Newsletter: 2009

Posted: May 05, 2017

Author: Greig Detering | Created: December 01, 2009 at 10:00 PM

Winter 2009

Dear partners,

I trust that you all had a good Christmas and New Years season. Since the last newsletter, I have made several more trips to Dallas, Texas to partner with Joe Galindo, who is the chief coordinator for the C12 business network. C12 is a network of Kingdom business leaders who meet to encourage each other and to discuss how the Lord wants to use their businesses to advance His kingdom.

The Lord has had me in a time out period the last few months, as far as international ministry. Looking back on it now, it already makes sense because Joe and I were able to finish our first book, which is primarily directed at Kingdom business people. It is called Kingdom Business Transformation: Structuring Leadership to Transform the Marketplace. I doubt if we would have all the books penned by the Apostle Paul if the Lord hadn’t put him in a timeout period in prison. This book deals with the Lord’s structure for His church, which promotes unity in the body of Christ.

Soon we’ll be doing workshops, but the Lord made it clear that He wanted us to get a couple books finished first. The books will be available to give to people to read beforehand so that we can spend much more of our time concentrating on specifics for the particular group. They can get the basic concepts that the Lord has given us to bring to the church from the book. This makes everyone’s time more productive. We’re now working quickly to finish another key book titled Kingdom Business Transformation: Practicing Strategic Intercession in Your Business. This book helps the church, wherever it happens to be operating, to walk in the power of God by setting up a listening network to keep from missing the Lords direction. Then they can pray, proclaim and walk those directions into being. All of the books we will be doing will be written to be read in less than a 2 hour period.

It is great seeing God’s plan come together quickly as He wraps up this age. Not only is He separating the sheep and goat people and nations, but also sheep and goat businesses. The Lord is positioning His listening and obedient children to collect an abundant blessing that will be extracted from His enemies.

imgRoof2In other matters, I made another trip to Argentina where I spent time with partners and did extensive writing for our second book. I spent needed time in communion with our Father aligning myself with His plans for me and this ministry. I also experienced Christmas in Buenos Aires, which is at the beginning of their summer. I asked an apostolic friend, who is setting up a national telephone and internet provider company, if he and his family wanted to spend Christmas Eve at my apartment. I didn’t realize my invitation was for them to hang out until midnight when fireworks start exploding throughout the city then afterword stay up until early morning eating Argentine Christmas delicacies. It’s more like Independence Day in the US than Christmas.imgRoof I included a picture of the Guzman family in the apartment and a view from the top of the apartment tower a little after midnight.

I want to extend my special thanks to all of you who have really stuck with me over the last year or two. This has been one of the most difficult times in my adult life and I know a difficult time for many others who have supported me even while they were enduring difficult times themselves. I know that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called to His purposes. I believe that I and many others have been at the bottom of the trampoline jump, but we’re just about to enjoy the upswing.

Please cover me in prayer. I humbly examine any words of wisdom or knowledge that you send my way. I believe the Lord will be creating strong partnerships between us and other Kingdom teams this year. Thank you intercessors for praying specifically for that. The Lord is putting together equally yoked partnerships for those trying to stay on His pioneering path. Please continue to pray that we have ourselves well positioned for partnerships that will aid in the Lord’s plans for everyone.

Thanks to all of you who are, in one way or another, working as part of this body to expand the Kingdom of our Lord and Christ. Those who have helped financially are more appreciated than ever right now. All financial contributions are tax deductible and will directly support the work the Lord leads me, in cooperation with this team, to do. Our Employer Identification Number is 04-3623802.

May the multiplication be 100 fold in anything that you give to others in accordance with the Lord’s directions. In the King of Kings, Greig Detering

Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. Proverbs 8:34 (NIV)

Fall 2009

Dear partners in demolishing arguments,

Since the last newsletter, I have made several trips to Dallas, Texas partnering with Joe Galindo who is the chief coordinator for the C12 business network in Dallas. This is a network of Kingdom business leaders who meet to encourage each other and to discuss how the Lord wants to use their businesses to advance His kingdom.

During my trips to Dallas, we had the privilege to pray for leaders in businesses that are presently battling illnesses and, during prayer, experienced the tangible life changing touch of God. We have met with several other business leaders and entire executive teams to discuss Kingdom concepts for their businesses and who would like to move forward with training when materials are available. One of them is a lead legal council for one of the top five US technology companies. Also, an international ministry, which works in 20 countries right now doing Kingdom business training, has expressed interest in working with us and using and distributing our materials. One powerful woman we met with is the president of one of the top 20 rated financial management firms in America. The Lord led me to write a page of words for her 3 days before I met her or knew anything about her. After she read the page she commented, “that blew my mind." It contained some nice confirmations for her. The Lord has given me specific words of direction several times for these kingdom business leaders. Thank you Supreme Counselor!

