Kail is running a Faith based women’s recovery center that some government appointees were trying to defund because it is "faith based." Then suddenly, as the Lord signs His name, it was fully funded to the point of a waiting list to get into their program. Robert Johnson, another member of our team, has assisted Darin & Kale with much of their direction and is regularly involved in ministering accompanied at times by our communications chief Dale Dumas.

I also have been ministering to and with various groups in Cottage Grove, Oregon.They are a great example of leading with persistence to develop an apostolic community foundation assisted by prophetically specialized consultant teams. I am pleasantly surprised at the new openness to develop Kingdom community foundations that no government can destroy or diminish.

The Lord really focused me, in agreement with my apostolic partner in the Eugene/Springfield Oregon metro area, on helping develop another foundational community network capturing several hard-core remnant believers in west Eugene. Our Father builds everything from the ground up. We had a great time watching and assisting as the Lord glues these people together. Bill Meyer, one of our board ministers, purchased a Grange Hall in that area and is presently renovating it for future Kingdom community gatherings. We helped initiate it for the Lord’s work at our annual board meeting there.

On the last trip, I was connected to leaders in Portland, Oregon who are also concentrating on building that harmonized church community operating in all of the 7 societal mountains of Media, Business, Entertainment, Education, Government, Family and Religion. I was involved in a multi church unity gathering and also a meeting of many business, media and fellowship leaders in the Portland area. My message for years has been to see ourselves operating as the church of Jesus Christ no matter what part of society we are primarily working in. I know some are calling the 7 mountains of society that we need to take dominion over, so, yes, everywhere, all 7 mountains. God has called the church to take dominion over everything, which will assure continued freedom and prosperity. It is wonderful to watch believers awakening to this mandate by Jesus to make disciples of all nations as we watch freedom lovers rise up from the grassroots all over society in many nations.

I am looking at Argentina, where we own a condominium ministry base that we haven’t been able to get to for almost 2 years, as a harbinger of things to come in the US. Their left-wing government, which has been in control for the last 2 years, has put such controls on the people that there is now an uprising as the poverty rate went from 20% 2 years ago to 50% now.  So much so that, in a desperate bid to hold on to power, they are opening up their borders to foreigners from all countries starting in November.  They were previously one of the most closed countries on the planet.  I believe this rising up of the citizens to resist the tyranny of control is what we are starting to see here in the US.  If things hold, I should be allowed to make an extended trip to Argentina (lots to catch up on along with future ministry to planning) before the end of the year.

One of the strange things I heard in the Spirit about a month ago was ‘I Am Tenderizing The Earth.’ After some contemplation, I soon realized what I was hearing was confirmation that there is going to be receptive ground for the Good News and His Kingdom Order. Not only in the USA and Argentina, but all over the earth. The Lord has tightly bonded me to some Kingdom minded apostolic businesspeople in Argentina, particularly in communications, who are going to be strategic in setting a strong foundation for future discipleship there.  The church has been a divided mess in Argentina. No matter how great the signs and wonders, and they have witnessed many, most of the harvest has been lost due to a traditional self-focused divided church structures. I know they are ready for the Lord’s new (original) order that preserves the harvest.

The opportunities are enormous at this time. Please pray about joining with me to bring the Truth to this nation and beyond. Much financial help is still needed for what HE is leading us to do.

You can safely contribute financially to this effort via credit card or otherwise by going to and selecting ‘Ways to Partner’-> ‘How to Help.’Any amount is useful to enable me and our team to continue in this mission.

I thank those of you profusely who have helped me, and this ministry, survive during these trying times. Things are taking off in this ministry and I am honored to partner with you in bringing the Kingdom of Jesus Christ to this earth.       Enthralling times await us!  Greig

Harbick FamilyHarbickCampEvent+05.jpg (146×100)FranklinGrange_Cropped25.jpg (200×88)Franklin Grange

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