Newsletter: Greig's Christmas Letter from Argentina

Posted: December 22, 2021

Author: Greig Detering | Created: December 22, 2021 at 04:30 PM

Hello from the southern hemisphere my northern hemisphere friends. It has been a relief to finally get back to Argentina after more than a year and a half of closed borders. It has also been the most difficult reentry into Argentina with repairs to our apartment base in Buenos Aires and the lack of supplies. I won’t go into details on the apartment story but lack of access to it for 2 years and no supervision (due to death of the building manager) created a bad combination.

On the positive side, it has never been easier to talk about ‘God’ than it is now. Buenos Aires is the New York of Argentina, and everyone here knows someone who unexpectedly passed from their life on earth recently. Eternity is much more on their minds, which has been great for discussion.

The hand of God has been so obvious this trip. Each time I needed something, with perfect timing, the perfect person to help with that issue was instantly available. In the last 2 weeks, I even received messages from former contacts, with invitations to go there and be well accommodated.  I haven’t talked to these people in years and they had no idea that I am in Argentina. These are all apostolic people who understand the need to build a better base for discipling and unifying the body of Christ. Two of them are expanding their relatively new communications company in Southern Argentina, creating a giant net which God is using. So, although some ministry is occuring with others here in their nation's capital, I am arranging future ministry trips according to the Spirit’s direction. Our Father is arranging everything - strike while the iron is hot.

I normally don’t discuss financial details but have been encouraged by others to let people know what I am dealing with. Repairs to the apartment, which include 2 air conditioners, to get it back in shape and set for a few years in the future are running about $5000. Travel expenses, living costs, past and future government taxes and other items will be about $7000. So, for around $12000, we are fully equipped and set up for future evangelistic and church transforming ministry here.

Our Kingdom family here can learn from additional things I’ve learned in the USA and, I believe, Argentina will also help bring some clarity in our US ministry. Keep in mind, due to identical climate and similar immigration, there is much we have in common with our Argentine brothers and sisters.

If you are led to aid in this mission, I am eternally honored and grateful for your partnership as I am humbled by others who have partnered in prayer and resources. How to contribute is on our web page. If you have any questions or would like to communicate directly with me, please don’t hesitate to send to my personal e-mail or to the address on the return for this newsletter (I get them all).

I will be back to the US before the end of January but know it won’t be long before I am back here again. I am sorry I am going to miss Christmas in the US. It is still hard to get used to seeing Santa Claus in summer. Funny how most Christmas traditions evolved from the northern hemisphere and just don’t seem right in summertime.

Have a wonderful season celebrating our King’s incarnation on the earth. With Love amid Tidings of Great Joy, from Argentina, Greig

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