On the fellowship group side, we have become friends with a couple who are heading up a rapidly growing prayer center attracting a mix of people who are with many fellowships. We are also assisting a group concentrating on tying together all of the churches in Dallas. Joe and I met with the head pastor of one mega church privately for 2 hours who would not have been very interested in hearing what we had to say even 1 year ago. But he sought the Lord and had a divine encounter. The Lord gave me some specific words for him as he helps move their fellowship from one where the Holy Spirit is no longer the guest of honor, but the master of ceremonies; where Christ is fully head. This is happening with other large fellowships in the Dallas area with which Joe has connections.

imgKingdomThe church in the US is rapidly changing in the way it thinks and is organized. What we are seeing in Dallas is just the tip of the iceberg. Kingdom people are taking their mantles in the market place, where Jesus spent most of His time. Kingdom businesses will be dynamic forces in unifying the body of Christ. We believe that the work we are now doing in Dallas is foundational for this ministry to help propagate this transformation into other parts of the US and the world. This truly is a time of incredible change that we live in.

In other matters, I made a short trip to Argentina where I caught up on southern headquarters business, touched base with some people there and did some writing for our kingdom business ministry literature. It was also nice to spend a couple weeks up in Oregon catching up with prayer warriors and other imgSpiritcolleagues based there.

Joe and I are spending much time doing the writing for a series of small books over various important topics relating to kingdom business transformation. We are putting all of the basics in the literature on how to restore and commission the church, especially in the marketplace. This is so that when consulting with groups or individuals we can spend most of our effort detailing specifics that we believe the Lord has for them. Shown in this letter are potential covers for a couple of the books. Writing is not one of my favorite things, but it is a job that needs to be done to proceed with the work we have been given to do. The editors, illustrators and publishers for those materials are all in place. I am waiting on funds to finance their production and for travel and am presently grounded in Phoenix until provision comes in.

Thanks to all of you who are, in one way or another, working as part of this body to expand the Kingdom of our Lord and Christ. Those who have helped financially are more appreciated than ever right now. Please cover me in prayer. I humbly examine any words of wisdom or knowledge that you send my way. Since we are in greater need than ever on the financial front, pray that we have ourselves well positioned for partnerships that will aid in the Lord’s plans for us. All contributions are tax deductible and will directly support the work the Lord leads me, in cooperation with this team, to do. If your company has a matching gift program, our Employer Identification Number is 04-3623802.

With you in His work, Greig Detering

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV)

Summer 2009

Dear partners in conquest,

Robert Johnson and I spent most of June on a fruitful trip covering a large section of Finland. Hannu Pesio (organizer, worship leader and driver) and Tuula Ruusunen (interpreter) were our Finish teammates that helped make this the most efficient foreign ministry trip that we have experienced yet. The Lord helped us to use the wisdom that He has placed in us over the last few years to pace ourselves properly, along with the supernatural sustaining that we know He provides. We ministered in 9 cities and several more fellowship groups.

As I stated in the previous newsletter, Robert and I thought that this was the trip when we were to do a conference and assumed it would be in Kouvola, where we have had a standing invitation to lead. That conference did not come together. However, in Kolari, a city north of the Arctic Circle, unknown to us, they had developed a conference around our visit. Robert and I ministered all day in that conference at the time of year when the sun never sets. I guess we heard correctly but our interpretation was off.

Here are some of the highlights. In Kouvola, a large metro area north of Helsinki, a sweet elderly woman named Aini (shown here) who hosted us at her house, had suffered from sinus problems so severe that even on medications she could not usually sleep for more than 2 or 3 hours a night. During prayer time where we ministered, she said that she felt hands going through her sinuses. That night she had the best sleep she has had in years and stopped her medication after that!

Outokumpu, a new city that we visited, turned out to be a wonderful surprise. Robert had heard a word from the Lord that these were a quiet but listening people and that a partnership would be established. They were so quiet that you could hear a pin drop and we were thinking, ‘What are we doing here?’ However, the Lord began giving us words that we delivered from the front for many people out in the audience. We had one of the most overwhelming testimonies of imgKolariConferenceaccurate words and an outpouring of appreciation that we have ever experienced. I am ever learning to walk by what God says and not by what I see.

At the conference in Kolari, people showed up from many parts of northern Finland and also Sweden. By the end of the day, we gave personal words from the podium to almost everyone in attendance. We received many invitations to minister in the attendee’s home cities including an invitation to do a whole week of ministry at a bible school on the Finland/Norway border, whenever the Lord leads. We were blessed to be used to lift up imgJormamany Kingdom leaders.literally. Robert and I are seen here with Jorma, the conference organizer.

The trip culminated in the city of Iisalmi, where Hannu is based, with a night of healing in a way that we have not previously experienced. The Lord simply began touching people, without even praying, as we called out their ailments. That was cool!

As I stated before this trip, even though we had received exact details about this trip, there looked to be no way economically that I could do it. However, 2 days before we had planned to leave I received just enough funds that we decided I could go. Thank you to those who generously responded to the Lord’s prompting! The fruit was obvious.

I will be in Dallas, Texas for a week during the first half of August doing a preliminary workshop with the head of the C12 business fellowship there. We will be training the leadership imgIilsalmiteam of a major corporation on how to apply biblical church leadership models in their business. We are planning to develop this into a general workshop that Christian business leaders across several companies can attend. Following that, I will be working for a month in Argentina, connecting with key contacts and ministering in various locations. I may be going into other countries as well, but I am not sure at the time of this newsletter. Schedules will be posted on the web.

Thanks to all of you who are, in one way or another, working as part of this body to expand the Kingdom of our Lord and Christ. Please cover me in prayer as I am used to plant a new seed in the business arena and minister in Argentina. We still are in greater need than ever on the financial front so pray that we have ourselves well positioned to receive any economic resources that will aid in the Lord’s plans for us. All contributions are tax deductible and will directly support the work the Lord leads me, in cooperation with this team, to do. If your company has a matching gift program, our Employer Identification Number is 04-3623802.

With you in His work, Greig Detering

No weapon forged against you shall prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you! (Isaiah 54:17)

(Albino reindeer on left)

Spring 2009

Dear partners in setting captives free,

This ministry is going into 2009 with high hopes that the Lord is putting us on a platform that will cover much more ground than before. The board started this year with a meeting in Dallas, Texas where they inducted Jan Swope as a new board member. She is spiritually gifted and experienced in developing ministries. One of her former jobs was as a producer for CNN. She was divinely connected to Susan Groenteman, our other board member who lives in Dallas. Thank you Jesus!

In March, I spent a week working in Dallas ministering to CEO’s and business owners with Joe Galindo, a consultant in the business arena. Joe is a prolific writer who has published literature on doing business by biblical principles. He is now the primary leader for the Dallas area C12 group. C12 is a ministry, now in 25 major cities throughout the US, which focuses on helping Christian leaders in the business community work together to expand the Kingdom of God. I have been asked by Joe to partner with him in presenting a workshop to Christian business leaders. My focus would be showing how Christian businesses are to be structured, just as any church body should, in the order that God has specified. And specifically to help business leaders identify who they and others in their organizations have been anointed to be in the Lord’s army.

The church not only gathers in buildings set up specifically for mutual edification, but at any location in the community and market place where the body of Christ is working together on a kingdom project. God is planting Christian businesses not just to produce resources for other ministries, but to be ministries taking new territory for the Kingdom. I am meeting with other business leaders in and outside the US who have been given the vision to extend this apostolic network into Latin America and then into other parts of the world. This is not a new focus for us as a ministry; it is helping to put into practice what the Lord has had me speaking about for years. This is simply one imgC12Meetingnew activity we will be involved with in addition to the things that this ministry has been doing.

For the past 3 months I’ve had a rare down time as I have waited on the Lord for direction and provision. Some of that was done at our base in Argentina where I spent a couple weeks seeking clear direction, writing, and making arrangements for some future ministry there and in the surrounding countries. A pastor of pastors in Uruguay was jubilant, telling me that the things we told them would come to pass in their ministry last time we saw them, have occurred. They are very anxious to host us in a bigger forum whenever the Spirit of the Lord tells us to do so.

The Lord gave Robert Johnson and I clear direction, on the first day of 2009, to plan on going to Finland on June 3. We were thinking that this could possibly be the trip for a conference where we were long ago invited to be the principal ministers. It appears now that the big conference is to happen at a future trip. However, due to high demand, the originally planned 2 week trip was booked up in 2 days and extended to 3 weeks. Our contacts, Hannu and Arja, said that the demand for this ministry in Finland is so great that they could easily keep us busy for another 3 weeks. It seems the doors are wider open than ever, but we are still waiting on the provision to walk through some of the bigger ones. To be completely open, my participation in this trip is still in question due to present finances. I believe this will be the most powerful trip to date, confirmed by what the enemy has been trying to do to stop it. Schedules will be sent out soon as a reminder for prayer covering.

Thanks to all of you who are, in one way or another, working as part of this body to expand the Kingdom of our Lord and Christ. We are in greater need than ever on the financial front so pray that we have ourselves well positioned to receive any economic resources that will aid in the Lord’s plans for us. A special thanks to all of you who sent financial help for the upcoming Finland trip. All donations are tax deductible and will directly support the work the Lord leads me, in cooperation with this team, to do. If your company has a matching gift program, our Employer Identification Number is 04-3623802.

Dan Van Ordstrand, our virtual home base caretaker among other things, has done even more to enhance our new web site. Check it out at

Receive all the blessings that the finished work of Christ has already bought and paid for. With you in His work, Greig Detering

Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall. (2 Peter 1:10 NIV). Being sure of our call and election makes us bold!

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